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Everything posted by Panders

  1. I think the Ranvir Jamie choice really came down to "making an entertaining" finale programme. As good as Ranvir was, Jamie offers a more exciting dance partner and show.
  2. I think for those that watch Strictly, it may be time to make your choices for winner public 💪 1 Bill 2 Jamie 3 HRVY 4 Maisie that's my heart, but my head doesn't agree! I would like HRVY to win, but for Jeanette.
  3. Thank you Froglet, I will put this in my Christmas planner journal for next year
  4. Good to hear you have been tucked up today Froglet. Now tell me more about these stamped biscuits and is it too late to order any for the grandchildren?
  5. Fingers and everything crossed here Froglet.
  6. I have no words Sunnyday, it beggars belief
  7. my DIL took the girls out of school on Tuesday after another e mail saying another bubble had collapsed. They had such a grotty Christmas last year with tonsillitis etc. she vowed she wouldn't ever go through it again. She herself should shield as much as she can, so the thought the girls could get Covid now filled her with horror.
  8. wow -I assume they infected each other? and from the original source?
  9. Oh Sunnyday how miserable. Makes one compare with past Christmases. The correct decision has been made by everyone. You have been living on a knife edge and that's why you could relax and sleep this afternoon. You never know a kindly Santa might get round the village dispensing your gifts, 'tis the season of little miracles after all
  10. 😁 always is just the one or two parents - they don't take on board why there are restrictions of any type. One should pity their ignorance I suppose. calming breaths Louby - so very nearly there!
  11. brutal honesty sometimes
  12. We used to do exactly the same. It meant we could do so much for our own families, goodness knows how school teachers manage to work right up to the last knockings. When we were in charge of term lengths they were also only about 10 weeks long, as a pre-school we weren't offering day care, just somewhere safe, fun and affordable for parents. So much has been achieved in raising standards across the board, it does seem churlish of me to hark back to the "olden days" 😂
  13. Was it this Snow Thunder they had up North?
  14. oooooo, we didnt get any
  15. 😂I've begun the elf on the shelf. This year I promised myself an easier time and so I have a Christmas fairy instead who is going to be helpful, adorable and treat me! Grandchildren text this morning to say their elves had arrived, so I sent back a photo of my fairy. However, I could hear a tapping on the window which was rather annoying and insistent and when I checked - there he was, blaming his late arrival on the fog and having lost his way. What is more he had no mask on. So I promptly trapped him in a kilner jar and he is now quarantined on top of the fridge until the 15th December - phew!
  16. Well that makes perfect sense now Nana 💪 I can see his motivation there. I can see the window in the digger and the scoop - well done that boy, and obvious choosing colours for a purpose - which I had wondered - but you can never second guess them
  17. Well done Mr S. I'm thinking, Paw Patrol or a train with the purple lines being a track
  18. https://www.myece.org.nz/activities-for-childhood-learning/254-superhero-play-weapon-gun Interesting article about this subject
  19. No help I'm afraid - we had the normal safety scissors - red handles. The plastic ones with blades inside I have used but they are not always up to the usual jobs and children struggle enough with cutting I think, they deserve a reasonable tool. The hair will grow - the parent will eventually calm down and dare I say it - it will become family folklore about "that time when". Just ride it out Green Hippo, try to reassure where you can.
  20. 😆😂😂
  21. Q: Why do pandas have fur coats? A: Because they'd look stupid in denim jackets.source: http://www.jokes4us.com/animaljokes/pandajokes.html
  22. I only had this happen once in 20 odd years in practice. Two little girls, one whose parent took exceptional pride in her child's hair, the other a lively little girl! You can guess whose hair got cut! Considering over that period of time many children role played "hairdressers" often and there was considerable kit available to them it never happened again. Many is a time an adult would play along too, so - maybe because they had so much play equipment they didn't go looking for the real deal and/or the adult reminded them not to use real scissors occasionally, because scissors were always accessible. We obviously got into the habit of explaining scissor safety and where and how they were to be used, but basically, the children were not closely supervised in that respect. We were in a large hall, at least 3 members of staff on, and up to 20 children. I should think from your review what happened, and your risk assessments you will find what you do is sufficient to put it behind you. Don'tcha just love a bit of realism😆
  23. I think I was just always honest Finleysmaid - what we saw is what we recorded. If it was an ELG I would have been a little more stringent in the decision, but if a child is clearly doing it, they're doing it! 😆
  24. Turning it all off might just be what it needs Sunnyday - even most IT people say "have you tried turning it off and on again?"😆 Mine quite often says its offline, but kicks into gear after a bit, very odd. I would say check that model number is correct for your wifi (I don't really know what I'm talking about) but sometimes mine appeared to have the ability to de-register itself in the settings😆
  25. To any "virgin" flu jabbers - consider what side of your body you usually like to sleep on, in case you have a reaction to the jab - it can be quite sore and keep you awake!!!! This year I had a reaction - first time ever, just a swelling on my upper arm and fairly sensitive for a day or two. That was the only reaction mind you.
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