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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Anyone catch the Chief Exec of EYA on BBC Breakfast this morning? its about 47 minutes in from the start of the programme, on iplayer
  2. That's good news Zigzag - just watching Mevagissey Harbour Cam - nice day down there.💪
  3. So very relieved and pleased for you Zigzag. Happy New Year to everyone xxx
  4. I wonder if parents might consider only doing part-time, so 2/3 sessions per week so there are less children in each day, spread them out a little bit further! Hoping for some reasonable weather for those with outdoors, keep them out more than in!
  5. That was a very good idea. We can assume that the figures are going to rise in the next fortnight or so. I am very much hoping that people took heed just before Christmas and didn't mix as much as they were allowed to. I haven't done any mixing since 24th, and I don't intend to
  6. Sorry Sunnyday, didn't quite read that properly first time round!
  7. So not compulsory - but wonder what your parents are thinking -
  8. Sunnyday does it not say its only if you have keyworker children like the first lockdown?
  9. have you eaten the pipe yet? used to love licorice as a child, but my brother found to his cost, much as Sunnyday has alluded to .......... too much ......... well💩
  10. My son brought home a 1000 jigsaw - something we can do together he said. Except - even at pre school I was known as a pretty bad jigsaw maker 😂 Anyway, we started it after evening meal stopped at about 11/11.30. When I came down next morning he's already at it and we finish it at about 2.30. He has done the majority I was sorting and sifting pieces. Don't think he quite got it that jigsaws this big should be done over a week or so😂 Or is that just me?
  11. The thing which makes it goulash soup for me is the carroway seeds, which seem not to make many recipes
  12. Totes forgiven my dear Froglet. I've been tucked up watching The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Soc - my absolute fav film at the moment. Made some goulash soup for lunch, and there's also beef casserole for dinner this evening, supposed to have been yesterday, but just wasn't ready in time.
  13. Reheat type of PPE masks would everyone prefer - if you have to wear one? I think I would probably have gone for the see through type which have arms over the ears rather than the paper ones or fabric ones. I wear fabric ones at the moment, but after an hour that's more than enough
  14. Some good news there Sunnyday - shame about DIL, I assume maybe the throat swab didn't quite capture a good sweep? Had a lovely stress free day yesterday - definitely different!
  15. Oh Sunnyday - we will hope for the best. Thinking of you all xxx
  16. Yes very good a real insight
  17. Anyone watch this little nugget? BBC2. 7.30 (so now on iplayer)The Magical World of Julia Donaldson
  18. Good luck with that Froglet 😂
  19. You mean you've only just putting your cabbage on 😱 mine's been on since October 😆 Mud pie, now that is a great alternative.
  20. No, there are 3 lanes in a lot of places so they could use up to 2 - that's how I understand it - we now have 'brock' as well but don't know what the difference is 😂😂
  21. my mincie's just going in, choccie brownies just coming out.
  22. So quiet on here HALOOOOOOO anyone out there??? How are you all doing? Sunnyday, are there so many lorry drivers parked outside your house you can't move yet?
  23. Froglet, has this changed your latest plans? Are you still able to see your mum and dad?
  24. Lynne the disappointment in your message is very clear, I'm sure any of us here will be suffering the same to some extent, be it a baby's first Christmas or possibly a loved one's last. I hope you and your husband can make the day special for yourselves if that is important to you. We will go for a walk locally I'm sure there will be many out, especially if weather is mild, I will put on my brave face and wish all we meet a better time next year. my hairdresser is a mobile hairdresser and so business has been difficult for her this year as she works with many vulnerable clients, then her husband was made redundant,. A usually income rich pair will be struggling in the future. I send every good wish Lynne and hope things won't be as bleak as you might think.
  25. I had to read that twice to "get" it 😂😜
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