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Everything posted by Panders

  1. what about adapting one of the signs with the dog on it , it's usually a big dog, possibly a German Shepherd and a slogan which says I LIVE HERE! You could have a picture of a child (cartoon child) and a car maybe
  2. The geography of our plot was - one gate at the end of the garden (this was put in for no reason at all by the landlords as far as I could see. Yet another gate leading from the lower car park to the upper car park via some steps, and the said garden area, and a 5 bar wooden gate which led out onto the main road. 😱 Not trusting any parent - before the children went out to the playarea/garden I would go out first and lock up all gates. The one at the end of the garden I put a padlock on it in the end. I had to discourage some parents who turned up early to pick up from not climbing over the gate which led up via steps to the playarea/garden pointing out that even on a basic level we did not want to put it into the childrens' heads that they could do such a thing themselves, let alone parents being there in a safeguarding nightmare! Personally, I think it's a flipping nightmare to get through to parents about some issues. At least put it in the newsletter as a reminder every now and then. When I think of just how safe we had to be with the children and then watch what happened outside once they were handed back to their parents it made me shiver
  3. Do you mean you want to make the bags as well as put things in? I would treat them like book bags - the storybook, something like a puzzle to do with the book title, if there are such things a small cuddly toy representative in the story one of my parents made a Cinderella rag doll when it was turned upside down if was Cinders ready for the ball, great stuff! - if you take something such as The Hungry Caterpillar, plenty of resources out there, even objects symbolising the life cycle of a butterfly. You could put in small pots of playdough, small pads of paper, crayons/pencils, seeds, miniature books, travel games, a card game like snap with the characters from the book, back in the day I think we used to put a cassette tape we had recorded of the story - people don't have tape players nowadays😲 Difficult thing can be getting all the resources back! or in good order when they do come back, having the time to check them in and out some type of system would need to be adopted - even if eventually it is "policed" by the parents, i.e. a book where they sign a bag out and back in, will you have a sheet in the bag asking child and parent to assess how the bag helped? What they enjoyed in the bag, what they didn't? Why? Good luck with it all. If you wanted to make the bags there are plenty online examples on Pinterest.
  4. There is a lot of stuff in Downloads
  5. Think its difficult Sunnyday in the early days especially. Even now if I'm out and about and there's a little one - even knowing a stranger shouldnt approach - twice this week I've talked to a 2-3 year old Once in a charity shop - mum was a step away, but the little one said "look, i'm sitting on this little chair, it's not breaking" to which I said "bet it would if I did, it would go kersplatt!" and yesterday in a coffee shop, I sat at a table with a mum and 2 year old. 2 year old v. shy, but you know - you carry on trying! Was talking to mum really - she was looking for a nursery placement for her. I did think about volunteering at local school - to listen to readers - then Covid struck. But may still do it. Doing enough with the grandchildren at the moment which helps. As you say - its the lovely things we miss - the connections with families, the activities and seeing how the children enjoy them etc. Off to lunch with my oldest friend today - oldest in the sense we have known each other since we were 17 - I have as much "dirt" on her as she does on me😱😂
  6. Our local school used to have large polythene bags with plastic handles like coathangers and they were hung up on a pole
  7. Yes, we have. 6 year old granddaughter now on the mend, but had many more symptoms than we might have imagined she would. Youngest granddaughter goes in for an operation at the Evalina/St Thomas's on Monday. They are going to attempt to repair a tiny cleft in her throat. Next week will be a real toughie for her mum and dad.
  8. Glad your world is to rights again Louby loo
  9. I echo Cait's post and Sunnydays. I think it all hits home when you feel that you are "carrying" the pre-school on your shoulders only, so many people rely upon you - whereas staff don't always feel that responsibility, many could just walk away if they felt like it. Try Sunnyday's suggestion see if you can get your LA to engage properly with you before making any big decisions.
  10. yes that was the one - thought she looked a little flustered trying to do the maths, working out how many children that would be 😱
  11. Granddaughters' school appeared on BBC local news this evening - Headteacher looked a little frazzled!
  12. No worse thank you Sunnyday - my d-i-l gives both the girls LFT's every day! So was surprised when this one turned positive. She said granddaughter had been close with a little boy who had turned positive a few days before though. I'm more surprised at how quickly it becomes active - brewing time doesn't seem to be very long, considering how long people have been told to isolate, or am I being stupid? Apparently years 2 3 and 6 pretty much all in trouble with it. Close family advised by Track and Trace to do PCR's, which is all in hand. To be fair, I was hugging and in closer contact with the 10 year old sister because we were talking about the Kent Test she had taken a couple of days before. 6 year old I gave a squeeze and a kiss on top of her head before she left! BUT, she did use my ipad😲
  13. Not yet 😱
  14. 6 year old granddaughter positive lateral flow this evening - she was here yesterday😞. Just a mild sore throat atm apparently
  15. oh dear Zigzag yes carers are very important - my mum was really attached to 3 over her long years in a care home, they made a lot of difference to her but one by one they moved on. I'm thinking these carers with there new company won't be in a position to continue to help. Would be good if new people could be introduced gradually making up a new team as previous ones begin to go, or perhaps as we would in the nursery world have good hand over notes and a chat. I used to hate our outside loo when I was a little girl, especially when it was dark - I used to leave all the lights on the back door open etc. sing all sorts of things. Fingers crossed your husband and friend (?) get it finished soon now so you can have a good old flush!
  16. Yes, to my unending shame, my fault but thankfully no children or staff on the premises or in the garden when it happened. We had had a BBQ in the garden that morning and it just started up again at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, it hadn't been extinguished properly - I do remember getting distracted - as you do - shepherding all the children back indoors and getting on with the session - getting ready for some going home etc. Too many things running through the old grey matter at that time with the closure, end of term etc. Just excuses at the end of the day
  17. I don't remember having problems with that at all, and I had a considerable claim go in a couple of weeks before the end of term and my retirement due to a small fire in the garden and a fence being destroyed
  18. I can imagine the wristband thing difficult to get a correct size. I think if I still had the pre-school I would have "copied" the idea using thermal lunch bags 😱 we had to be cheeky and inventive sometimes😉
  19. I made the mistake of putting some Popoids through the washing machine - they were in a net bag but they were so scratched when they came out, they looked like they had been washed with rocks😨. Definitely better with a dishwasher!
  20. https://www.medpac.co.uk/ One of those items which got through the net this morning, but rather liked the idea, particularly if several children in the class, quick and easily identifiable.
  21. Couldn't resist - she just looked adorable at her baptism this morning
  22. Well I have finished all the podlets I'm going to do for the moment - the last few turned out just right and I was super pleased with those, now I am awaiting some elephant fabric to make some for youngest granddaughter's new room which has an African animal themed wallpaper - and we are prepping for her christening tomorrow😍. She hasn't been too well for the last week or so, a croupy cough and an infection called RSV - we are hoping she will make it through the ceremony without coughing the place down! But just a lovely day for everyone who knows her and have shared her parents' highs and lows as well as hers will be enough for me. Hope the baby sitting goes well Louby loo - and you get some sleep, its strange to go back to that "one ear" aware sleep again after many years. Granddog is well used to Nanna's house now so he should settle well and enjoy his walks. and Froglet, hang the schoolwork - do what makes you feel good 😉
  23. This is the holiday they had booked to go on last year, and postponed it until this year and then took the view a couple of months ago that it wasn't going to happen because my son wouldn't be able to do the quarantine on return, so they postponed it again until next year! Every time he has put it forward the airline puts the price of their tickets up!
  24. My eldest granddaughter, 10 years old - became ill over a weekend, tested positive on the Monday (PCR) and then negative a few days later with an LFT. No symptoms throughout the rest of her isolation - we are struggling to think where she got it - the younger one didn't get it. All adults in the house double jabbed. Unfortunately, this was the last 2 weeks of the summer holiday which my son had taken off as they had supposed to be going to Cyprus, but that has been postponed for yet another year, but they had planned a few treats for the girls over the staycation. Can only think it was at one of these venues she picked up enough of the virus to show positive - but the family were all in the same places.
  25. seems to me she has caught "Nanna's" obsession and is carrying on the good work
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