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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. No, I wouldn’t use the posh stuff fir the octopus.
  2. I have a couple of kits that I’ve been given as presents that include alpaca wool yarn I think of them as the posh stuff. Plus I’ve had some skeins of hand-dyed yarn as presents too!
  3. Thanks. All my everyday yarn is acrylic so that will be fine.
  4. I know a couple of you have made preemie baby octopi. Are there any restrictions on stuffing/fibres being an issue?
  5. We had torrential rain yesterday evening - glorious sunshine again today.
  6. Sorry hear that Panders.
  7. A village in Rutland. It felt far enough away to be different but not too scary!
  8. Well, I’m very confused because I’ve just read all your posts thinking ‘how can there be a continuous provision virus?’ Bonkers week here so am taking’s the evening off before I tackle the TDL tomorrow. I did have the excitement of a new colour on the temperature blanket and have splashed out on a kit of yarn and a pattern to make some colour work socks. I also seem to have had a breakthrough with one of my most challenging children. Plus I have booked myself a couple of days away in August. I have done that since 2018 - am feeling slightly terrified but proud that I did it!
  9. I follow Susie and love her word of the day. I have one of my own - disgrumpled. Not exactly disgruntled but not exactly happy - a lot more than rumpled in spirit!
  10. Thanks. Those are really helpful - you’ve given me some wording too. In this instance they are mostly well-being checks linked to attendance so necessarily going in but I’m anticipating the ‘getting to know you’ visits too!
  11. I need to write a risk assessment for a member of staff who will be doing home visits. I’ve got a pretty good idea of what to include but wondered what key things others might include?
  12. My experience is school but I have had either trees or animals. If doing trees I’d recommend choosing ones that have distinctively shaped leaves. With animals one school picked woodland animals as a theme. The other had whatever the teachers favourite was - it was very random!
  13. Thank you! Fingers crossed. There’s a new framework?!
  14. Will do! Currently in pieces on the living room floor as I’m trying to work out colour combinations. I ignored the TDL yesterday and made a pretty good start on it!
  15. I accidentally on purpose bought more yarn today - am trying something more colourful. A bag made with circle patches (Kandinsky style) lined with some pretty floral fabric from a dress I made when I was 16. Plus, I have just made emergency biscuits.
  16. Mousie - such a difficult challenge. Take care.
  17. We have had glorious sunshine all day here (It’s because I decided that I must work today!). I went in to school this morning to work - fewer distractions and excuses. Then this afternoon went for a very slow walk round the park with mum and dad. My poor dad has sciatica at the moment so needed to stop and stretch every few steps or so. I have to admit to having a ‘grumpy old woman moment’ though. The path at the park is divided in two - one side for pedestrians, one for bikes. A child (4ish) was carefully stepping along the dividing line - not doing anything wrong but because of the way he was walking my poor dad had to shuffle out of the way. Not really a big deal but it frustrated me that the child’s parent was completely oblivious to the fact that his child was walking straight into an elderly man with a stick clearly having difficulty walking. To contrast that my mum was wandering all over the place and had a near miss with an older boy on a scooter - he was going a little fast but it was her fault and he was so beautifully and sincerely apologetic it was lovely to see!
  18. Actually yes! See you soon!
  19. I will admit to having put the fire on for a bit as I got so chilled sitting still. However the upside to the cold is that I have decided that it completely justifies the rhubarb and ginger sponge with custard that I had to make to use up some rhubarb that was lurking in the fridge.
  20. It’s chilly here too. I’ve been making a snail (trying out a new technique) but am contemplating a bag - my current one is on its last legs and I feel ike something colourful. I think my tea may involve pasta, crème fraiche and cheese! I’m emptying the freezer ready to defrost it and it’s reached the stage where the only thing in it is bread and frozen peas which isn’t very inspiring!
  21. Sssh… I’m taking the day off! I wasn’t going to but after a morning pootling and working on my next crochet project I decided to not try to start anything now. I am contemplating cake (or biscuits) and have no idea what to cook for tea but for now crochet and reading will do me!
  22. Nothing quite like a conker fresh out of its shell.
  23. My gargoyle is finished!
  24. Oh aren’t they amazing!
  25. I don’t know that I have a favourite term. I quite like the new freshness of autumn I think.
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