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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. I nearly always miss Friday! It's been a week of late nights and early starts for me but the end is in sight - just one more week to go! Nothing particular planned here this weekend although I did a lot of baking last weekend so am hoping for a fair bit of crafting this one. Today is meant to be a work day but right now I am feeling decidedly sleepy. I'm just trying to decide whether to write today off as a work day and make it tomorrow instead and just embrace a lazy day today. Sunnyday, hope you're feeling a little better today?
  2. That’s lovely news Mousey!
  3. Dear Cait, I am so sorry to hear that news. I’m sending you and your family much, much love.
  4. I swapped my day off round - it was a late night last night and I was too sleepy to concentrate today!
  5. That would be great - it's been a long time since an FSF trip! I'm with you on the feeling like you've never been off Louby - am already regretting not working harder in the summer! No rain at all here Sunnyday - in fact it's positively muggy! I'm off out for dinner with friends tonight - I did try telling people at work it was a date but no one believed me! Then tomorrow I'm planning a day of serious hard work to try and catch up a little. Sunday is just going to be a chilled day of cleaning and baking and domesticated stuff - I have done it the last couple of weeks and it's been a really relaxing day to set me up for the week!
  6. That sounds so good - thank you!
  7. Louby - definitely try out the shepherds hut! I understand your pain about chasing paperwork Mouse - we have various visits and trips coming up this term which we will need to chase for! Just wanted to pop in to say it is the most beautiful day here (I've been for a walk round the park) - hope you all get to do something lovely!
  8. I think Sunnyday I just want to have summer in its proper place not necessarily more of it! I’ve been winding up to school mode again so have been in school the last 3 days doing tidying and sorting jobs which so actually quite enjoy. It’s nice to have proper time to do it too. I’m having tea with mum and dad tomorrow and then planning to do some autumn related crafty stuff on Sunday and then it’s back to full on school next week.
  9. I’d love it! I came across a blackberry and orange cake recipe the other day which I thought looked good.
  10. 🤣Nothing like a bit of drama! I'm glad she's ok. Reminds me of the time my sister sent a photo of my niece when she was about 3 with an enormous bandage from wrist to elbow and a brave but sorrowful expression on her face. My sister's message read 'The level of first aid is completely appropriate for the level of injury. NB You may need a magnifying glass to see the injury!)' I do love those moments when you can have chats with little people independent of their grown ups! So lovely that you are on her list of people to ask for help!
  11. Cait - they look delicious! I know battenberg isn't exactly hard - I was more thinking of things I'd not made before. You never know, I might do both! Zigzag - new kitchen will definitely be worth the upheaval, hopefully it won't take too long. As for term dates - I have a week left and that seems to tie in with the rest of my friends and family.
  12. Happy Friday! It’s very blustery here but lovely and fresh too - have just been for a walk to the post office. My nephew got GCSE results this week and did really well - am so proud of him, he worked really hard. This weekend is my last completely school free days as I’ll start doing bits of prep next week. I don’t have any particular plans although I quite fancy having a go at baking something new to me and a bit different (like croissants or macarons or Battenberg cake) - I’ve no idea what though! Other than that plenty of reading - have had some great books recently and spent some happy hours in Waterstones this week spending a gift card one of my class gave me! Enjoy your show Sunnyday - it sounds lovely.
  13. So, I arrived - in the middle of the hit under a beam I am about 10 inches away from the roof. Not under a beam it’s about 14 inches. I am 5 foot 6!
  14. My brother has a shepherds' hut in his garden (more of a field really - he lives on the Yorkshire moors) and he uses it as his home office. He's 6 foot or 6,1 I think and admittedly he'll be sitting down most of the time but I don't think it causes him any problems. I will let you know the head clearance!
  15. It’s Friday indeed - I’d forgotten! This week has flown by. It’s been a mixture of work and home jobs with lots of reading thrown in. My kitchen cupboards are now beautifully clean inside! I’m going away this weekend to sleep in a shepherds’ hut and do some visits to places. Consequently am a little stressed at the moment as I so rarely go away but it will be lovely. Congratulations to granddaughter on her results! I have GCSEs next week!
  16. Not just you Sunnyday although given the number of times I discover a tissue after the wash when I’m convinced that I checked the pockets I sometimes think there is a little elf hiding in there! It’s very humid here and the thunder was lovely but I don’t think it helped. I got engrossed in a book over breakfast and as one of the characters was making blondies I decided I ended to as well. I’m just cooling down a little before embarking on the things that were actually on my TDL for today!
  17. Just popping in to say that the foccacia didn't work out but if anyone's looking for house building materials give me a call! On a slightly more positive note I picked up my bistro set so will be eating breakfast outside tomorrow morning hopefully and I have the dough for some honey and tahini cookies chilling in the fridge!
  18. Good morning! Lovely and sunny here at the moment. I have had a gentle start to the day with some reading and general pootling. I'm going to have a go at some foccacia in a moment as it's 'clear the fridge' day on my menu plan and looking at what's in there I think it will be roast veg and pasta and I think foccacia might be a good accomaniment. I have ordered a 'bistro set' for my garden which I need to collect some time this weekend, I haven't had anything proper to sit on out there for ages and am hoping it will both be lovely for early morning tea and inspire me to do a bit more work out there. I am feeling clearer headed and more awake than I have for a few days (I think my new inhaler kicked in) so am hoping to do a little work. I have just finished a sock bar the sewing up so need to make the second of the pair.
  19. Easy stuff! My brain can't cope with much at the moment plus I fall asleep so quickly that I can't do complicated. So, mostly Trisha Ashley/Heidi Swain type books. I've also been reading some Agatha Christies that I haven't read before (And then there were none - I saw a play of it earlier in the the year and really enjoyed it so wanted to read the book - very sinister). I have been reading some Patricia Wentworth 'Miss Silver' books - golden age of crime. I have also recently loved the Thursday Murder Club books and a re-read of Tracy Chevalier's 'A single thread' - I love her books. I've done several free Kindle books too. I loved The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams which was an audiobook. I'm a bit headachey today - sore neck and I'm going to mum and dad's for tea so am just chilling! Enjoy your trips out!
  20. Oh I am doing! I’ve read 4 books, knitted half a pair of socks, cooked proper food every day and slept a ridiculous amount - there have only been 2 days when I haven’t had a nap in the middle of the day. I have done a little work and a part of my brain is stressing about not getting everything I need to done but I am managing to ignore it fairly well! Currently contemplating some baking for later on today…
  21. Good morning! My nephew dog went home yesterday evening. It has been a very relaxed week of a little therapeutic sorting out in school, lots of walking outside and LOTS of sleeping. Today I feel a little like I’m rising out of the fug of end of term tiredness. I’ve done a quick walk round the block and 15 minutes tidying in the garden. Now I’m about to sit down for a little gentle sock knitting and reading. After that - who knows! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
  22. He’s here!! 😃
  23. Nothing like a crafty sort out. I’m hoping to do that this summer.
  24. Ooh! I live a granny square - what colours are you using?
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