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Everything posted by Panders

  1. always Jam tomorrow isn't it. Yes zigzag wouldn't be happy to mess with ratios, that way lies madness.
  2. Has anyone yet heard when the new funding for 1 and 2 year olds begins - is it this year?
  3. We are still struggling 15 months on to get the older granddaughter (3) to accept her younger sister - little steps are good,
  4. congrats Loubyloo, early days but hope all good
  5. a little on the dense side but nothing ventured nothing gained
  6. I have a soft spot for WBD, just don't like the commercialism of it these days
  7. About Time (2013 film) cant think if i've recommended this before
  8. Hoping the granddogs don't require running after with your knee. Not a similar experience by any means but a couple of weeks ago I was in a local small store dropping off a parcel. Two youngish lads at the till one paying for cans of drink etc, the other was then accused by the proprietor of trying to steal chocolate from the display. Wow, did it kick off, the lad protested so much and swearing and when the proprietor tried to take his photo he went absolutely bonkers, this carried on for a minute or so (me, just standing there watching hoping not to become involved, but not able to move myself!) Well, the lads eventually made for the door but this one still shouting the odds about coming back with a car and smashing the front windows when the proprietor grabs a huge stick from behind the counter - well you see all life in a village shop I must say. Anyway, nothing much else happened but it was one of those moments when I was just rooted to the spot. Strangely after they had gone, me and the proprietor carried on as if nothing had taken place! I left wishing him a better rest of the day,
  9. Me too Louby loo . I had to renew passport a couple of years ago, just to prove my ID to a solicitor. Should really crack on and do my driving licence. Like Sunnyday the bus pass not that great in this area, My friend lived in Bromley until recently she made a lot of use of hers could get up to town etc. Would you be able to get into London on it for some great days out?
  10. Does that mean you need more tonic with your gin Sunnyday to keep you hydrated
  11. Has daughter informed midwife Louby loo?
  12. Yep very sunny here today Sunnyday! But super chilly in my view. Having a lovely meet up with former members of staff tomorrow morning for brunchy/coffee. Looking forward to a great catch up. Will watch my carparking ticket this time, twice lately been caught out and been ticketed! Too much chat!
  13. Me too Sunnyday - it just wasnt possible to keep the nursery going for another year - granddaughter absolutely fine, and as Louby Lou has said, she went closer to home and made a few friends she eventually went on to Reception with, as we were quite a way away from their village
  14. ahh not me but my friend is going😆 Not a place I would hanker to go to honestly, but they need some warmth and a rest - she moved and down sized from a 5 bed to a 2 bed bungalow in November so many things to sort
  15. Im a firm believer in nursery work is bad for hips, back and knees, but the weather certainly will be having an affect too. My friend has just stopped taking steroids after two years for polymyalgia which kind of came on suddenly just about the time the pandemic struck. Its been a long haul, but she is determined to stop the steroids which has to be done very gradually. She's doing well at the moment. Looking forward to a lovely warm trip to Mexico which was the trip fore-shortened by the pandemic. Hope you get sorted soon Zigzag - press on, don't take any rubbish from the GP.
  16. Oh to be that young and not really care😆
  17. A little less genteel celebration up there perhaps
  18. recycling again!
  19. Well a diagnosis helps to move you forward obviously. Kidney function is probably fairly usual at our age - I should think. Not falling to bits, just having a few bits renovated😀
  20. Yes I like the bear books, quite a gentle humour to read. Don't Wake Bear 🙂
  21. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Bit-Winter-Paul-Stewart/dp/0060282789/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=A+Little+Bit+of+Winter&qid=1672765479&s=books&sr=1-1 Oh yes Cait, that's is the one. Gosh, we had that a long time, I think a parent gifted it to us when her daughter left the pre-school, goodness me some 20 years ago!
  22. helpful arent we? but trying to save some snow is a good idea - we did it, it was rather odd stuff by the time we looked at it but good to remind the children with photos taken at the time etc
  23. Yes Happy New Year to one and all
  24. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ridiculous-Michael-Coleman/dp/1845060636/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=Ridiculous&qid=1672404247&s=books&sr=1-7 Talking of your winter book shelf, do you have this one? There is also one where woodland animals keep a snowball or two for another animal who hibernates, cant remember the name at the moment, it may come to me!
  25. Well said Zigzag wishing everyone a special time this year at Christmas - hopefully all with running water, which it has to be said cant be taken for granted around here at the moment!
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