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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. We had some great activities at school this week and I finally finished my new reading area. I’m a bit poorly though - cold + asthma isn’t provi mg a great combination! Hence just planning a quiet weekend. I do need to think of a birthday present for my 15 year old nephew - have no ideas at all!
  2. I asked a few other friends too - they've all chosen differently as well! I like them all for different reasons. I have always admired Rosa's quiet dignity (and I love her hair in the pattern). Marie and Beatrix are personal favourites but I'm less keen on the dolls. I love the Harriet Tubman doll but don't really know much about her. Emmeline because well - she just needs to be remembered, Amelia Earhart because she has a very cool costume with some great stitches in it but then so does Nina Simone. Wangari Maathai is a really impressive woman (we sang a song about her in my old choir) and her costume is so colourful. In a way I'd like all of them but the subscription would just be overwhelming, I still have a Santa from about 3/4 years ago to finish. Maybe I should make Easter my holiday of finishing things rather than starting and buying new projects!!
  3. I have a question for you! I was given some money for my birthday and Christmas which I haven't spent yet. This company release these 'Women who made history' doll patterns for just two weeks of each year to celebrate International Women's day. I'm quite tempted by one. Which would you go for? https://www.toftuk.com/home.aspx
  4. Glad to hear Mr S is doing well and your plans for your granddaughter sound lovely, Sunnyday! Louby - nothing like a bit of sparkle and glitter! I have had a fun week in that we have been creating a new space for some children in school - a couple of late nights painting and decorating but it was so worth it, we've created something really special. This weekend my nephew is getting awarded with a music bursary which he applied for himself at a concert of my sisters so I'm combing the two and going down to see them. I'm not staying over I don't think but am hoping to try and restore a little order around here - it's somewhat chaotic rather than calming! Have a good weekend everyone, whatever you're up to!
  5. Mine was birthday to birthday rather than January to December. I was quite tempted to do it again but taking a 7pm rather than 7am temperature. I know someone who did a square a day but with just two rounds - highest and lowest temperature. It was beautiful but I’m not sure I could cope with all the ends!
  6. Here you go. I didn’t do typical colours as I’m not a huge fan of yellows and orange. This one is crochet - one square per week. I noted the temperature at 7am each day and crocheted a round in the relevant colour.
  7. I made a temperature blanket last year to commemorate my 50th year. I don't remember if I ever shared a photo - can do if you'd like to see it? Are you thinking of making one?
  8. Hello everyone! I have woken up to a frosty mist but there is also bright sunshine which is lovely - the mist is disappearing very quickly! Usual busy week for me at work and nothing much exciting planned for the weekend - I'm hoping there will be some cake on the horizon somewhere! Enjoy the weekend everyone.
  9. Can't quite believe I missed this on the birthday! Belated happy birthday!
  10. I think that sounds like an excellent plan for your washing machine. Mine had just stopped mid-cycle - I googled the error message and followed instructions! The scones were good and I'm now enjoying a mug of proper hot chocolate before an early night. The activities are for school rather than my niblings - will send a message to explain.
  11. All my productive plans for the weekend have disappeared in dozing - please tell me not to feel guilty, that clearly I needed it! I have, though, also fixed the washing machine! Am pondering scones for tea. I made a mini baguette yesterday - it looked 'interesting'!! Also, just wondering if any of you lovely friends would be up for a little ideas sharing around activities for 2-3 year olds? I am out of practice (and have never worked with children that young).
  12. I tried googling to show you all a picture but couldn't find anything - partly because at first I was accidentally searching for 'granny lava'! I promise I wasn't making it up!
  13. Your sleepover sounds like lots of fun! I was thinking of you the other day - one of the crochet designers I follow has been working on a sort of loose balaclava - a bit like a cowl with a hood you can pull up. She was calling it a 'grannyclava'! Louby - sorry to hear about your neighbour, hope they are heading in the right direction now. Well, I have spent a lot more of the week working than I intended to but a lot of it was very therapeutic sorting and throwing things out which I kind of enjoy. Now though, I have my laptop off and it is not going on again until next week. The craft kits I ordered only arrived yesterday/today so I am planning a cosy few days! I will let you have the photos.
  14. Resin fascinated me too although I’ve never tried it. My felt kit is making flowers out of sheets of felt (cutting petals and gluing together) rather than making the felt. I have done that in the past though and loved it. I do need to find my hot glue gun though - I know I have one somewhere!
  15. Oh I will! I have just treated myself to two new craft kits - I want to make a spring display at home. I have a paper daffodils and a felt daffodils kit arriving this week. The timing should be just at the point at which I have finished my 'must do' jobs and can just have fun. I also have some new yarn for stripey socks (which I got for Christmas) and a hobbycraft voucher which I really need to spend! I may need more than a week off!!
  16. I'm on holiday! I woke at 3.10am today but managed to make myself go back to sleep and not get up until 8. Now I'm still in pjs! I'm planning some therapeutic sorting and tidying this week, the snowdrop walk I didn't get to last weekend, some good cooking (soup feels like it should be on the cards) and possibly a trip to see a friend in her annual Gilbert & Sullivan production.
  17. Hello all! I love the sound of all the dog sitting. My sister has said that they may let me mind their dog when they go away later in the year. I keep changing my mind with whether to get my own or not. Part of me would love one, part of me is way too selfish. My lifestyle at the moment definitely wouldn't work with one although lots of people say it would be good for me! This weekend I am planning to work today although part of that will be a proper 'fun work' job - creating an author display which I'm really looking forward to. Sunday will hopefully be a quiet day - am contemplating making a carrot cake and I'm also hoping to go on a snowdrop walk somewhere. After that, just one week to go. I'm with you Mouse on the holiday to get work done - I did have to remind myself that it's only a week but it's also an opportunity to get some of the major sorting out type jobs one which I actually quite enjoy! Nothing like a good cupboard emptying and decluttering session!
  18. Agatha Christie’s ‘And then there were none’. Am feeling very proud of myself for going!
  19. Glad to hear Mr S is doing ok. The usual busy week for me! I’m currently contemplating a short nap before continuing the planning. This evening I’m off to the theatre and don’t want to fall asleep in the middle of it!
  20. I haven't but everytime I see it I think I must do!
  21. I've achieved a 'school-free Sunday'! Worked hard yesterday and I have the day to myself. Some of it will be cleaning and tidying and I must write overdue thank you letters but apart from that I have no idea. I need to decide on something some dinner and might fit a little baking in.
  22. I’d run out of time on Sunday but froze it!
  23. Well, I didn’t get my walk in, nor have I quite finished the schoolwork but I did make marmalade, a loaf of bread and some butter! I feel very domesticated!
  24. Well, I'd recommend it although I've just got to the next stage up section and I'm finding it much harder! I've always loved logic puzzles. I've had a change of plan. I was going to work hard today and take tomorrow off. Part of my work plan was to pop back to school this afternoon to do some of the jobs I can only do there. I woke up at about 4.30am today and have been dopey since about 11.00. It was a real struggle to keep going. I told myself I'd feel better after lunch and I did but was still sleepy. As I was driving to school I just decided to turn around and come home! My brain is mushy, if I try to push myself to work today I actually think it will take way longer than it should so I'm going to take the rest of the day off, get an early night and work tomorrow morning but not in the afternoon. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do this afternoon - probably mindless TV and maybe a little knitting but also probably quite a lot of dozing! I'm trying not to feel bad about it - I will have to work tomorrow but hopefully it should be quicker.
  25. Hi Sunnyday, so pleased to hear Mr S is doing well. If ever I'm in need I will definitely call on you to nurse me! Enjoy your Sunday lunch! Sue - I love that bright chilly weather, the only problem at the moment is that the gas fire in my front room is not working - doesn't make for a cosy warm up evening after being out! Louby - I'm dying to see your crafting!! It's been the usual busy weeks at school for me - 7 days back already!! One of my 'want to do' resolutions this year is to try to regain my school free day at the weekend. I used to be able to do it and it makes such a difference to the week if I can. Last weekend it worked because I'd got a ticket to go and see The Box of Delights at the RSC in Stratford on Sunday. It was lovely, brilliantly staged and acted but also brought back many happy childhood memories and the travel time needed meant that I could only whizz through some of my must do housework before leaving. This weekend, my Sunday plan is a pootle round Calke Abbey at some point and making marmalade. My veg box had some Seville oranges so that's what I'm going to do with them. My sister thinks I should watch Paddington 2 and dress up in accidentally dyed pink prison garb before making it just to get in the true spirit of things! I'm also 'doing' the Murdle book - I got it for my sister for Christmas, bought online and accidentally ordered 2 so I kept one for me. I love logic puzzles but am currently VERY stuck!
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