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Everything posted by Panders

  1. As ever, Cait, found what was needed on youtube, thank you, I can see how it works with little ones - now I just have to make it work with a big one! Strangely, the recipes call for a very very thin layer of marzipan - not sure if Mr. Kipling put marzipan on his - but I am am striving for reasonable amount of accuracy here!
  2. Oh my! I am so pleased for you Sunnyday.
  3. Thanks Cait, in this area Doves Farm is easy to get. I had run through with the sponge last weekend - unbeknownst to the birthday girl she tried it and said she liked it (do hope she wasn't being kind for the sake of it😂) Long story short when she tried it it had been in a cake tin for 2 days! but it cut really really well, and I sandwiched and butter creamed it that morning. So in my book successful. I'll see if I can track down the episode - I have actually just ordered some fondant stuff from Amazon, which I think you "melt" like chocolate over hot water.
  4. Froglet, virtual hugs are in place, tissue box handy, huge sticky cake to hand. Scented bath, jim jams and a curl up on the sofa, all these things are prescribed for our nightmare days - It's clear to all on here how much you demand of yourself but I hope tomorrow brings better for you.
  5. Don't know if this news item would have gone out in other areas, but signatures are required for ALD screening to take placed when babies have the heel prick test. The news item I watched today showed a young boy who was struck down with this brain disease shortly after turning 9 years old, perfectly ok before that. It does affect more boys than girls, but if found early, i.e. the heel prick test, then bone marrow transplant can be scheduled and a normal life had. The US has 13 states where the screening is carried out and in Holland it is too. Click the link, please, and sign this petition. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/563123
  6. Hey Cait, - bit late in the day for me - but hope you have had a lovely day.
  7. The slime I used to make was 25 grams soap flakes (sadly I think only Boots stock this now or a big supermarket) and a litre of boiling water, stir together until soap flakes have melted add some food colouring if you wish. I used to make it overnight as it needs a good few hours to cool and work its magic. Next day it's very gloopy, has a lovely feeling to it, but not sure it's entirely like commercial stuff. Some children loved it others weren't so sure!. As Finleysmaid has said, cloud dough - but I used talc and baby oil. We used to use a lot of shaving foam, only it was called Kid's Stuff Bathing Foam which I personally thought was probably better for the children's skin
  8. Think that counts as a cottage industry now Froglet. Hope you feel better soon, very aggravating, itchy skin, you just don't rest properly when everything feels itchy.
  9. Snap!
  10. I've copied the recipe out Finleysmaid. What we actually want to do is to make one large cake. I was thinking of sandwiching the two cakes together with buttercream and jam, like a vicky sponge. Then maybe a smaller dome shaped sponge for the top, and covering the whole thing with the fondant. I just don't know if its do-able. The yellow french fancy was her favourite thing and since she has been diagnosed intolerant. coeliac (sp?) we thought it might make a cute birthday cake for her. My Gluten Free French Fancies Recipe.docx
  11. That's fab Finleysmaild. Have you any guidance for me? I have been asked if I will make a Gluten Free Mr. Kipling french fancy cake for a 40th birthday! It's in June. I feel I could do it, but the recipe I have been given calls for the fondant icing to have water added to it in a mixing bowl and then whizzed until it's pouring consistency - will it work? Also says I should put the sponge in the fridge for a while, this goes against everything I know. 😂 It's a recipe devised by a blogger rather than, say, a Mary Berry or Delia |
  12. Early Years Archives - Butterfly Print Ltd I used to use these people for extra staff booklets and one the parents might like to borrow. I'm sure settings will get at least one hard copy from Govt
  13. Strangely Sunnyday, I think the last year has been an eye opener, - you have been able to see what life away from the routine of pre-school is like, except that come September, hopefully anyway, you will have far more freedom to do as you please.
  14. Crumbs Loubyloo - a changing of the watch so to speak. It's so hard when you have worked alongside someone for so long and one's staff are so loyal to one person - they stay because you stay, you stay because you can't imagine leaving them and it all behind, and for some of us our pre-schools have been almost a life's work, to think of completely new people running it their way is hard. I admit to going a certain amount out of my way so that I do not pass by my old setting which is literally 5 minutes drive from home, although I wish the new people in there every luck in the world, and by golly have they needed it this past year or so.
  15. scary stuff, but understandable to be feeling "lighter"
  16. Be afraid, be very afraid 😨
  17. Blow me down Zigzag Happy Birthday to you and to your dad. Hope you have had a day of doing things you love.
  18. Oh my goodness Zigzag, I cant imagine life here without you, so glad you were able to sign up afterall. Not sure why counties are not renewing, Kent didn't a while back. They used to ask me if I used the forum and obviously said I did and why, but perhaps many did not, and to be honest, Kent didn't really sell it to us Managers in the first place, I just became curious one evening, strangely enough the same day as Sunnyday did! I'm just going to put it out there that Kent were not keen on the Kentish community discussing their management style - maybe that's why they didn't renew.
  19. I dont have many thoughts about the change other than what's the use of it? I can't see what this panel serves, probably most specifically on this thread as it's just good hearted banter.
  20. Sue! Fix that muzak I'd rather have none😂
  21. Think they may need a new section for us retired lot, welcome to the gang Enuffs,
  22. Loved 6 Dinner Sid. 5 Minutes to Bedtime Katie Ellison (a pirate story - our children liked that one) Just one of those days Jill Murphy
  23. The Wolf and the 7 Kids (Grimms Fairy Tales) The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Grimms) Grimm seems to have a few numbers within his titles, but I doubt whether they would be individual books these days. How about Aesop's Fables - maybe choosing 12 of those for the children to read?
  24. A little more tricky than I first imagined Froglet, no wonder you have put this out to the Brains Trust😂 Never heard of this one, but found it on line, Two Frogs by Chris Wormell 3 Little Pigs or various versions of this, i.,e 3 little robots (ours loved that) or The Wolf and the 3 bad pigs (sure you know which one I mean) Secret 7
  25. One Yellow Lion by Matthew Van Fleet (Goodreads Author) 4.17 · Rating details · 86 ratings · 11 reviews Every page contains a surprise in this active picture book, filled with countable, colorful critters to engage the very young. Each spread features a number word from one to ten, a color word, and an Arabic numeral, folding out to reveal one or more lively animals. (bit too young really I think, but you haven't said which age group you are looking for)
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