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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. You know me too well! 🤣 Have just been enjoying my finished sock. Now I really am going - I have a maths and an enquiry plan and resources to write before lunch!
  2. I should hope so - I will be watching carefully or no balaclavas, socks, tea bread or anything for you - you will be sat on Sue's step!!! ;-) Actually, in all seriousness I really do need to crack on with the planning - I am not coming back until it's done!
  3. I cannot believe you even suggested such a thing (the extra ingredients that is)! Am going to need to lie down - tea bread may be delayed.
  4. Ummmm..... I'll make more tomorrow? Actually there is plenty and depending on school work I'm planning on making a fruit teabread over the weekend too.
  5. Or maybe not! It’s 8.15 and quite honestly I can’t be bothered to do any schoolwork! I think dishes and crochet/knitting are in order. I also seem to have accidentally eaten more brownies than I thought - not sure how as I also seem to have been asleep!
  6. I seem to have accidentally fallen asleep this afternoon! A nap is always good although it might mean a late night - I am determined to finish school work today and have three completely school free days from tomorrow!
  7. Don't worry - I posted them to all FSF bods regardless of age!
  8. I posted several 10 minutes ago after completing my daily half-marathon!
  9. Chocolate hazelnut brownies are out the oven - heading rapidly to be inside my tummy!
  10. Really? I didn’t know you could cut them back? How?! I always feel guilty about chucking them when I buy a new one each year.
  11. Does this look familiar?!
  12. I think of myself more as a plant torturer - I frequently remember them and dowse them in water which seems to give them a couple of days respite when they are looking sad and pathetic! I hadn't seen airplants before but I'm intrigued - thank you! As for cooking and craft would it help for me to tell you that I frequently spend the day/evening pootling - achieving very little other than maybe having mindlessly watched some TV that I've seen before so I don't have to think about it, having a nap and maybe doing a game (or two or 10) of sudoku! Someone earlier on the thread (Panders?) said something about me being busy and it just made me smile - I am so lazy compared to my sister and mum, am constantly playing catch up. Plus I only tell you when I actually do something - if you add it all up over time, that's not much!
  13. Louby - that is pretty much my approach to all plants - am just lucky that orchids seem to like it! Well, you will probably all be pleased to know that my governor chat went on a while so I’m not going to get any school work done today!
  14. Lol I'd love to be able to just stop but some of it must be done!! However, today is a slower kind of day - by accident as I didn't sleep brilliantly and got up later than I planned. I am currently taking the last of the wax out of a load of used candle jars and contemplating turning one of the large ones into a mini terrarium. I don't have a great reputation with plants though. Although having said that I do have an orchid that a child gave me on the kitchen windowsill that is on its third flowering!
  15. Good to hear people are getting jabbed. I spent the day in school yesterday catching up with marking and having a good tidy up. Today I’ve been preparing our engagement/safeguarding trackers for the next half term and cooking - tomato soup, cheese scones and sausage rolls for lunch this week. Had a really long conversation with a friend this afternoon. Tonight I’m going to do a load of governor work and some more sock knitting. Tomorrow I have a governor meeting in the morning, school work to do and then I’m going to see my mum and dad for the first time since Christmas!
  16. I love things like that!
  17. All I have to say is that it’s half-term (sorry to those that don’t get one). It’s 9pm and I’ve just woken up. I’m going to give myself a couple of days then let myself go to see my bubble buddies (mum and dad).
  18. That made me laugh out loud - look at what is covering my knees right now!
  19. Matching balaclava and sock sets now there’s a thought!
  20. That would be lovely - am not the speediest of makers though!
  21. Plus... if the kitchen achieves some sort of state of tidiness I might make chocolate brownies later or macaroni cheese or both!
  22. Am all for helping Sunnyday to develop her skills... current state of socks:
  23. I'm ok - just tired! It's half-term in a week though! 😀 Plus the socks are so pretty! 😉
  24. Please don't say that! It isn't, I truly believe that at the moment everything is hard for everyone in different ways. We all just need to borrow strength from each other!
  25. So very pleased to hear that!
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