It's not really Friday but I just felt like a chat!
Last week I took the week off completely - nothing but crochet, reading and resting. So this week I decided that I needed to be more organised and actually do 'stuff'. I made a plan... and it's already going awry! I have spent 2 hours this morning sorting through the papers I have accumulated in my school bag, my laptop case, my marking box. That was therapeutic although I'm a little scared at just how much paper I have put straight in the recycling bin! I have got a TDL which is epic, some of it is stuff that I can leave until September but I also know from experience that when I'm at home it's very easy to forget the way time after school disappears and the way I'm so shattered in the evenings means that I simply cannot do 'thinking' work.
I'm trying to decide what I should do next - my list for today originally had lots of subject leadership work on it (which I'm massively behind with) but I'm really not feeling like it! But then, I never do and I'm desperately trying to stop avoiding tasks both at home and school which I dislike or find difficult. It's a dull day here with a touch of drizzle, the temptation to bake something is strong and I'm really not quite sure where to start right now! I think I might look at my TDL and see if there are any quick win things which will make me feel like I'm getting somewhere!
I hope the rest of you are having a productive or fun day - ideally both!