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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Sorry to hear that Zigzag, as Sunnyday has said, sending love and best wishes and hoping for a better turn of events very soon.
  2. I. Think it is hard for people outside the business to understand fully - it may be the children thing - why would you do it? Bringing up one's own should be enough, why would you put yourself out for other people's, as ever a much under valued profession. I sincerely hope anyone giving up their practice is not "forced" into it by circumstances, but make their own decisions when the time comes.
  3. I haven't been to our town since March either we live less than 2 miles from it!馃槂
  4. I didn't put any sugar in mine, it was fine, I suspect as Louby mentioned it could taste a little bitter as it's quite strong
  5. My youngest granddaughter has the cutest pool with a combined sun shade, she's almost 8 months and loves it
  6. Easiest to do. I have a espresso machine so that's what I used, but don't see why this couldn't work
  7. I played Edwardian lady today, a little light shopping followed by a lovely afternoon nap on the bed 馃槏 and an iced coffee to come back down to. Fair to say, not much achieved here today!
  8. My mum would have called the holes 'spuds or potatoes' - random word for a hole - anyway, they are always in the heel, so he obviously walks very heavily to one side.
  9. Your socks are looking very very good Froglet. My MIL used to knit socks mainly for FIL, but my OH has taken to wearing them especially during the winter over the top of his normal socks to keep his feet warm when out walking, however, it has brought on the need to learn darning! 馃 I am very similar to you, in that I need something very familiar on the dvd while doing things, nothing which requires my concentration to follow, but something I have seen many times, then I can concentrate on whatever it is I'm trying to do. Can't bear working/creating in silence. Watching Miss Marple always makes me want a good pot of tea and cake/scones though!
  10. are these bed socks Froglet, only Sunnyday could use some with her balaclava - possibly matching
  11. Tom,Tom. Bongos, snare, bass,. Bdum dum tish! well done Sunnyday working on one of the hottest days
  12. Looks like tropical temperatures at night too for the next few nights馃サ
  13. Panders


    This has to be the best one I ever did. Children can do all except the boiling water, but once it has cooled slightly they can just get on with it. Takes but moments! You need: 路 2 cups plain flour (all purpose) 路 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 路 1/2 cup salt 路 2 tablespoons cream of tartar 路 Up to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right) 路 food colouring (optional) Method: 路 Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl 路 Add food colouring TO the boiling water then into the dry ingredients (colour optional) 路 Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky, combined dough 路 Allow it to cool down then take it out of the bowl and knead it vigorously for a couple of minutes until all of the stickiness has gone. * This is the most important part of the process, so keep at it until it鈥檚 the perfect consistency!* 路 (If it remains a little sticky then add a touch more flour until just right)
  14. I like mine, its a Lenovo YOGA - Laptop, you can use the screen as a touch screen if you want to.
  15. Froglet - we have to book an appointment at our tip these days I'm ninety nine millionth in the queue
  16. Maybe bank put a stop on your cards through lack of use - machine was shocked by you being out and about
  17. The last day of term in the evening, or the first day of the summer holidays, was probably, one of my most enjoyable of the year - seemingly endless weeks off, not a care in the world for the coming Monday morning, just some rest and relaxation. Enjoy the next few days Froglet, then start the TDL, or get it into some kind of manageable order at any rate
  18. I'm hoping you are making lavender smelly bags Louby Loo.
  19. You're OK Froglet I haven't been stickered either - seems my council saved that for giving us helpful stickers to put on the bins telling us what could and shouldn't be put in it. during lockdown we haven't had any batteries or electrical or clothing items collected. We have to book an appointment for the dump. No 20 tried she was well into the thousands on a waiting list so I haven't bothered
  20. Glad it went well - did you have a receiving line like the Queen to speak to parents馃榾 So many types of places opening up now, does give one a little more confidence for September I hope. As regards parents, I think you made a decision for them which they gladly didn't have to make - they could rest easy, although WE know it caused you some worry.
  21. Wow Cait that's heavy duty PPE! But totally necessary - I imagine he is only seeing a fraction of the patients he once did at the moment
  22. Sounds like a brilliant idea - a dentist was saying their fees were going up to cope with the extra PPE, as they had given almost all of theirs away at the beginning of lockdown to local gp surgeries etc. One thing I have noticed is that my shopping bill has increased week on week and in the main I buy the same items give or take - and I shop in one shop. Bet those prices don't go back down when things become easier.
  23. Yes Finleysmaid scheme does sound good - but is that because her county feel their residents wouldn't comply without an incentive? Most people where we are - locally anyway just do as we are told馃榾馃槆
  24. I love the way they have assumed that the nurseries can just accommodate and that they wouldn't have already "moved on" with their newbies booked in. This is just typical of the usual non-understanding of the sector and assumptions made. Of course everyone wants to do the best thing - and the usual words can be trotted out, i.e, challenge, unprecedented blah blah blah. Goodness knows how they will end up sorting it all out, what a mess!
  25. Food waste is put in a medium sized bin and collected weekly. My husband calls it 'the poor bucket' he's not particularly p.c.. All our collection changed last year and it took a while to get head around it, a new company took over. Recyclables - glass, plastic (not black) week one along with food waste and garden waste, week 2 non recyclables and paper and cardboard and food waste. So we have 3 and a half huge bins and a green box for paper and card - good job we have a reasonable storage space. why these councils can't all be the same defeats me.
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