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Everything posted by Panders

  1. What's the betting that they deliver come September😆
  2. In my defence it tasted far far better than it looked 🤣
  3. My every sympathy Zigzag, my least favourite job too. - certainly a two man job, if only to commiserate with each other.
  4. my friend and neighbour has been a puppy walker for the RNIB for years. She has had so many labrador or retriever puppies, it must be hard to say goodbye to them after a year but she continues to do it. She gets updates and keeps in touch with their eventual owners. I think she could even have one back if she wanted to after it has been "retired".
  5. YAY! having had its little break, Dishy the dishwasher is working🤣 i doubt it will last for a long time though
  6. On the topic of oven cleaning - I have a self-cleaning oven, the only bits I have to do are the shelves and the door - and I still moan 😂. Now the dishwasher is playing silly beggars, so I am hand washing and giving it a break- see that helps 😆
  7. I think Zigzag's doing enough for us all today! Go Zigzag💪
  8. Wow - what a Friday! I think the TDL much preferable!
  9. I so agree Cait,but very rarely managed it😂
  10. At the present time, Louby I think what we would be asking is for the nursery, she wont be 2 until December, to possibly give her liquids though the tube because swallowing is a big issue, and whilst giving the liquid appears easy enough it is a little more involved with testing stomach ph levels as well, but it is not beyond possibility that one of us could go into nursery to do it ourselves. We are also worried about her pulling out the tube, let alone another child whose curiosity is aroused. She hasn't had to have the tube inserted for a very long time - but even at a few weeks old she pulled it out regularly, little monkey.
  11. Phew! See you Saturday some time 😂
  12. what training had you planned Loubyloo
  13. May I ask if any setting has a child attending or has attended in the past with a nasogastric tube (also known as an NG) or a PEG where the child is fed directly into their stomach?
  14. takes a while 😉😄
  15. Oh Sunnyday, a very special day. It will take a day or two to sink right in.
  16. perhaps a cheese and wine mingle this evening😉
  17. I am currently in "Venice" (via a webcam :) There will be a huge firework display at sundown and will get rather a good view - lots of small motor boats and yachts collect together around St. Marks Basin to watch. Safest form of transport atm to visit foreign lands 😂 https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/italia/veneto/venezia/riva-schiavoni.html if anyone else is interested!
  18. Oh dear Cait, quite a worrying time for Zebedee and you. I hadn't realised he was having chemo so that was a bit of a shocker, but diverticulitis is so very painful, I sincerely hope the treatments are working. Good luck to your daughter and girlfriend, make sure you let us all know how the day goes when it's time.
  19. I remember those looks Louby loo. Long suffering husbands😄 Sorry to hear about your granddaughter Sunnyday, do let us know how she gets on in the next few days. Our youngest granddaughter in A&E this morning with croup again. Obviously with her underlying health problems chest and throat infections are to be expected, but just a few weeks respite for her adoring parents would be good, when I asked my son what he would like for his birthday this coming Tuesday he just said "sleep".
  20. My other half told me that he went to one of the matches during that world cup - he must have been about 14, he doesn't remember how he got there, and just about remembers who he went with and thinks it was France v Mexico - mind it was a long long long time ago😂 I originally hail from Essex, a few miles from Upton Park (West Ham United) and so we were thrilled that 3 of "our" players made such an impact!
  21. Very lovely Louby - in fact I have a similar one, and now you give the name, it may very well be - it was given to me, as most of mine are by a parent or member of staff, very velvety petals.
  22. we have lost a lot of blossom over the last month or so, Rhododendrons over in a flash really, froth of May lasted a day or two, purple geraniums all but gone, California Lilac doing its best. Ours isn't really a summer garden, it could be, but we have been rather negligent in that department. Have a few pots of lillies to flower yet, and half a dozen roses in the front, but I'm not a big fan of roses😱
  23. Well I've just got home from looking after 18 month old granddaughter. Mummy said -" would you do some painting with her"?. 😱🤪 Oh, it started off so well, hair wash tonight for her then! At one point I think she thought she was applying sun cream and spread it up her arm, then probably because of the look on my face, she clamped her hands to her face and then through her hair. Cleaned up what I could quickly with a wet wipe and then she popped a small bit of paint on the tip of her nose and I laughed and said - Mr. Tumble - she gave a hearty laugh and then kept on doing it! Lots of lovely splat and smoosh pictures though - made it worthwhile and a stunner of a picture - bit like the Prince Louis one with him holding up painty hands. 🐼💗
  24. Could you approach the school and invite the dinner lady in for some quality time with you in your setting so she can at least see how you work with him
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