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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Good luck Zigzag! I should think Sarah Millican will disperse any stress you might be feeling.
  2. spooky
  3. So true Zigzag.
  4. I see "Frank Spencer" has been given a knighthood 😂
  5. Britbox, anyone? I've been watching their new drama Murder in Provence. Think it's quite frothy - easy to watch, nice to see Roger Allam in it - always a safe pair of hands. Quirky, amusing too, Stunning scenery when we get to see it. Also, quite nice to see older actors and actresses so popular back in the 80's - 90's showing up in it, bit of a who's who😂
  6. So pleased it went well Sunnyday - sounds like a lovely project for you all to undertake.
  7. Sad news of the death of Shirley Hughes. Countless times I have read her stories, my particular favourite, and always bringing a lump to the throat, Dogger, resonates with many families.
  8. Good luck for your inaugural meeting Lady Chairperson, have you knitted a ribbon to cut. Will your group be knitting covers for postboxes in your area? Seriously, Sunnyday, wishing you all the very best for tomorrow, no need to feel nervous, but that is just inspiration and adrenaline working - the powerful driving force we need.
  9. Best to repair at your own cost if you are able to or your insurance premiums will go up for the next few years! It doesn't work like car insurance - if your tree falls into next doors and they have damage they have to claim on their insurance if it is something they can't afford to put right themselves😞 If anything is not attached to your house it probably wont be covered, ie, fences, hedges, gates. During the 87 storm, we had a lot of damage to an oak tree, probably similar in age to yours. The tree was in the lane beyond our property. After the storm the local council sent round tree surgeons who dealt with all the branches which were damaged. All I can say is, we don't let it worry us too much these days. You could get a tree surgeon to survey the tree and take off any branches showing signs of "old age" and get them removed so they don't break off maybe.
  10. I always thought it was because we couldn't get bolshie about it - nobody there to complain to!!
  11. Yes power finally back on Sunday evening - but initially for just a short while, then off, then on again! We kept the girls here overnight. Then middle son text to say that the next storm took their electricity out, but only for a couple of hours thank goodness as they have a 3 month old as well as a toddler. I think the thing that annoyed son was they were being given updates of times, but those times would come and go and still nothing. It was hard to plan to know what to do. While we all understand the difficulties and how hard the engineers were working, the situation was so frustrating.
  12. Yes, but the goal posts keep changing so it must be pretty nasty and I don't suppose the current weather situation is helping. Could be another 2 days!!!!
  13. Oh dear still no lecky on at son's village😞
  14. Thought you were going to say it had generated so much electricity he was set fair for the next year
  15. We are unscathed from Eunice - sons different matter 5 fence panels down for one and no power since yesterday morning for the other, I expect they are walking about in their thermals and ski suits🤣 Power due to be reconnected between now and 4.30., if not I may have a few lodgers over night.
  16. when I tap share, all my wassap connections come up and other choices to share such as Fb, etc. I do it on my phone, not ipad, my ipad is a bit old to be doing it on 🤣
  17. Yes Cait - when I checked the back of the square - where the binding hadn't caught properly I trimmed up the batting then had another go at patching in the sewing.
  18. No I shall look out for it. I was flummoxed by all the books about how to quilt etc. and in the end went with Quilting for Dummies (very apt I though) the square I did was in that, obviously I had no idea that triangles would be so challenging. Today I have been exploring jelly roll quilts which I quite like. Bit expensive though without feeling confident, however, sometimes good quality fabric is the best to go with I think.
  19. Think there are versions with an app - originally this was set up by an individual who came up with the idea for his crossword mad wife during lockdown. Apparently it was always going to be free to do, so no pop up advertising etc. which many people loved about it. It has grown so much since January and now the New York Time have very recently bought it out. If you did the one I do - it gives stats about how many guesses you take etc it gives you a time until the next Wordle is due (only one every 24 hours) and also says "share" I assume this is what you tap and it opens up different ways you can share. As far as I know you wont pass on the solution, just your stats!
  20. Just google the word Wordle There are different versions out there, but I use the one now owned by the New York Times. nytimes.com
  21. Oh Loubyloo - I'm not sure what to practice first, just making triangles to size maybe, but then it's the accuracy of stitching it for quilting - I think I'd rather not quilt frankly. But the binding tape - which I thought would be easy was tricky because the guide I was following said two pieces of batting, so it was quite thick and the binding tape was just about wide enough but not generous, at that point I had a bit of a downer. I'm glad it's done - I would never have left it half done or whatever. The perfectionist in me (that 10 percent) would like to be a bit more masterful. I do have plenty of fabrics, so I'll just keep practicing I guess.
  22. Have finished my first ever piece of patchwork. It was interesting, it was educational, in that it is not that simple and I will need to keep on practicing. One of my friends said, "I don't see the point in chopping up little pieces of fabric only to sew them back together again"! At one point that was how I felt I must say. It's the accuracy needed in cutting that I find tricky and then of course the seam allowances etc when sewing together. Everything is in silly 8ths of inches etc, I suppose that reflects the American love of it. I look at it and am highly critical, as I am with anything I do. But you only learn from doing, so I shall make my notes and have another go!
  23. Well I have just been to the park with grandchildren - Nanny was egged on to come down the big slide ......... good job soft landing in the sand pit is all I'm going to say and thank goodness I wasn't holding one on my lap! Although on reflection they could have acted as ballast and slowed me down🤣
  24. Six Dinner Jimbob!
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