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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Yes quite right, the children are missing life experiences - will need to jam pack the schedules for a while when able to. Imagine how exciting it will be for that little one when he gets to the seaside🥰
  2. Hope you're feeling better today. It may be that your immune system is very good and was up to the fight immediately you had the vaccine, it's hard to account for everybody's different reactions to the vaccine, other than a slightly stiff arm I had no other symptoms
  3. Planning in the Moment with Young Children: A Practical Guide for Early Years Practitioners and Parents by Anna Ephgrave seems to be a popular choice, but I suppose it would depend upon the type of planning you are used to doing in the first place. Anna Ephgrave has a few other titles too. Hope you decided to take up the offer dixonnic76
  4. Yes I think generally have a quiet day following the vaccine. Which one did you have Finleysmaid
  5. Totes forgiven
  6. I am unable to make up my mind if it has gone quickly or incredibly slowly😂. All well here however youngest granddaughter is suffering side effects from her delayed year old vaccinations😞 Seems it may be another week or so too - plus a bit of teething thrown in for good measure - to say her parents are exhausted is an understatement
  7. Yes there is cake - I'll gladly send some out😋. I've ha d a very special birthday I've been able to see all the family one way or another so I'm feeling rather chuffed 😀
  8. Well I didn't like to say ...😆. I think its the gift horse thing we seriously not used to anything being given to us.
  9. In a nutshell Sunnyday, we all love the being with children part - the other side of it all is such pain.😂
  10. Not quite business as usual then Louby Loo, but sure you'll get them up to speed in the next couple of weeks - just in time for their Easter Break 😂
  11. good news Cait
  12. I found when I turned up at the Vac Centre I was quite early for my time slot, walked in said I was early, they said not to worry, go straight in I feel the time slots are just a way of managing people rather than an appointment time,
  13. Yes, one of ours the same timeline Sunnyday.
  14. Indeed Cait, indeed!
  15. 😂 Similarly, I filled the car up for the first time since before C, Thursday. Pulled into Tescos, managed to get the correct side of the car (not always a given🙁. So I'm standing there waiting for the pump to be switched on - nothing - then I try to catch the eye of the shop assistant inside and he's making some kind of signal at me through the window - DONG! eventually the penny drops, I haven't pressed the button on the pump to signify if I want to pay at pump or in the shop! I felt so silly. I've filled up at Tescos for years, it's not like it was the first time 😂 HOpe all goes well for you on Tuesday Sunnyday - a big day for everyone.
  16. Do you know, nobody asked if I had driven to the centre, everyone had to wait 15 minutes in the socially distanced hall before leaving after the jab!
  17. Ahh well done Sunnyday. I was wondering whether you could enter negotiations with tricky out KCC! I think you have a strong case for help from them - don't let them off the hook.😂💪
  18. Oh Finleysmaid, sorry to hear that. A worrying time for you all, especially as you had been shielding members of staff.
  19. Ahh yes, Froglet I can see how that could happen, especially with the 6 year old in our family, she's really only had two terms at the most in school, and she is the youngest and sort of "kept" the youngest independence wise, generally impeccable manners though. So many issues for you all to cope with upon return.
  20. I feel for all of the children Cait, some could become quite bored going back because they have progressed so well because of the 1:1 nature of their learning and are achieving more than others who have been carrying on steadily or so - it's going to be a tough time for teachers "sorting" them all out and keeping them all fulfilled and happy on their return.
  21. Hic! gone down well with the latte this morning, thank you🤸‍♀️
  22. My DIL sent this the other day,
  23. Squidgy, just how I also like my malt loaf
  24. Crikey spoilt for choice there - just have to try both 😋😋
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