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Everything posted by Panders

  1. just looked at that again - her text used calculator type number font rather than straightforward ones 🤪
  2. I have just had a text from a friend who tells me that "today's date is both a palindrome and an ambigram. Which mean you can read the date from left to right and right to left and also upside down! 12022021
  3. I've been very fortunate - I have been in the bubble with my son and his partner for childcare to their 1 year old daughter. We have all been excessively careful where we go, who we might possibly mix with, we all do click and collect shopping etc. I have not been denied cuddles. My older 2 grand daughters we haven't seen very much of, their mum is in a risky category so it's an end of the garden job or facetime with them. You undoubtedly did the right thing Louby Lou.
  4. Pfizer - goes back in April. Has anyone else been made aware that women show more side effects to vaccines than men?
  5. I suspect this is going to be patchy depending upon where one lives my OH said it was a very slick operation from beginning to end at the vaccine centre today. Against my wishes, he tried to give up his place for me to go, the surgery wasn't having any of it.
  6. There are plenty of Associations to join, Small Businesses, Day Nurseries, PLA, but none of them appear to have the "clout" needed to support our sector
  7. exactly the same Cait, I bought some lovely fabric, it's sitting by the machine, I walk past it several times a day - doesn't move me though😱
  8. Yea, doing ok, much more difficult lockdown this time, but some hope today regarding vaccinations for over 50's💪. Family are all ok, thank goodness, as you say, so many reasons to be grateful, that's always worthwhile focussing upon
  9. Yes, she seems to be everywhere at the moment - I had started to watch Rebecca yesterday but, I couldn't bear Mrs. Danvers being nasty to her so turned it off😆
  10. Yes I know what you mean. As ever, the media don't know where to draw a respectful line.
  11. Such sad news of Capt. Sir Tom this afternoon
  12. Yes, but rather distantly - the Asian branch of the family😆 likes to do good works in science
  13. On the Beeb "local" it tends to join up with London,. Have you checked which way your aerial is pointing? or whether you are tuned correctly inside the telebox thingy (see how techie I can be)😆
  14. anyone see the panda on the lunchtime news enjoying the snow 💪
  15. Well this evening I watched The Light Between Two Oceans on BBC iplayer films. Beautifully filmed, great story, Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander, thoroughly recommend it.
  16. I rather expect the shortening of Lavinia is tricky! Do you think Lettuce, should probably be Lettice and its all in the pronunciation, certainly lettuce as in the salad item is most unappealing😆
  17. I've just finished watching The Dig on Netflix, such a lovely film about Sutton Hoo. Love the idea of afternoon tea being delivered!
  18. my first thoughts were - shame Kent pulled out of the Forum - you could have had access to many other Kent groups - we know from the past that Kent groups are strong when they can work together. I think the LA are supporting Govt. and not really acting independently in thought - there is a huge groundswell that schools will not go back until after Easter break - very sensible and have a 2 week notice period for re-opening. I don't think I would throw the towel in yet, I would be inclined to call their bluff - and gamble on schools not returning. I would explain to parents that the funding may not be forthcoming and they need to be prepared to pay for at least one term, the summer term I have the feeling you have already subsidised a lot of this pandemic for your group, this ultimatum from Kent is very unfair and puts you on the brink of the group folding, when for a term or two more they could support groups who really need to be supported to continue when we come out of this. Kent are bullies Sunnyday. That's my twopennyworth! Whatever you decide to do, I am sure you will make the decision unique to your circumstances and it will be the right one.
  19. Yes, and following Covid precautions😆 Once this little one finds out how much the tooth fairy offers she'll probably start wiggling plenty more, she's a pickle
  20. 😃 six year old granddaughter has just lost her first tooth - big drama apparently! 🙄
  21. Cookie Duuuuude, sorry Key Dude many happies
  22. Hi Sunnyday, hope you and Mr S ok, - boredom is settling in, but hey I'll not complain. Youngest granddaughter took her first unaided steps a couple of days ago - that was uplifting 😍
  23. Proper job Zigzag my lovely
  24. Kent can be at odds sometimes, it is a Conservative council so would be backing Govt.. They may yet make a U turn, but we can only hope
  25. Is it a woohoo. Or a boohoo
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