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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Deal! 😉 Although remember that gardening assistance I need!
  2. 😄 You talk about bins all you like - I'm enjoying it ! I have just slightly run out of things to add to the conversation...Plus am feeling slightly left out because I've never been stickered!
  3. Always! They are super easy - a banana, egg, 25g flour, 1/4 baking powder - blend until smooth (I use my stick blend that I use for making soup), cook as usual in a little melted butter. Great way to use up softening bananas and I put whatever soft fruit I have with them - I think they'd probably go well with a warm apple/cinnamon mix too although I haven't tried that.
  4. Fascinating variations in bin collection! 😁 It's been a busy old week here (and I forgot to put my recycling bin out!). I started getting eczema on my wrist and feet a year ago and in the last few months the patch on my wrist has become bigger and more irritating - driving me mad at the moment! I had tea with my mum and dad last night which was lovely. This morning it is so lovely to see the sun! A new skein of hand-dyed yarn in the most beautiful autumnal colours has arrived in the post. I had banana pancakes with nectarine, yogurt and honey for breakfast which is a breakfast guaranteed to make me feel both indulged and virtuous. I have already got a load of laundry done. On the other hand my TDL is longer than my arm, my house is a complete pigsty and there is a distinct sense of overwhelm to my morning. I'm going to pull myself together and get going though - there are just 2 weeks of school left to go and then I am planning 5 lovely weeks! I may be back for some easy gardening tips though - it is not my strength but I did tell myself that this year was the one I would sort my garden, I planned to get started at Easter and then 'stuff' happened!
  5. If it’s of any reassurance to people all the schools I know are planning ‘recovery’ for September with children in their new year groups largely focused on emotional and social wellbeing.
  6. As I don’t have a brown bin it’s a while since I read the instructions but I’m fairly sure we can put in compost able food waste such as veg peelings but nothing cooked and no raw meat. Those kinds of food waste go in general household waste.
  7. As I don’t have a brown bin it’s a while since I read the instructions but I’m fairly sure we can put in compost able food waste such as veg peelings but nothing cooked and no raw meat. Those kinds of food waste go in general household waste.
  8. Black bins (general household rubbish) alternate weeks with a recycling collection. During the summer (I think it’s quite a long ‘summer’) there a garden waste collection on the same week as recycling. I don’t have a brown bin as my garden is teeny so neither generates much waste nor does it need anything extra taking up space!
  9. Cait, that’s great news!
  10. I’m on it! I made an egg sleeping bag the other day - dog balaclava should be fairly straightforward. 😉
  11. I do and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Am just a bit manic at school right now - there are several ‘challenges’ at the moment which are not remotely Covid related and somehow that seems to make them even more frustrating and tiring!
  12. Dear Cait, thinking of you and sending love.xx
  13. Thank you for all those ideas. The middle one, in particular, loves crafts and I know she’d love a little kit of some kind. I really like the idea of me sending them a friendship bracelet.
  14. No problem! I love giving presents!
  15. There seem to be increasing numbers of different letterbox gifts around now and I love getting things through the post. I have seen tea, flowers, biscuits and cheese among others. I am thinking of putting some together for loved ones I have only seen on a screen for ages and will only see that way for a good while to come. So, I have two questions: 1. What would you wish for in a letterbox gift for yourself? 2. What would you put in a box for a child? I’m thinking of one for my niblings (aged 3, 8 and 12) and so far have come up with: a Lego minifigure, packet of seeds, a sweet treat of some kind. Any other ideas?!
  16. Happy Friday everyone, it's been a long week! Hope you're all ok. This weekend is mostly going to be sorting out class lists for next year. I also really need to do some washing up!
  17. I just wanted to second and third what people have already said. Because of role in school I have been in relatively regularly. I was still nervous before the first day and lots of staff were really anxious. All of them have said that they felt so much better after the first day was done. There was lots of new stuff (handwashing, cleaning) which we have got used and settled in to new routines. Children have coped really well. I’m loving having 6 instead of 30! We didn’t get everything nailed before before we went back but little niggles and uncertainties have been quickly ironed out. It’s ok!
  18. Well the first Friday in bubble school has gone well although I am starving! I’ve already had tea and may need to eat serious pudding! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
  19. I haven’t had children today but we had a big H&S briefing. Children tomorrow.
  20. Such brilliant news for you and Mr S Sunnyday! 😄
  21. Thanks for that link Louby I was having an epic meeting with EY lead yesterday about how we can do virtual transition!
  22. Peppermint chocolate slice recipe. I have a feeling there is something missing from the instructions which I work out when I make it. My mum typed the recipe out from a book she had. If you read it and ask me about where it doesn’t make sense that should fix it. I just can’t see it at the moment!
  23. I’m thinking fairly loose interpretations! Strawberry shortcake and blueberry muffins are in my mind.
  24. Will do! I’m trying to ration myself (with both loves!)
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