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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Just had to say - I am finally on holiday! Now for a nap!
  2. Sunnyday those sound like wonderful celebrations for you. I’m so pleased! I have 3 more days to go and the ‘before term ends’ TDL is epic. All a bit overwhelming really. I can do this!
  3. Hugest sympathies! I had one as a belated birthday present last week. A friend ordered ‘take out afternoon tea’ from the cafe she’d been going to take me to pre COVID. It was delicious!
  4. Absolutely Joan Hickson! Geraldine McEwan is a great actress but too ‘witchy’ for me. Angela Lansbury is too Jessica Fletcher! I confess to having a Miss Marple box set of DVDs! It could be that or Anne of Green Gables (with Megan Follows)...
  5. Don’t worry! I’m a bit the same - watching old familiar favourites so will probably get out Miss Marple x it goes well with sock knitting!
  6. Happy weekend everyone! I hope that poorly animals recover soon, that sleepover grownups get some rest and that all have a lovely time. I’m off to bed very shortly (trying to work on getting more sleep) and have just got back from mum and dads. I have done all the must do bits of the TDL (I think!) so am planning to enjoy my last school free weekend for two months. Tomorrow is mostly cleaning, Tesco’s, Post office and library but I quite enjoy being domestic. I’m thinking of watching a film tomorrow evening (at home rather than going out) has anyone got any recommendations?
  7. Well, I’m ignoring it largely. I’m a fairly shy introvert who doesn’t like lots of noise and fuss - maybe this one is the same! 😂 Well, to be fair I was going to! I don’t think I can claim anything as proactive as ignoring your advice - I just forgot!
  8. Anyone remember the ‘dead’ poinsettia that I had earlier in the year? We I really was going to throw it out but I kept forgetting and this is what has happened! I’m thinking of writing a book titled ‘The neglectful gardener’ as thanks the kind I do best!
  9. Zigzag, I hope your mum recovers quickly. I am so ready for half term! Although the TDL for it (including report writing) is fairly lengthy. I spent yesterday restoring a little order to my kitchen, living room and bedroom and today has just been reading and resting and a trip to Tesco. I am shattered and had a nap too. I had grand plans for finishing the cleaning today but I don't think it's going to happen! Instead I'm investigating the new cherry flavour jaffa cakes - I'm not convinced!
  10. Does that really need explanation or am I the only person who wears full PPE to eat anything with a tomato based sauce?! 😉😂
  11. I know some of ours have - adults forget that children will tell their teachers anything they think is fun news. Sometimes it’s a wobbly tooth, sometimes it’s My mummy is 43 today. Sometimes it’s a play date in the middle of a lockdown. PS washing is still on the line...
  12. Well, I fell asleep on the sofa at 8.15pm last night, woke up and went to bed at 10pm. Got up at 7am. Fell asleep at 10.30am for 2 hours. I think I was tired! I need to go and rescue the washing off the line and attempt some maths planning. I’m not hugely motivated to do either right now!
  13. Good luck! I can confirm that my recent experiences involved no marzipan but in my book marzipan is always a good thing!
  14. Much calmer day today, thanks everyone!
  15. Bless you all. Thank you. Yeah, bit of a tough week. I have a particularly challenging child who I have totally failed to achieve anything for today - he spent half the afternoon hitting me, the TA or other children and just shouting “no” at us when asked to do anything. My class in general were hard work today, very noisy and rude to the MDS team. I really loudly told them off and then felt bad for having yelled. I got frustrated and therefore snappy in a staff meeting because someone kept nagging at me to do something which I had already said I’d do. Still tomorrow is a new day!
  16. It’s not Friday but please can it be Friday soon!
  17. I’m even later but happy birthday!
  18. Congratulations to the second vaccine people. It’s felt like a long week this week. However, I got to see an actual in person doctor on Thursday after trying and failing to even get a phone call for a month. My skin is still incredibly itchy but I feel like things might be heading in the right direction. It’s a grey, horrible day here and I’m really going to try to use that to tackle some of my epic TDL. I’m really struggling to focus on work at the moment when I’m not at school and it’s becoming overwhelming. My procrastination skills are at their best but that’s not really helping the situation! Any tips very gratefully received. Other than that the usual weekend of shopping, cleaning and knitting is on the cards - am now on my 9th pair of socks.
  19. Oi! Less of the balaclava abuse thank you! That neon tartan one is one of my greatest achievements!
  20. Go for it! I was a crocheter too then decided to have a go at socks last summer. I love it. I can recommend a great pattern/tutorial to follow if you want?
  21. Great news Sunnyday. Have a lovely weekend. I have just finished another pair of socks which are for my mum. Off to have tea with her and dad in a bit.
  22. I’m sure you have lots of plans - enjoy!
  23. I was wondering when we'd hear from you! 😉
  24. I'm going to look that one up! Thank you!
  25. I've discovered that if you google 'children's picture books' + the number you get some ideas. Might be an excuse to buy more books... ;-)
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