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Everything posted by Panders

  1. thinking cap going on Froglet
  2. Well, they had plenty of time to work on it, it was a cha cha from the previous week she was doing but she had Covid so could do it then and couldn't train for a new dance in time. Some odd stuff going on this year, even Craig is being somewhat nicer, not quite so cutting but does still go on more than he needs to when he has a chance😂
  3. did I get a waft he was a Blue Peter presenter? or one of those CBBC people anyway. Thought he did well enough early rounds, like an over eager puppy! but seems to have lost confidence.
  4. Yes she certainly is a force to be reckoned with. I have generally liked Halloween night Strictly, but strangely thought it a little lack lustre this evening - maybe because there aren't enough of an audience to make it special. There seemed to be those couples who had a little extra special staging spent on them and others who clearly didn't.
  5. Do you know, I think I'm developing one of those. Gone from having zero fabric to two shopping bags full in a couple of months. But have been steadily using it to make drawstring bags, and bedding and nappies for baby dolls etc. Think my other half will be quite pleased when the current obsession to sew has died down a little.
  6. this is why so much cake required - Happy Birthday Froglet hope you feel no more than a tadpole today
  7. 😍 makes perfect sense now we know
  8. All of the cakes! Have a vicky sponge made yesterday afternoon, possible visitors - son, partner, granddaughter. Half the family turned up yesterday, unexpectedly! But a birthday girl due today. Yum Danish - are they the piped swirly ones? More info about gingerbread needed. is it biscuity or soft
  9. shh he'll never know😀
  10. think thats probably best Froglet. It does make sense the ginger would mature over a couple of days - your findings will need to be assessed and properly adjudicated mind, best let us all decide when the time comes😂
  11. Talking of which eldest granddaughter had the news she passed the Kent Test today 😍
  12. Times were harsh back in the day, teachers didn't really hold back. Always an art trying to read between the lines these days.
  13. Sounds like a brilliant afternoon to me Froglet. I will be watching an old film on Channel 4, Film4, starting at 2.55 called This Happy Breed. One of my favs. So many lovely old actors in it. It about a family set between 1st and 2nd wars. Re the weather, it is, I'm afraid to say Carpe Diem! Ten minutes ago here, it was like monsoon season, now its bright and sunny, must be one of those days.
  14. Although .....it would be good to have something to hold onto while you are painting them😂
  15. You'll be needing a drink or two then Cait. Happy Birthday proper Sunnyday.
  16. Apparently, it's tomorrow 😇
  17. Wishing our lovely Sunnday a very happy birthday.
  18. Ditto
  19. I grew up in Barking! So funny yesterday I was at a clinic waiting for an eye test, and a chap in there early 40's was chatting to the lady opposite me in the waiting room, when she left he said - you wouldn't believe she's 90! Indeed, I thought at least 10 years younger. Then of course, we got chatting. Seems he had grown up in Barking, very near to the school I attended, in a road my mother always said she would love to live in, all post war and round bays! So many other life experiences we had in common - quite amazing. I have to say Barking didn't feel in any way "deprived" when we lived there. Isn't it a wonder how things change over the years.
  20. I have finally got round to sorting out books to sell through an internet app thingy - 🤔 Surprising how many they do not want! But they are being collected rather than me heaving them down to ASDA, or PO Have given many away, offered up to charity shops, granddaughters' nursery and school, have kept some (which I can't bear to be parted from😍sillyI know). Still got loads to go, so if anyone has any requests - I will happily look to see if I have it and send it to you, (no charge😉) Just going into town to pick up a ring which needed a ruby stone replacing - goodness knows how that got lost, fortunately it wasn't the size of an iceberg, so not too expensive. Might take a crack at making an owl shaped ipad stand when I get back. Hope 'flu jabs go ok Sunny, needless to say, Mr P's didn't hurt at all at any point, mine began before we left the car park😱 all ok now though
  21. Right then, I'll have a coconut latte and a digestive please🤣
  22. Get ready for the you're not coming to my party stuff going on! Even though the birthday is many many months away.
  23. Me and Mr. Panders off for our 'flu vac this afternoon. Also am making choccie cake for youngest son's birthday 29! Heavens can't be old enough to have an almost 30 year old, I'm only 35 myself🤣 Also making bedding for dolly bunkbeds for 2nd eldest granddaughter - straight stitching, so could be ok, now if I could consistently straight top stitch I would be deliriously happy.
  24. How cute!
  25. That crossed my mind Finleysmaid! Didn't realise you could actually get one!
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