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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. How about a something (piece of wood, ruler?) with a large lump of blue tac on the end. Insert into drum and press firmly on to rainmaker until near enough to reach?
  2. Definitely time for a rest and belated happy birthday!
  3. I am with you Cait! Just wanted to send a virtual hug to those who aren't feeling too good, have poorly laptops or other things troubling them. I have had a pretty good week - the weekend was deliberately just 'chilling' then on Monday I went in to school and had a really productive day. Tuesday I was at home but also had a productive day on school work. Wednesday and Thursday and so far today not so much! I have just focused on being cosy - I've crocheted a fox for my autumn window display and am now working on a couple of pumpkins. I really must do some more work as I want a school free week next week but I need to give myself a good talking to first!
  4. Hope you have a brilliant day!
  5. FM I hope that it’s negative but if it isn’t I hope you’re not too poorly. Sunnyday don’t you dare feel guilty - I’m glad you had a good week. Today has been brighter - it is what it is. My sister in law sent the family a joyous video of my just 4 niece doing a breakfast dance to ‘Can’t stop the feeling’ with a lovely shimmy in it. It made us all smile. I have now added the song to my Alexa playlist and did my own breakfast dance to it this morning. We had an INSET day today with pizza for lunch, some good news which I can’t really share and... I just started a two week half term. Lots of smiles. I am going to spend this evening just being cosy (hot chocolate is on the cards) and the weekend reading, cleaning and restoring order at home before tackling the school TDL next week. A colleague told me that she aims to do one thing for school, one for home and one for herself each day of the holidays and I’m quite tempted to try that idea myself. I could work on my spare room so that when I can have my niblings to stay again it is a thing of beauty.
  6. Louby, where are you? If you don’t mind me asking?
  7. I’m so sorry, I too am having a little cry. It’s rare that I actually get to see people on my birthday normally and I will definitely make it special (am planning my breakfast now! 😉). It was just that we would normally have had a couple of sleepovers in either direction already this year and we miss each other.
  8. Thank you. We’re going to try to find a nice park to meet in. At the moment at least they can still go to visit my brother and his little girl and those little people have so missed each other.
  9. It was lovely up until half an hour ago when I saw the news and discovered that from Saturday I will be in a Tier 2 area so my longed for sleepover with my sister and niece and nephew for my birthday is off. It will be ok, we will find a place to meet outside but not the same and right now I just need to be sad.
  10. It does doesn’t it. Daily conversations about whether we have enough staff. Some parents frustrated with us because they have to isolate, having to organise and deliver remote learning whilst teaching in class too, cleaning, hearing a cough or sneeze and your first thought being who was it and do I need to clean anything?
  11. Just wanted to say hello. Bit of a flat day here. House is a tip, the TDL is epic, just done parents evenings by phone and I’m just shattered!
  12. For my middle niece!
  13. I completely understand what you mean. We have completely changed the way we teach as children just are not year 1 (or 2) ready. It will take a long time to return to normal but I think we are already learning useful lessons about how to provide for children’s needs at home and school.
  14. 🤣 More like those scenes when a load of snow slides off the roof!
  15. Hello all, I was just too shattered to post last night - let's just say it's been a very challenging week! I normally work on Saturday and aim to take Sunday off but have decided to switch things around this weekend just to try and recover a little. That means today is all about knitting and cleaning and reading although I must go and get some food and pick up a prescription. Tomorrow morning I'll work and then hopefully just 'chill' again in the afternoon. Really glad to hear Mr S is doing ok. Everyone - we are the same in my school, lack of independence in children coming back, consequent behaviour issues and staff feeling drained with it all. To cap it all, I was making macaroni cheese for tea yesterday, went to get the bag of flour out of the cupboard - it fell on my head and I looked like I'd been through a snowstorm!
  16. So glad to hear Mr S is doing ok! Epic TDL and very tired here too - I think it's partly just that stage in the term plus all the background thinking that is going on this year. I've also had a really busy week - meetings after school every day and before school on two of them. I feel a bit like I can't catch up with myself at the moment. Having said that I am determined to only work today at home and must resist all books, baking and crafty things! I'm aiming to finish by 7pm and have a cosy evening in - has anyone got any good film recommendations for me?! Tomorrow is going to be about clearing the spare room as much as I can - my sister confirmed yesterday that she and the children are coming to stay on my birthday (symptoms pending!) which will be lovely but my spare room is as my middle niece kindly refers to it 'a dump room' and desperately needs sorting out so that there is somewhere to stay. I'd also like to do a few crafty things to make it look pretty. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and don't get too soggy in the rain or blown away by the wind.
  17. Hurray! Huge smile on my face!
  18. I can imagine. Hope it’s not long until you can have him home safe with you again.
  19. I am so glad to hear that. Does he have to stay in until it heals?
  20. I'm up early on a Sunday which I love! Just wanted to say I hope that each and every one of you has something special and lovely in your day today.
  21. I don't know if it's because it's cold and windy but I am so hungry today (and I had proper breakfast too!) I can't concentrate, I might just have to have an early lunch... I'm thinking I might put the fire on in the living room and work on my TDL in there this afternoon. I am determined not to be doing school stuff tomorrow! In exciting news thought I've just remembered that I have some chocolate biscuits I can eat (accidentally delivered to me but the company who delivered them told me to dispose of them as I saw fit!)...
  22. Everything is crossed! I have got a couple of biggish jobs ticked off the TDL this week so although it’s still epic it doesn’t feel quite so overwhelming. It was my brother’s birthday this week so my sister and I ‘zoomed’ him that evening. His little girl (4 in 6 sleeps!) wanted to do a performance for us and demonstrate her ‘ballet’. The dog was getting the way so mummy said “Lie down” both the dog and the girl did instantly and then rolled over on command too. The rest of us were in stitches and very admiring of the joint child/dog training.
  23. Of course you do. Hope recovery goes well and quickly.
  24. Brilliant news, thank you for telling us.
  25. Something I need to remind colleagues about sometimes too!
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