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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. They are worth it Sunnyday! I don’t think it’s rained here, yet... the sky has that heavy look to it and it’s very dark inside. My mum and dad are driving up north for a funeral this afternoon and my brother and his family are driving down south to visit mum and dad (don’t worry the timing does all work out) so I hope they stay safe if there are storms.
  2. Sunnyday, I didn’t think you were bad tempered - just hot and sticky and worried! I left my own car windows down once and had a sense of humour bypass with myself over it. I’m so glad to meet another Mrs Bird fan, I think it was a first novel and I do hope she writes some more. You are thinking of the right book/film - I watched it last night. It reminds me to get some more letter paper so I can start writing letters again. Have you read a The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society? Or Ella Minnow Pea? I think I like books with letters!
  3. Thank goodness it’s a little cooler today! I have just started making some lemonade to chill for later, there is a ham baking to have with salad later, I’m listening to a brilliant audiobook (Dear Mrs Bird by AJ Pearce - we read it at my book group earlier in the year). I’ve been reading 84 Charing Cross Road which was lovely and after a dropped stitch crisis last night I am back onto sock three! The TDL? Hmmm.... we’ll come back that!
  4. Think you’re right - it’s a hot water bottle in the freezer kind of night! I have just started my second pair...
  5. The socks are finished!
  6. Sending you lots of love Zigzag.
  7. The best kind! Thanks for the recipe Panders. I don’t drink coffee but love coffee flavoured things and this sounds tasty. I’m going to start some lemonade tonight so it’s all chilled for tomorrow evening.
  8. That sounds perfect!
  9. I freeze my hot water bottle which helps too. You could do it I’m sure. I’m about a third of the way through the next sock. I have discovered though that you can get candy cane yarn which knits socks that are red, green and white stripes - I’m very tempted! I haven’t done loads - some tidying, made soup And the veggie mixture for the inside of some samosas which I decided to have a go at.
  10. Honestly, I thought the same but I followed a ‘Sockalong’ tutorial and used a circular needle. If you wanted to do it I bet you could.
  11. Just to reassure you I didn’t
  12. My mum used to have one of those wooden mushroom things for socks. I finished my first ever sock! I am so ridiculously proud, I might have to wear it to bed! 😉
  13. It was news to me too! Kind of triangle bit on the side after you’ve turned the heel so you can knit along the foot. Car is new to me - a VW Polo. It was the first time I’ve ever bought one completely on my own.
  14. I do love the sound of a chocolate chip and cherry cake!
  15. Equally as challenging but much less satisfying to buy a car! Reading all day sounds great! I am currently trying to decide what to eat for tea. PS I’ve done the gusset! 😉
  16. Thank you. I have to say that I’m loving the challenge. I did listen to a very familiar audiobook the other day while crocheting - it feels odd to create in silence. It might be Miss Marple - I can do tea and scones and I do love the tidying up scene in 4.50 from Paddington!
  17. What a perfect day so far! I feel the same about what I currently can or can’t do. The BBC has a current social distancing rules item on its news app which is useful. I think the little things are going to need getting used to and remembering. I bought a car this morning and after that have resolved to make sure I carry a pen with me everywhere. The man I was talking to wore a mask the whole time, screen on the desk between us, sanitiser on entry etc but every time I needed to sign something he handed me the pen he’d been using round the edge of the screen.
  18. Only a little bit so far when I realised that I hadn’t read the pattern properly but it didn’t affect the number of stitches or anything like that so I ignored it. I feel more sock making coming on this afternoon - I feel like I need an appropriate DVD to hVe on at the same time - Miss Marple, Anne of Green Gables?
  19. Just normal (but colourful) socks to wear in bed or at any other time. Always fancied having a go. If it works I’ll start producing matching balaclava and sock sets (I can see the Etsy shop now 😂). This is where I’m at right now!
  20. Oh my actual goodness - I turned a heel on a sock! 😲 Now I have to pick up stitches which seems infinitely harder!
  21. On that basis I’ve been old since I was about 15! It’s warm here too but my little house comes into its own in the summer when it stays fairly cool inside so that’s where I am! The TDL isn’t coming along brilliantly when it comes to work things but other things are making progress. I’ve almost finished the housewarming gift I’m making. I have finished the shawl I was making which is currently pinned to my living room as I block it. Joy of joys a delivery arrived this morning which meant I could get started on my next project... I’m going to have a go at knitting socks! 3cm done so far!
  22. Hello, thanks for thinking of me. I’m ok, just feeling a bit fragile - no idea what that was but I feel like eating again! Just taking it easy today.
  23. I have dozed on the sofa most of the afternoon. I feel a bit hot/cold and not really like eating so I think I’ll have an early night and start again tomorrow. My echo arrived but I can’t get it to work at the moment.
  24. I don’t know re the aches - just headachey, tummy ache, back ache - generally falling apart! 😉 I do like sorting out and my under the sink cupboard is also on my list. I did a little online book shopping - got a lovely children’s book called ‘Look up’ about a little girls who is trying to persuade her big brother to put down his phone and look at the stars. The other was a book of patterns and ideas for crochet wreaths and garlands. I also have some modelling clay arriving today and I treated myself to an Echo dot - it’s part of my plan for turning my ‘dump room’ as my niece calls it into a haven of a spare room/craft room.
  25. Thanks, I admit that I succumbed and in the spirit of decluttering the baking cupboard I have just made some fairy cakes. I’m full of aches today which I don’t think is helping so I’m going to curl up with a book for a bit and then tackle another chunk later.
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