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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. I felt in need of a baking day last week but didn’t actually want to eat it all. I decided to try freezing the ready portioned chocolate chip cookie dough. Today I cooked some of them from frozen and am so excited that it actually worked! A much needed boost after a morning spent sorting out part of my dining room. It’s reached that worse before it gets better stage and I was feeling a little defeated. I have so many ‘theory/practice! Books! Any ideas what I could do with the ones I don’t want any more?
  2. I don’t know but I get the impression from friends that it’s pretty hard to find school shoes that aren’t Velcro for this age! Coat wise I can’t recommend any specific brands but I would avoid those double layer ones with a fleece inner and waterproof outer. They’re marketed as being good for more seasons but they are a nightmare - the inner sleeves get detached, the zips attaching the layers come undone and suddenly it feels like you’re trying to put on a very confusing octopus (and that’s just from the teacher’s point of view)! When it comes to shorts/trousers try to avoid the ones which have a metal hook and bar fastening and just get elasticated ones. Don’t worry if you can’t children seem to get to grips with them quickly and many just ignore them and pull trousers up/down without undoing them! I don’t know what your school’s policy on jumpers/tops with logos on is but I would make use of any second hand uniform sales school have ~ uniform is meant to be practical and comfy and children grow quickly! If it’s remotely possible try to keep one ‘best’ jumper until school photo day (there is bound to be one in the autumn term), send him in the best one for that and then just have it in his normal cycle of things. Lastly… name everything and I mean everything (and check that it’s still visible regularly). Even if the children don’t change for PE yet you wouldn’t believe the things they take off and then how far they can spread them around a school! I’ve lost track of the number of times people have asked me to find a lost, unnamed item of clothing and been told (by child and adults) that it’s age 5-6! If they have a non-uniform day do your best to name what he wears then too even if it’s just initials written on a label. There will be more than one Spider-Man and they will take parts off during the day! Apologies if this has got a bit ‘ranty’ as Cait says I’m pretty sure children’s clothing designers have never had to manage a crowd of them in a classroom!
  3. Oh my goodness! Lots of prizes for you! My house is available if you fancy carrying on now you’re on a roll! I’m on holiday (as in properly away from home) staying in a lovely little converted cowshed for a couple of nights. It’s so peaceful. I brought my knitting, crochet and loads of books so might stay on longer while Sunnyday’s sorting out my place!
  4. Good to hear that Sunnyday. I have been so lazy today. Is there something about once you start allowing yourself to slow down and be sleepy you can't stop? Or is that just me?!
  5. I was just browsing old posts and discovered this one that I'd missed. Weirdly, for a very unsporty person I've actually met quite a few sports people. I my pre-teaching days I worked for a sports charity who had various people as patrons. So I've shared an office for a day with Duncan Goodhew, handed Paula Radcliffe a backpack and Steve Cram arranged tickets to see a Question of Sport being filmed as an apology for missing an event he was meant to be at with us. Many, many years ago I 'met' the car in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Some friends of my parents were getting married, the man knew someone who'd worked on the film and they had Chitty as their wedding car. I have a photo of it and apparently they did the wings moving out and so on but I was really little and don't remember it at all!
  6. Oh Sunnyday, I do hope you hear something from the hospital soon. I hadn't really looked at the weather for tomorrow until you mentioned it but it is a bit grim isn't it! I have had a pretty good week. I managed to stay focused and do school work in the mornings and house jobs in the afternoons followed by crafting in the evenings. Today though I think I might just take the day off. I am feeling uninspired by what I'd planned to do for school and am more tempted by my book (a light, easy 'rom com' type read), something cosy on TV and some crochet/knitting. I am a little frustrated with my summer sock project - it involves colourwork and after two attempts I cannot get the tension right so the yarn carried across the back is too tight and I can't get it over my foot. I think I need a little practice away from the sock and maybe to have a go with another project for a while just to feel a bit successful. I need to decide what to cook for tea - I always plan for 'clear the fridge Friday' so I use up odds and ends before going shopping again tomorrow and avoid wasting food. However, I've been pretty good at eating what I'd planned this week so there are a few mushrooms, carrots and half a courgette - it's not inspiring me! I may just go for beans on toast. It's already cold and grey here so I feel no guilt about not doing other things. There may even be some chocolate chip cookies on the cards later on - all in the name of decluttering the baking cupboard you understand!
  7. Hi, Welcome! I would second that he definitely won't be the only child who can't do these things! The video Ben shared is great and several children in my class use that technique. I would suggest that if you do that as part of it you get your son to check behind him. Cloakroom spaces are often small and it's very easy for a child to 'swipe' another with their coat as they turn it over their head. The adults in school absolutely will support with these things but building independence is a key part of being at school and you can help a huge amount with that at home in lots of ways. Just saying 'have a go yourself first' to your child is a great start. Then 'I'll start the zip off and you can finish it'. Also giving specific pointers and praise for them so rather than just praising the zipping up maybe praise 'You held your coat at the bottom, that makes it much easier, well done.' Making your thinking out loud can also help - there are so many times as adults we just do things and don't realise the many steps/thoughts we have to help us achieve those things. For example talking through your own choices e.g. "It's raining so I'm definitely going to need to do my coat up, let me put the things in my hands down first so I can hold the zip properly. It's fiddly because it's small so I might need to try more than once."
  8. I have never been great at using a diary - I tend to just remember most things but at school we've started having more things put into the school calendar which is part of outlook then get relevant appointments shared with us. I found it a pain to have to remember to transfer things from one place to another so now just use the computer one. I do treat myself to a lovely notebook where I write my lists/plan out my week etc. Totally get the moaning about the weather. I went out for a walk first thing, just 15 minutes but I'm hoping to make it a regular habit at least for the duration of the holidays. Not quite sure what I'll do during term time. The sun was out, I had a jumper on but it wasn't cold and I saw lots of people with dogs who all said hello. Back home and the sun went in, it's grey and dull and I put the fire on! Looking for the positives at least the greyness doesn't make me feel resentful of the sitting inside work I need to do!
  9. Actually no! I went digital with my diary last year. I find myself wanting less ‘stuff’ these days. I’m actually in major throwing out mode!
  10. Not just Sunnyday's village, my school(s) frequently suffer the same situation. I have done a load of sorting in my dining room this morning. It tends to become a catch all room as it's where I work/eat/craft if it involves a table but as it's also not the living room I feel slightly less precious about it looking messy. There are some scones in the oven (and I've treated myself to some clotted cream to put on them). In theory, this afternoon was going to be spent sorting the living room but I'm feeling sleepy so am going to settle down with my knitting/crochet (only 3 projects on the go at the moment) and my book and see how I feel after eating lunch. I'm really trying to break the poor sleep cycle I've got into and actually stayed in bed until nearly 6am today but that's still pretty early for a Sunday. I have 5 lovely weeks to get lots of things done in...
  11. Well, it’s indeed Friday - I have spent the last two days in school sorting - such a luxury to have the time and space to do it. I’m in again this morning but am going at about 2pm to catch up with a friend. We’re going to a local soft play centre as she’s bringing her grandson - I may well see some of my class. After that fish pie for tea at mum and dad’s who I haven’t seen for ages. I have started my summer sock project which I’m very excited about - will hopefully have photos to show you soon!
  12. It’s not Friday but it is the first day of my holidays. How many holiday craft projects is too many? Asking for a friend…
  13. I am too! I have a New sock project plan for the summer holidays
  14. What was that… Any excuse! 😉😂
  15. All fine. Was on a trip all day yesterday. I think stress, heat and probably a little dehydration got to me. Headache/migraine started. I passed out about 6pm. Decent night’s sleep has sorted me. Just 2 days left to go.
  16. I wasn’t well last night but a cuppa raised to Panders this morning! Thank you for being such a lovely part of this lovely place.
  17. That is fantastic news. Huge congratulations to her. Enjoy being a proud granny!
  18. She will be so missed. Sunnyday, please don’t ever think that. You have no idea how much it meant to me one time when you checked in with me when I’d not posted in a while.
  19. Oh, am so every saddened to hear this. She brought a lot to the forum and will be so missed. Sending all her family much love.
  20. I did thank you. I wasn’t back until about 1am but have had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in months! I only woke briefly at 5am then slept again until about 10. I’m rarely been asleep past 3 or 4am for ages or had more than 3 hours of unbroken sleep!
  21. I remember when a little girl I taught was diagnosed coeliac being stunned at some of the precautions her family had to go to.
  22. Poor you, hope you’re fully back to yourself soon. I do have WhatsApp. It has been a tough week here but we had our Trust award ceremony last night and I am out for dinner with friends tonight although I’m not sure quite how long I’ll stay awake - I might take my slippers! 7 days left to go. Please keep everything crossed that we have good weather for Wednesday and Friday - rescheduled trips. I will probably be lynched if they don’t go ahead!
  23. Sorry! Everyone has their own foreign language!
  24. Have you tried the one where you put flowers or leaves between two bits of plain fabric then bash it to make a print?
  25. Hurray!
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