I have finally got round to sorting out books to sell through an internet app thingy - 🤔 Surprising how many they do not want! But they are being collected rather than me heaving them down to ASDA, or PO Have given many away, offered up to charity shops, granddaughters' nursery and school, have kept some (which I can't bear to be parted from😍sillyI know). Still got loads to go, so if anyone has any requests - I will happily look to see if I have it and send it to you, (no charge😉)
Just going into town to pick up a ring which needed a ruby stone replacing - goodness knows how that got lost, fortunately it wasn't the size of an iceberg, so not too expensive.
Might take a crack at making an owl shaped ipad stand when I get back.
Hope 'flu jabs go ok Sunny, needless to say, Mr P's didn't hurt at all at any point, mine began before we left the car park😱 all ok now though