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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Beautiful photo and baby - congratulations to all! I realised that I forgot to give you a ginger cake update... It's still going strong, tastes delicious, beautifully sticky on top although beginning to get a little dry in the middle - good excuse to eat custard though! I have to admit (very quietly) that I'm a little bored with it, I think if I make that one again and don't have anyone else around to feed cake to I might experiment with freezing half of it!
  2. Cait, thank you for posting that - Sunnyday it’s gorgeous! Good luck on the baby front! I’ve had a cold this week which has settled into one of those seal like coughs. It’s making people look at me askance even more than usual. I have an open event at school in a short while and plans to crochet a Robin this weekend. I decided to track exactly how many hours I spent on schoolwork this week…it may have been a bad choice, I’m not sure I really wanted to know! Other than the open event just the usual weekend stuff going on here. Have a good one everyone.
  3. We are doing in person performances this year. I’m glad it’s not just me with the emails! in more exciting news my sister-in-law who set up her own business two years ago has been added to the Christmas gift guide for both athe Guardian and Country Living magazine this weekend. We are so proud of her!
  4. More sock knitting at the moment - I’m aiming to make each of my niblings a candy cane striped pair in time for December.
  5. I know, it’s ridiculous isn’t it? An hour of it was writing 4 IEPs so that was a one off. About another hour and a half was going through emails, and responding to ones that needed it and reading all our safeguarding reports online. We’ve all been commenting on how many more emails we’re getting at the moment. Not quite sure what to do about it!
  6. A slightly belated happy Friday to you all. I decided to try and start the new half term by finishing all my work on Saturday. 8 and a half hours later I actually finished! This morning I have equally worked to get governor jobs done, the cleaning and a series of letters written. I’ve been for a walk round the park. I’ve made some masala chai tea and am about to settle into a cosy candlelit crafting afternoon. An update on the ginger cake experiment… it’s two weeks since I first made it. It’s still moist and now has a lovely sticky top. It was worth the wait!
  7. Ok, maybe we should stop with the cracker jokes or Sue will be administering severe penalties! Sue, I’d like it noted that although I started this at no point have I said the actual C word!
  8. I love that idea!
  9. Sounds like a task for FSF! 😉 I did put some cracker jokes in last year and had already decided to put some different ones in again. My youngest niece was hilarious - I wish I could share the video with you. She kept treating them as serious questions so What do you call Santa’s dog? was ‘Wellll… I would call him Elfie.’ Then when her dad said no and gave her the real answer she was totally bemused. Her mum and dad were crying with laughter and after the third one her thumb went in her mouth and was seriously put out! I feel that putting some in again would be an interesting developmental experiment!
  10. Thank you everyone - knew I could rely on you! Lots of great ideas there.
  11. Those are great ideas. I did a quiz last year which was hilarious - I wrote it thinking that we”d have a family zoom to do it together so chose questions to fit a range of ages. However mum and dad did it on their own and sent us the video…. Cue much hilarity as my mum was stunned by my dad knowing the name of the #nowman in Frozen. She’d forgotten that when my middle niece was about three she had chicken pox and he had to babysit for a day. She conned him into making her 4 mugs of hot chocolate and watching Frozen 6 times!
  12. Ok, huge apologies right now for mentioning anything festive but I promise I won’t use the actual C word. I could just do with your help… Last year because the family couldn’t get together over the festive period I wanted to make it extra special. I created an advent calendar and wrapped 24 gifts which were then shared out between the three families. Each day one gift was opened and a video of the opening was shared in a cloud photo album I’d set up specially. It was lovely and we were in touch with each other every day of December. I still watch some of the videos - especially the one with my then 4 year old niece’s total bemusement at the seasonal cracker jokes. Anyway, I decided that I’d like to do it again. Many of the gifts were things like mini Kitkat Santa’s. I also included scented candles, a DIY snowflake kit (folded paper), some hot chocolate sachets. My favourite was a package of cotton wool balls for an indoor snowball fight! This year many will be the same type of edible treat but I’m trying to come up with some quirky ideas for other days and any suggestions are gratefully received! Day 1 is sorted - I’m. Making my nieces and nephew candy cane striped socks!
  13. Congratulations mousie - lovely news!
  14. I don’t know. Just kept getting that horrible clammy round the mouth and hot cold feeling and absolutely no inclination to eat! I’m on the second week of my holiday so pretty well rested - mentally and physically.
  15. Ah thank you! Don’t worry, I’m not overdoing anything. It’s the weirdest feeling - I think I’d almost rather have been properly sick and got it over and done with. Currently drinking some homemade ginger tea which is helping lots. Good to hear about the innocent smoothie hats. I was thinking they’d be a good way to use up some of ends of yarn!
  16. Louby - I love the idea of an NTDL - I think I’m already an expert! Sorry your daughters been feeling a bit out of things. I hope she finds her balance soon. I’ve been feeling nauseous for the last two days and have slept a lot. No idea what caused it. I think that today I might be back to normal (touch wood). I have som governor paperwork to sort but am also crocheting a pumpkin - my post lady saw one of mine in my front window, knocked in my door and asked if she could have one too! I was so touched. Plus I have some festive socks to finish - I have done a pair for me and one for my niece. I am half way through one for my nephew and I want to make a pair for my youngest niece too. I did do a little bit of yarn sorting earlier in the week…I may have a problem! 😉
  17. Thank you everyone! It’s been a lovely day - lots of cooking which I love especially when I’m feeding other people and so lovely to see nearly all of my family tonight. I even got a special hand-dyed skein of wool as a present plus books - couldn’t ask for more!
  18. Well, the ginger cake is safely wrapped up. Orange and almond cake made for today - I will give lots away in party bags!
  19. Thank you! I will be mostly cooking and tidying - family coming for tea later!
  20. I’m glad it’s not just me! It’s like when the fudge recipe says ‘keeps for 2 weeks in an airtight tin.’ Seriously?!
  21. The Danish biscuits are only called that because they're in a Danish recipe book that my mum picked up when she visited Denmark about 30 years ago! They are the kind you make dough for, make into a roll and then slice the biscuits off to cook as many as you want at a time. It makes 2 rolls of dough and I'm planning to freeze one. The gingerbread is the soft cakey kind - black treacle and golden syrup inside.
  22. Baking experimentation update... I am going to make a gingerbread (Good Housekeeping recipe), Danish vanilla butter biscuits (just because I saw the recipe when I was looking through my books, haven't made them for years and they are delicious) and on Tuesday will be making an orange and almond cake (family coming to tea). Cake and biscuits will probably be ready from about 3pm - I need a sit down first as a trip round Tesco has worn me out! All welcome...
  23. Well obvs! 😉😂
  24. I have an important question - does anyone actually know if ginger cake tastes better after a few days? It’s never lasted that long because I tend to make cake when I want to eat it! I’m seriously contemplating making two cakes at the same time just to test the theory!
  25. Aha - thanks for enlightenment Sunnyday - I was wondering if it was some kind of special pass to allow you to cross the border into Kent! 😉 I am thrilled it’s Friday - have had a lovely, restorative week and am feeling much more human than I did a week ago. I have just switched my laptop off until the 1st November and it feels good that I’ve caught up on lots of things - not everything on the TDL but I’ve done 22 1/2 hours work this week which isn’t bad for a holiday week! This afternoon I’m going to take my bag of marked books back to school and attempt to clean the dining room (I might just knit and eat chocolate) and then go to mum and dad’s for tea.
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