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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. First socks of the summer finished! This is some hand-dyed yarn my sister gave me for Christmas - the colour way is called ‘Stormy rainbow!’
  2. I need to arrange it. He’s with my mum and dad at the moment. I’m thinking maybe Monday afternoon. Partly because it’s now 12.15 and I have still done nothing but lie on the sofa drifting in and out of sleep.
  3. Made it! We had a gentle 'staff do' to end the year last night and so far today I have eaten, read, knitted socks and watched cosy TV. My plan for this weekend is to try and restore order to my house ready for dog sitting (I think it would be a health hazard to any dog at the moment!). After that I want to start having a bit of a think about how to manage next year - health, workload etc. I need a bit of a summer reset!
  4. 3 days...
  5. I just had cheese - it felt like the easiest option for tea. I love to cook usually but as each term goes on I find myself going for minimal effort things more and more - bowl of cereal for lunch! I work on the basis that eating something is better than eating nothing!
  6. When I dog sat a couple of years ago I found myself singing to her. I love to sing and love music but am absolutely not a singing around the house kind of person! As for Mr S... maybe you should try talking to him like that!😉 PS. Have just woken up from a 2 hour nap! I can currently string a sentence together, jacket potato is in the oven. It looks like a thunderstorm is in the sky.
  7. 'Young Froglet' is done in - am just a rambling, twitching, incoherent mess! (there may be some who wouldn't notice anything different from normal though). With that in mind I honestly can't tell you anything about this weekend coming, or the week just gone! Sunnyday - I am so glad you are in a singing group. I was in one a few years ago and I loved it - was the highlight of my week, very relaxed, no pressure just good fun and I always felt better afterwards, no matter how grumpy I'd been at the start. Unfortunately the conductor left, a new one joined and the 'tone' of the evenings changed. I heard recently though that the 'new' conductor has moved on so I may try again.
  8. It’s been well dressing in my mum and dad’s village so have been catching up with family. I did have an accidental floor nap for 20 minutes.
  9. Everyone is still in one piece! Nursery stay and play for an hour then home to bed!
  10. Year 2 sleepover tonight so I’m literally sleeping at school. Other than that… 10 days…
  11. I’m catching up tonight! I’m enjoying it but honestly can’t remember much about the other series! I have lots of crochet projects plan for this summer. I didn’t even realise that football had happened until my class were all talking about it today!
  12. So far knitting wise I’ve only ever made socks!
  13. Lovely to see you Isp! I have news... I have just discovered that you can download vintage knitting patterns for free from the V&A Museum website. There is one for... a balaclava with ear flaps (for ease of listening during phone calls). There is a picture too! I'll be taking orders! https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/1940s-knitting-patterns
  14. You are all far more experienced in this than me but whilst I can see that the need is absolutely there it feels like a plan that needs more input. Schools are already stretched and I agree that creating a suitable space isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. It’s also about creating a set up that can work longer term. Staffing appropriately os a huge issue - making the hours and ratios work with the staff available and managing it if anyone is off sick. I can see an incentive in that I think schools would hope that a nursery would grow their intake as many children automatically go into the reception class but there is so much more to it.
  15. Beautiful weather - isn't it lovely and I'm so glad it was this week as we've had two trips which have gone well. It's warm enough for me to contemplate removing a layer of blanket from my bed and possibly not having a hot water bottle tonight! ;-) 5 weeks to go... Nothing much planned for the weekend although my nephew finished his GCSEs this week so has his first weekend free of revision and he and the rest of the family are coming up to mum and dad's so I'm hoping to see them on Sunday. Tonight is just about 'chilling' and possibly knitting a little more on some rainbow socks.
  16. Thank you Sunnyday! That is sad your granddaughter remembering missing reception. We’re teaching ‘Covid’ as part of history next autumn an I know that they won’t remember it - it’s definitely had an impact on them though. Enjoy your football celebrations! I’m with both of you on the weather - have been hot and cold. This afternoon I had to close my classroom blinds as the children said the sky looked ‘like the BFG was coming’ and were all distracted looking for rainbows! I drove home through torrential rain and am now curled under a blanket on the sofa. We’ve survived the PSC this week, just about survived my toughest class ever and am very ready for the weekend. My nephew has his last GCSE on Tuesday so he will be thrilled they’re over. I made cheese and marmite sausage rolls which went down well at school. 6 weeks to go…
  17. I have 7 full weeks left...
  18. Well it's Sunday here! I've been a bit of a slug today. I have some planning I must get done before yesterday (I mean tomorrow - but that mistake probably says everything about my brain at the moment!) but I cannot motivate myself. I can't motivate myself to do much else either really. I hope the birthday party has gone brilliantly Sunnyday and Louby I'm impressed at your granddaughter's good timing! I might just slug for a little longer and then hope desperation works as a motivator!
  19. There is an adult size version of the pattern...
  20. One of the people at work has just had her first baby so I’ve been having fun making baby presents - I like it, they’re small and quick to finish!
  21. Well up here, it's definitely Thursday and possibly a day for not just a cardi but full thermals and a hot water bottle! I'm tempted to put the fire on and make hot chocolate...
  22. I haven’t ever really made clothing (other than socks) but this is a very pretty pattern. I just can’t decide on the colour - I have 2 days whilst the yarn I want is on sale…
  23. I am seriously good at procrastination. This morning was intended to be a work one. So far I have baked some cookies, read a lot of a book, ordered a pattern to make a cardigan, browsed lots of yarn (still can’t make my mind up). I am now pondering making cheese scones for lunch, doing the gardening and decluttering the entire house as well as finishing the book and my current crochet project. No one really needs reports or planning do they?
  24. Well, I’ve recently started doing jigsaw puzzles and have just ordered a new one for me. I have a couple of new books to read and the cutest pair I’d crochet booties to finish. Am just planning a gentle time really.
  25. Just one and it’s report writing season but nonetheless!
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