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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Sounds like you've both had a good week. I have met up with family and friends and am currently dog sitting for my sister. I'm querying just quite how I am fitting into a quarter of the sofa whilst the dog is taking up the rest. Am also pondering possible responses to give when he's looking at me hopefully as I'm eating a slice of toast and honey! I have done very little work which is good in many ways although I have no doubt I shall regret it tomorrow... Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  2. It always gets worse before it gets better. Although just to make you all laugh - I misread that as 'I keep finding long forgotten biscuits that look interesting' and was wondering how on earth anyone forgot a biscuit! Me too - I have frozen feet and the playground (and therefore classrooms) is just a sea of mud!
  3. So glad you had your weekend away Louby!
  4. Funnily enough I have just watched the first episode of the Traitors. Not sure about it as yet. My domesticated day has actually been spent in pjs doing very little - it’s been good. I hope everyone is ok too. PS Sunnyday I definitely posted your invite…
  5. I've never watched The Traitors but after hearing so much about it recently I'm tempted! It was definitely very blustery for us yesterday but our nursery children went outside with their streamers and other 'blowy' things and had an absolutely amazing time! I'm planning a day in school today (don't tell me off - helps me focus solely on the school jobs I need to do and they then take less time), then I'm pondering a film tonight - I have no idea what, any suggestions welcome. Tomorrow will be a domesticated, school free day with definitely some crochet and reading and possibly some baking in it too. I have a family weekend coming in a few weeks - ages 1 - 83, we've been searching for places for a gentle walk suitable for aged knees, lively dogs and small people who want to play and now we're on to trying to think of at home activities for the evening that can accommodate increasingly deaf and confused people! Again, any suggestions very welcome! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
  6. Thank you! Happy Friday. It is freezing here too but at the same time I’m enjoying seeing the bright clear skies that come with it. The interminable greyness before Christmas was getting to me. I’m spending the day in a whirlwind of planning and prep ready for next week as my plan is to enjoy my last completely school free weekend for a while. I’m also making a list of craft projects both half finished and not started at all - I may be some time…
  7. Well I had to put mine out last night for collection this morning. Although complete confusion reigns as the collection which should have been on Christmas day was brought forward to the Monday instead of being postponed. Many people have just left them out hopefully since Monday this week! The tension is almost palpable...
  8. Happy New Year!
  9. I hope your poorly people are recovering soon! I have a it of a cough but that's nothing unusual for me and am hoping it stays that way. We've had lots of poorliness at school too. I think my sister is beginning to feel better...
  10. Plans changed here as various family members have been very poorly. In between times though all went well, have had some lovely dog walks, eaten far too much and am enjoying some relaxing candle lit crochet filled evenings!
  11. Hello all, Just wanted to pop in to say Merry Christmas Eve! Apologies for not being around recently - have had a few challenges to be managing. Right now though I am enjoying my usual Christmas Eve preparations - bread is rising in the kitchen, I'm listening to A Christmas Carol/watching It's a Wonderful Life (depending on whether I'm doing a sitting down or standing up task, or am in the kitchen) and I'm all ready for my Christmas tree decorating tradition at 3pm. I have a multitude of craft projects to work on over the break but have also just received a load of yarn to make a new blanket. This is an easy project and I'm down at my sisters for a few days with the rest of the family so I'm thinking I'll take this one with me - everything else involves counting and there will be lots of interruptions! I know that whilst Christmas is joyful and special it can also be difficult in many different ways. Remember to take care, be kind to yourself and give yourself the gift of time to be you! With love to you all - a very special group of friends! Merry Christmas, Froglet.
  12. 1 week in. It has been a busy one with open events at school. My brain is a bit mushy right now and I am taking the rest of the day off!
  13. I'm glad your knitting group is going so well Sunnyday. I met up with a friend I haven't seen for a year on Wednesday which was lovely. I've been feeling a bit ropey for the last couple of days but apart from a painful neck/shoulder this morning seem to be much better today. I am planning a domesticated weekend with cooking and cleaning to restore the house as I know it won't get a decent clean for the next 6 weeks. I have 1 more pumpkin that I'm going to make to display and then I'm going to call it a day on the pumpkin making and maybe go back to some socks I started a few weeks ago or even (shhhh) a Father you know who that I was given a kit for and started about 5 years ago - could this be the year he finally gets finished. I had a lovely idea for a window display yesterday which involves using chalk pens - I don't have any so a hour browsing stationery websites is probably on the cards. I should probably also spend half an hour clearing debris in the garden although it's a bit grey and damp here so maybe not! Have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you're up to!
  14. Thank you! There was - I had leftovers for elevenses today!
  15. I made an autumn wreath!
  16. Sunnyday - I love the sound of your hampers. It reminds me of a book I’ve read.
  17. Thank you everyone! Crochet workshop was great - there were 160 people there! We got the yarn and pattern to make a knight - we get to choose the different bits of armour we want. As it’s such a bug make though we started small and just made a sword today. Lots of chat, looking at crochet makes that others had done and some expert tuition. It was great. Just had dinner with my sister, her family and my mum and dad - lovely birthday cake. Also, my mum and dad gave me a kit to learn bookbinding. I’ve wanted to have a go for ages - am very excited!
  18. Thank you! Just off for a quick walk to the shop then my crochet workshop this afternoon and tea and cake with family!
  19. 'Tis Friday (at least I think it is - the days have blurred a little this week!)! Louby - I'm mostly crocheting pumpkins! A couple are gifts for people at school. The others are to make a little autumn display in my front window. I also have a half-finished pair of socks to work on. I have so many unfinished/unstarted projects at the moment - some felt and paper flowers, embroidered felt Christmas decorations. I've never tried machine embroidery but have always been in awe of how people can control the machine to create such beautiful things! I think I'm going to have a fairly lazy day again today - my head just isn't in a schoolwork place. It does mean that I'll have to work next week but I think that if I try to do it today it will take ten times longer than it should! This weekend I'm going on a crochet workshop - crocheting a haunted knight! It's near where my sister lives so I'm going to go and see them too. It's a bit grey and chilly here so I'm hoping for a little more brightness soon! Have a lovely day/weekend everyone.
  20. I am - this week and next week. I have taken your advice - been for lunch with a couple of friends, crocheted a pumpkin and whilst I haven't made cinnamon buns I am eating chocolate and catching up with Bake Off!
  21. So what do you do on a day where you’d planned to work, need to work but REALLY don’t want to - when the prospect of autumn crafting and making cinnamon buns is far far more appealing?!
  22. Happy Birthday Sunnyday! Hope you have something lovely planned and definitely some cake somewhere in the day!
  23. Glad to hear he's enjoying himself! When I first went to uni my mum could not get used to cooking meals for 5 rather than 6 so she'd cook the same and then freeze my portion. Every now and then they'd have a 'Froglet meal' where everyone ate something different - one of my previously frozen portions!
  24. That is exactly what I thought! Although one of the other people at school has arranged for a wreath making workshop to take place at school in early December - I just felt I couldn't tell you all about it yet!
  25. I'm glad to hear that and as for Covid - I'm teaching about it in history lessons at the moment! Enjoy the granddog sitting! Getting my own dog still flits into my head from time to time. I decided to take today rather than tomorrow off - I'm too dopey to work today and everything will take far longer than it should. Instead I'm being cosy - reading, watching cosy TV (Poirot at the moment) and contemplating crochet pumpkins...
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