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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Made it!! 😉🤣🤪
  2. Hope the fundraising goes well! I’m shattered - 1 week to go until half term. I normally try to work Saturday and take Sunday off but given that I’m lying on the sofa still in pjs and barely awake I think so might need to do it the other way round this week!
  3. You and me both. Part of me wants to try to see it tonight but it hasn't been the most productive of days (I accidentally made some white chocolate chip cookies instead of an English plan), I'm shattered and will probably fall asleep early. Plus I live in the middle of a town...
  4. Thinking of you both and sending lots of love.
  5. Oh happy birthday Cait! Hope you’re doing something lovely! I had a parent bring her child an ice lolly at pick up and she’d also brought one for me too. Plus I had a yarn delivery arrive! What more could I want from a day?
  6. I mean technical she was right - probably about 20 years since I saw her and her daughter was in my school year so she’ll know my age but probably not the greeting I’d have chosen! Progress on my weekend TDL - I have done some more on the baby blanket I’m making and had a nap!
  7. So I actually went for a walk in some bluebell woods! It was beautiful Am laughing to myself though - as I was leaving I met the parents of one of my oldest friends (we were at playgroup together) - the very first thing she said to me was ‘Goodness, you’ve aged! Are you 50 yet?’
  8. Such lovely news Zizag, what a relief! I have had a huge therapeutic sort out of a very messy cupboard at school - have save loads of money because I discovered resources we need but I didn't know we had and was going to order! Lots of rain here yesterday too but thankfully not until after the school day ended. I have no special plans for the long weekend. Well, I do but everytime I say on here what they are they don't happen and I feel like a complete fake! I'm going to keep it secret and tell you after...
  9. Wow! I wasn't expecting quite so much useful information! The hours I work are my biggest concern - I could work out day care/dog sitters/walkers etc. but even doing that it would be a long time on its own. Having said that it is also one of the motivators to stop me working such long hours which is the part that feels selfish. I don't even know where to start with finding reputable breeders etc. I don't have a problem with rescue dogs at all - have friends with some lovely ones but at the same time I believe they would be like children who were in need of fostering/adoption - you don't end up in that situation without something that could have a significant impact on their wellbeing and happiness. One of the other things that I think about is back up. I dog sat for a colleague a couple of years ago and loved it but there was one day when I wasn't very well - not seriously ill just asthma playing up and given the choice I would have curled up on the sofa and rested for the day but the dog needed a walk (as much because she wouldn't go to the toilet in my back garden) so I had to go. I don't really have a network of people who could help in that situation and although I'm rarely ill I think it's something to think about. Having said that I did love the company and the necessary walks - I know it's good for me but it's much easier to go out because the dog needs it than because I do!
  10. I'd got some of them but always good to have others thoughts! I like dogs but there are two that I have loved - one is my sister's cocker spaniel and the other was a friend's miniature schnauzer - what my niece referred to as a 'Grandad dog' when she saw a photo. She (just 12) has emphatically said "you NEED a dog!"
  11. I'm having one of my semi-regular 'Shall I get a dog?' ponders. I'd really like one for lots of reasons but am not sure I'm responsible enough or unselfish enough. I know many of you either have your own or are regular grandparents to dogs. What do you wish you'd known before you got one or hadn't thought of. I'm partly thinking of it now because if I were to get one I think I'd aim for before the summer holidays so that I can spend lots of time getting to know them.
  12. I haven't heard of it - will go a-googling!
  13. Just wanted to say ‘Life of Pi’ was amazing! I can get a little anxious about doing things like that but am so glad I booked a ticket and kept it in my diary to go - completely absorbing.
  14. Happy birthdays (been and to come!). Term has started pretty well. Friends came round for dinner last night (I have a ridiculous amount of leftovers to eat!) and tonight I’m going to the theatre to see The Life of Pi! Hoping to do a bluebell walk somewhere tomorrow.
  15. Even in the middle it’s pretty lovely today. I feel like mole in Wind in the Willows and am going to say ‘hang cleaning’ and go for a walk at a local nature centre after lunch.
  16. Lazy week for me pretty much - I meant to tackle my school TDL but have mostly been sleeping and crocheting a baby blanket for a friend with her first little one and reading a lot - just finished the third Thursday Murder Club book which I loved. Back to school on Monday. I'm determined to finish the TDL tomorrow and have one last school free day on Sunday. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
  17. Fantastic news about Mr S! I'm so pleased for you. Congratulations to your grandaughter too! Lots of rain here too - no soggy spaniels to share it with though. I do keep pondering getting a dog and really can't make up my mind. I have had a lovely, restful week - lots of crafting, my house is clean and tidy (although I haven't done any sorting as I'd planned), plenty of sleep and a day out with a friend visiting a couple of NT places yesterday (admittedly, mostly catching up on news and chatting!). I'm working on some new socks today and pondering baking - have always fancied having a go at babka which I've never tried before. Have a lovely weekend everyone and lets hope for just a smidgin of sunshine!
  18. It's so long since I made it I'm not complete sure but I think I did the chain and then one row of double crochet in the cream and then worked out from both sides. I did separate rows on each side rather than working round in a circle if that makes sense. I have two spare squares I need to decide what to do with. I think my next project might be using the sock yarn my sister gave me for Christmas.
  19. Just finished this bag I started 10 months ago. The lining is fabric from a dress I made myself when I was 16/17 - definitely vintage.
  20. I do try but for various reasons this term (since Christmas) has been busier than usual. Up here too. I have a load of washing on the line have done the menu plan and food shop and am just sitting down to some elevenses. I 'should' be doing the cleaning but a cup of tea and mini eggs were more tempting. I have settled on a passion fruit tart for my contribution to Easter lunch which I've never made before. Beetroot and feta risotto for tea tonight and purple sprouting broccoli - it's a very colourful veg weekend!
  21. I am very, very glad to have reached the Easter holidays! I have spent today mostly in pjs, reading a book completely guilt free - it was bliss! I had a little walk round the park with mum and dad in a moment of sunshine. I did find myself thinking 'can I go to bed yet?' at about 6pm! Weekend plans include Sunday lunch at my sisters - I'm taking pudding but have no idea what at the moment. I also need to finish her long overdue birthday present and properly plan out my TDL for the holiday. I took no real time off at all over half-term and am not doing the same again!
  22. What a beautiful photo!
  23. Oh how exciting! I am so thrilled for you all!
  24. That's a lovely thing to do - I will do the same.
  25. Really sorry to hear about your brother, hope the treatment goes well. I feel your pain with the mud! Our children (and therefore my classroom) are covered in it.
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