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Everything posted by Panders

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0015xb7/breakfast-26032022 Think this is it Finleysmaid. I did check the link and it does go straight to the piece🤞
  2. sorry - BBC breakfast not on iplayer at the moment, but it will usually become available later in the day. Thought I'd been dead techie with the link 😂
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone starts at about 8.30 am. As usual the discussion goes on! One owner/manager says she has decided not to pay herself anymore rather than lose staff or not pay them full wages rather than increasing fees. (Sounds very much like my last year!)
  4. Told you he was a keeper! Congratulations to you both. Seventeen and nineteen - babies still by today's standards, you have been a "grown up" for a long time as my daughter-in-law tells me often.
  5. Hey zigzag that's the best news. How strange this virus is.
  6. Once the children are given their independence at snack time Emma you will wonder why you had your current system. There is so much to be gained from letting the children do as much for themselves as possible. Have a brainstorm with your staff and come up with other things they could be doing rather than getting the children's coats on to go outside which might give your slower eaters a bit more of a chance if you all have snack at the same time - we all had snack at the same time at my setting, but that's not to say we didn't try to change that, we trialled doing snack bar/rolling snack for a whole term we just couldn't get used it it - neither the children nor the adults. What we came up with in the end was a self service system, and jugs on the tables etc. Children helped to make the snack and lay it out for everyone. At the end of snack one or two were helpers collecting up cups and plates etc others "cleaning" the tables (an adult would go around afterwards cleaning, but out of sight of the children) Ours self-registered each morning when they arrived, and so the same name cards were used again to "pay" for snack - as Finleysmaid explained, our youngest were 2 and a half - some jobs were a rite of passage! Perhaps there's another group nearby you could go and observe? Could your LEA set this up for you, so that you can see it work in action. Sometimes it is hard to believe just how much the younger children are capable of without seeing it for your own eyes, it can be quite the slick operation. Good luck with it.
  7. Ahh zigzag, seems you have had it very bad, hope you continue to improve for you
  8. Froglets, what an horrendous time for you. Support from your Head Teacher essential and venting a rant on here too. Enjoy that dance show, it will take you out of yourself for a while. Numberle - can you imagine - with my calculating brain - I'd be there all day until the next one came in😂
  9. he's a keeper💗
  10. Im happy with that Sunnyday, tell Mr. S. I feel quite chuffed to have got it about right on my second go 😂. Wonder if he drew a little diagram like I did 😉
  11. Nobody ever called me a genius at maths Sunnyday😂 ok one more go was your number closer to 240
  12. my CSE level 4 maths says 1,309squares😂 how are you attaching the squares do the seams need to be in the calculation?
  13. Good morning! Back to earth with a bump! However - state pension will kick in in a few weeks' time 😂 First call on it, some savings towards son's wedding next September seems a long way away at the moment but it will come quickly and a girl needs her outfit and accessories.💪 Hope you are ok zigzag getting plenty of rest and fluids. Have a good weekend all.
  14. Hiya, thank you yes having a lovely day, been to lunch absolutely super with daughter in law to be, she's a party animal that one, and granddaughter who slept all the way through. Waiting on oldest son and family at the moment for cake! Had to be Colin I'm afraid.
  15. Hear hear Louby loo. Wonder if Mrs. Ofsted caught a dose
  16. Let's hope for a warm spring, then we can cut the heating bills down. Sort of got used to going nowhere much during the lockdowns, so petrol not too much of an issue, just have to make each journey count, several things done, rather than one or two.
  17. currently we are £158.9 for unleaded an £164.9 for diesel - I expect that could change within the hour tho😱
  18. Post is certainly getting expensive Sunnyday - I pity the seasonal card list in December this year!
  19. ooh i'll take a wee lookie
  20. https://www.hampshire.police.uk/news/hampshire/news/appeals/2022/february/appeal-to-knitters-to-help-make-bobby-buddies-for-child-victims-of-domestic-abuse/ Saw this on a programme today - maybe a project for a Knit & Natter group, don't know if any other constabularies use these though.
  21. Just how big is that glass of wine?
  22. oh dear Finleysmaid how very sad for the family and yourselves
  23. I agree zigzag, I wasn't a lover of being given the weekend to stew on everything either. Shame about the member of staff. hope they recover quickly. Hope you have cover for them too.
  24. Hmm - 2 posts, one of which went missing so re posted, now both appear Freaky Friday maybe😱
  25. Good luck Zigzag, I'm hoping Sarah Millican will help with any stress that might build up.
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