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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Sunnyday's milk delivery must be on its way soon then 😉 I cant tell you how long it took me to stop catalogues coming or pamphlets for catalogues coming, regardless of how many times I just used to take them straight down to the postbox having scrawled over the outer jacket that we had shut down, or "unsubscribed" clearly takes a long time for some companies to get the point.
  2. It's tough but some of us just have to do it ! 🐼
  3. yes iron on medium weight
  4. Actually, to raise money for your pre-school, it could be an idea, I think my friend is going to give hers to her WI for their sale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laA8PIENuPM Hopefully link works
  5. Meanwhile......... my friend's efforts 💗💗 VUOZ5735.MP4
  6. Seriously, I don't know why I do it to myself its like Year 8 Needlwork all over again🤣 except there's nobody to send me out of the class for chatting. Went ok until the top thread snapped when I was doing the top stitching - will try harder.
  7. I am undertaking a sewing project atm - they are called Podlettes - foldable pods for storing things like nail varnish etc. my friend tells me they are really easy - I am half way through the first one, will begin the sewing tomorrow! My top stitching is not clever though, so we shall see - if any good I'll post a photo, if not I'll still post one for a laugh 😂
  8. Fab Zigzag.
  9. Dead arm anyone😞
  10. The pneumonia one is a "one off", apparently you only need it once.
  11. Ingenious and inventive idea- did you go for the geometric designs Finleysmaid,
  12. Wow - they aren't very heavy rugs then I take it - my machine would have a fit and it takes a 9kg load. Off to take a look 😂
  13. well me and Mr Panders are off for our pneumococcal vacc being we're so old 😂. I expect 'flu jab in a few weeks and probably a Covid booster, deep joy
  14. Eau de Spanielle, very exclusive. Jo Malone would make sooo o much money from it, imagine cologne, candles, diffusers 😂
  15. Not gone well I'm afraid. Took 4 to hold her down and then she pulled it out anyway. It will now need to be a more invasive procedure via operation called a PEG.😞
  16. Indeed, a sad day at the death of one who has given much pleasure to so many.
  17. Youngest grandchild going in to have a nasogastric tube fitted this afternoon. She had one as a very small baby for a few weeks, but this time I think she'll be up for the fight! Goodness knows how they will get it done.
  18. 🤣 I thought "Perry" was a person Zigzag knew, what a great website good prices too
  19. Oh my! Well done you and Perry!
  20. Very lovely Cait the rainbow one is very subtle. How about her bride to be, has she chosen something on similar lines?
  21. Thank you Finleysmaid. I will get them to check about insurance etc. They do know the little one really well she has been attending the nursery since January - although has needed many days off to cope with chest infections, in the main caused by having this very tiny cleft and liquids aspirating into her lung. The op to close it is why the ng tube is needed initially to ensure she has no infections. We cant rule out the need for a PEG afterwards however.
  22. Thank you for your reply Gill, we are all hoping to avoid the PEG if we can, but the little one will need an operation in September now to close a cleft. The NG tube will go in for a few weeks before that. I'm glad the nursery wish to try and are looking into training etc., I did have one of those moments a little while ago when I thought ahh, how does this sit with Insurance - if the staff members are trained, obviously by a professional, is that good enough for the Insurance company and would they need to be informed beforehand that this was happening at some point.
  23. Well I am pleased to report that her nursery provider is very keen to support the family and wants the staff to go on training, which they think will be good for them!
  24. While I was working I used a Fiesta everyday packed to the hilt sometimes especially around a certain time of the year, the boot was always full of garden playthings because we had no outdoor shed etc to store stuff. My family all said I should really have had a Ford Transit van 😂 I still have a Fiesta which I love, a newer one, but is just right.
  25. Sounds to me Louby loo that you don't exactly have a clapped out Ford Focus 🤣 Much more upmarket wheels to have been served such delicious little treats.
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