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Everything posted by Panders

  1. I found myself voting for Tony Adams in the hope that more votes for him may mean Matt Goss goes! Wasn't the delightful Hamza good? Regarding Will, Katya was also croaky voiced this week - seems to me each year they get some virus bug ripping through the group. Maybe its all that hot sweaty training they do then going out into the cold air
  2. and possibly how brave you are?😂
  3. Had my autumn booster this morning. Famous last words, but I don't know how I'm dodging the bullet so to speak, so many people I know have had it recently. Hope you test negative soon Cait.
  4. Yes I know what you mean Sunnyday he does look anxious and exposed - out of his comfort zone. My best friend went on a WI outing to the outlet which makes the costumes for Strictly recently she was telling me about it today and showing photographs, quite fascinating what she was saying about what happens behind the scenes.
  5. Samba and Rumba notorious for ending Strictly runs. Out of the two certainly Ritchie should have gone, Katya is so good at being inventive and although Tony Adams might have gone - it was entertaining, I think that kept him in, and I think the Bros fella is kept in because he has cost the BBC a lot of money - could be talking a bit of manipulation there of votes, can there be that many Brosettes out there still??
  6. Big girl pants on Froglet. Bit of a sunshine walk (if you have some that is, absolutely glorious here), a cuppa and a goodie, a talking to and bash on for an hour, I've taken to setting a timer😂
  7. Sounds just about perfect Zigzag
  8. As number 2 son says "not my first rodeo!"
  9. You know Louby loo, it turned me into a quilting bore😆 there was a time when it was all I could discuss - however, the hardest thing about it all was getting it sewn within a normal domestic sewing machine - it was so heavy and so much of it to process, but apart from that I took my time and just did an hour or two a day - including the unpicking on bad days🤣. Glad it's done now. Time to crack on with much smaller patchwork projects for December
  10. So had a text - quilt ready - seems to have survived! Have take advice from online googling quilters and seems best to lay it flat for storage, so its on youngest son's bed for the moment have covered it up with a flat sheet to keep dust off. Quite a time before I need to give it to them - they don't get married until September 😆
  11. We'll see Sunnyday - pick it up next Wednesday - if it's in one piece I'll post a photograph of it, it not, I'll post one of it during construction and you can all commiserate with me😂
  12. we have covid jabs on the 13th and flu jabs on the 8th - very odd the GP working on a Saturday! That's a first😂. With regard to "C" I'm going to be making some patchwork stuff as little bits this year. I have made a super king patchwork quilt for middle son as part of their wedding present, for next year and have sent it off to be cleaned - hope it doesn't fall apart. Seriously worried it might. Such a huge project to have undertaken, don't know what gets into me sometimes.
  13. Wow Blondie lots of useful ways there
  14. Poor Katya, she's so competitive what will she do. I thought the pants thing was perhaps something to do with the harness he had to wear to come down on the Arsenal cannon??
  15. Well Mr. Mellor what a little treat!
  16. I will be watching Cait but don't always watch live as I can't be doing with some of the tosh, so i I whizz through I also enjoy it takes 2 of an evening
  17. OOOh a pigeon pair a boy and a girl. How lovely Loubyloo. Actually I think Sunnyday was hoping for suggestions about getting rid of the whiffy damp smell from the wool, not where to store it 😂. I have no practical ideas about that, other than exposing it all to fresh air for a while maybe, or maybe once its been knitted up and washed it might go?
  18. we used to call them dead fly biscuits have also heard fly cemetary! - not a favourite of mine I'll admit
  19. not since it left the Beeb
  20. yes me too Cait. That was enough for me. The London stuff was impressive but 'distant'
  21. To be honest I feel for some of the young primary children who were obviously encouraged to find out more about the Queen during the jubilee celebrations - now they will need careful help during this sad period.
  22. Yes Sunnyday, something for us all to come to terms with as no one remembers any other monarch in our lives I suspect. Here's hoping CRIII can live up to his mother's expectations for him.
  23. Well obviously I didn't read that too well - just remembered seeing the film being advertised. Love a musical at the theatre, sadly havent been for long time.
  24. Make sure you keep on top of that cough Zigzag. Sorry to hear about the mishap with your dad - dreadful, and having to use the same doctor as you say an uncomfortable conversation at the very least for you. There have been good reviews I think of the new Fisherman's Friends, hope you enjoy it.
  25. We've had a smart meter for a few years, at first Mr. Panders a little over excited - but now doesn't mention it😆 He did say the leaf blower for the garden was an electricity gobbler, so maybe the vacuum cleaner is too and the self-cleaning oven is probably a nightmare so I will be watching that usage - probably use the steaming option instead - also mostly drying washing and using the tumble for a few minutes to fluffy up the towels. Crock pot out for first use yesterday, just need to freezer portion stuff up now. Just been to soft play with youngest granddaughters - odd little place in the shopping centre, never really been that keen on it to be fair, but it was ok, clientele behaved themselves 😂 and the girls enjoyed it.
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