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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Well I thought we would get quite a noisy evening, but it just rained, overnight lightening and rumbles far off (at least that's all I was aware of). Yes very humid this morning. We are having a family BBQ on Sunday, I'm hoping for just cloudy!
  2. Anyone got a thunderstorm yet?
  3. In terms of the icing it looks better today, it's dried out and dulled down, Ive put some chocolate squiggles on top. The dome part I will shave down considerably when I do it next week. Ive not done a crumb coat before and I was unaware how tricky that was and how crucial to get it just right. I will try harder next week when I do it for real. Must try harder as my old Maths Teacher used to say on my report. If I could send it to you Sunnyday I would! My husband said today "what exactly is it supposed to represent? A golf tee?" Not sure what type of golf tee he has seen 😆. It has reminded me a little of when my boys were small and it was not as easy as walking into M&S and picking up a caterpillar cake - if you wanted novelty you had to make it yourself!
  4. oh my - how ugly is that cake
  5. Yes it has Cait, however, it's too large so now I know it has to be trimmed right down really. The fondant icing in water has worked, I have made it a bit thick, the buttercream crumbing not really smooth enough - sounds a delight doesn't it?😆 Thank heavens it's a family party 😉 Looks more like a lego brick.
  6. Well for this run through, I'e baked a small pudding basin sized cake, sliced it and put raspberry jam and butter cream and then sandwiched back together. I've just crumb coated the lot and put it back in the fridge. At the moment, I'm thinking the pudding basin sponge i a little heavy and maybe a lighter sponge is required. The difficulty I have is this: A real Mr. Kipling fondant fancy has a very thin layer of fondant, this can be achieved on homebakes (small ones) by using a block of fondant icing and rather than rolling it out, you add water and whisk it until it is runny and smooth then dip in the little cakes. I will need to pour it over the large cake! I didn't think a blob of cream would be able to take the fondant this way, that's why I have baked the pudding basin job,😱
  7. I'm having a run through today - baked one layer and the dome shape yesterday afternoon. It's in the fridge atm waiting for the buttercream crumb coat. Then I shall attempt a quick fondant covering (that's what I am most scared about😉) Her birthday is next weekend, cake needs to be finished by Sunday!! This run through better help, can't keep making cakes etc., wouldn't know what to do with them 😱
  8. Is it just me, or if you watch Miss M I get a real urge to have proper afternoon tea! Good luck to all with the last term of this extraordinary year. I think you are all wonderful the way you have managed your settings.
  9. In contrast I was watching trashy t.v. Masked Dancer!
  10. Who's your favourite Miss M - personally I'm very old school and love Joan Hickson? Geraldine McEwan - possibly but don't think Julia McKenzie is right - and don't get me started on Angela Lansbury😉
  11. Struggling for film recommendations Froglet - I find myself falling back on old favourites at the moment, ie Moonstruck on BBC iplayer, hadnt seen that in a long time and quite enjoyed it again.
  12. I'll second that!
  13. Well Froglet - back from the dead I see! I assume it's getting all that it needs in terms of creature comforts. I await December! Personally I am continuing to torture my orchid - it has just about survived since Mother's Day, but is perilously close to the edge 🐼
  14. Shame we don't have the chat room any more, we could have planned an evening!
  15. Was it the Singing Hands version ? Makaton signs 😂
  16. Sandy Girl reminded me about 5 Little Sandcastles, sweet little tune and actions
  17. gently to the shore/lion/ don't forget to roar 😂
  18. ooh yes 5 currant buns - ours loved it and on high days and holidays instead of them handing over a coin we gave them a chocolate coin - always a winner 🙊 at lunch time we often sang 5 little monkeys swinging through the trees, especially if we wanted a reluctant eater to eat up a little more
  19. I think I would like to have Incey Wincey Spider. This would give us 'determination', effects of weather, water/sun dehydration, size, opposites up/down, also nice physical use of hands depending upon how you portray the spider! Could also use other versions, where it snows/freezes and the sun melts the snow. When Goldilocks went to the house of the Bears - recalling the story, size/proportion, counting, senses , wild animals :) (more of a long song though Finleysmaid) but some nursery rhymes suffer a little in not being contemporary enough Wheels on the bus this can be added to so much Our children adored Peter Hammers
  20. I think this needs more explanation frankly- how did the stain get on it in the first place for instance?
  21. We've just had a downpour only fit for a monsoon! now it's bright sunshine
  22. So true.
  23. Strangely, I was reading a TV magazine in The Daily Mail this morning, there was a small article about Sister Monica Joan from Call The Midwife, the actress, Judy Parfitt says " There was a panic when a doctor found that I had no antibodies after my two Covid vaccines. Nobody could explain it and everyone was getting worried about me filming. Then I saw the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jonathan Van-Tam on TV and decided to send him an e mail. He responded, saying "doctors had tested for the wrong antibody protein - sure enough, they found that I did have them. Could it be possible? Could the same have happened to you?
  24. I personally dont Twit/Face, well I read Twits, but don't Tweet 😂 I would imagine that the people involved may well have posted this. There is a section at the bottom of the Govt. page which has all the logos for Twit/Face. I think the child must live in the Kent/Sussex/Essex area because it was on our local BBC news, rather than national. They have over 11,000 signatures now and are still waiting to hear from Govt. but it would seem 100,000 is more likely to get a real response.
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