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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Have you tried an alarm? something like this? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Security-Wireless-Waterproof-Vibration-Exceptionally/dp/B096GR9KNQ/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=gate+open+alarm+for+garden+gates+outdoor+with+noise+alert&qid=1633013945&qsid=259-5837106-9431316&sr=8-10&sres=B07XDJLSSC%2CB06XS14HG1%2CB081J94NBZ%2CB07TQLQ38D%2CB07WMNKGCP%2CB01MPWCCXI%2CB019CNLT2S%2CB07G7WVWZ1%2CB06XRYTKB8%2CB096GR9KNQ%2CB06WLNNSYL%2CB073CGJ1ZH%2CB00YULJL32%2CB08F22YFL1%2CB08LKCN15Q%2CB07F6HDHD9%2CB0722ZSMQP%2CB0781ZTCS8%2CB076ZL1G88%2CB084ZHD1XS Although this one a bit loud at 113db!!
  2. Early excellence do some bags to purchase already filled. https://earlyexcellence.com/go-shopping/woodland-animals-collection/ I used to think these things were quite pricey but actually i found i couldn't do it for much less!. You could try some grant fundraising for these as they fit lots of criteria !
  3. 😍 Thank you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Ooh i am happy to take anyones!!!! really can't find mine and i can't be doing with typing up a new one,,,,,have pity on me dear forumites😜
  5. on a completely different note...has the resources section disappeared? I need a health declaration/annual declaration and i can't find mine😱
  6. Thank you, although how on earth do HMRC know that? I can't see how this can be monitored really?
  7. Thanks for the helpful reply 😂😅
  8. Random! I have a set of parents who are separated , i didn't have dad on any documents but have recently added him. Dad has a 30 hour code for the child, but she does not live with him. Mum does not have a 30 hour code child does live with her. Can Mum use the 30 hour code allocated to Dad for his daughter?
  9. have you asked for the additional 20% relief. We put a case together and now get 100 % ... worth trying if you haven't tried already!
  10. Gosh that's really tight isn't it...hope your rents not too bad?
  11. Thats £3.30 per hour GFCCCC ....how do you afford to run on that??? we don't make much money on anything less than about £5.10!
  12. I am coming to the rapid conclusion that the government have decided that the only way to 'protect' us is for us to all get covid....therefore they have decided that education is a great way to super spread the virus. We have children walking around our local settings who's parents are positive and really poorly. Surely they should all have a negative test before returning ! It seems to me that the government forget that these children are taught by adults who can be really poorly from this 😪
  13. we put the ones we can through the dishwasher! others are washed in soapy water....cant stand the smell of milton!😂
  14. since covid we have not done any prepared snacks...so now it is piece of fruit (their choice) milk or water . Sometimes we have toast or garlic bread or small pack of breadsticks. is this the sort of thing you are thinking or are you talking about 'high tea' kind of snack!
  15. we started last week with the 'old' ones then one new starter every session for about the next 2 weeks! interesting lot so far feel that they may be quite a stubborn group...perhaps because they have not had anyone else apart from parents telling them what to do??!! 😂 slowly slowly catchy monkey!
  16. we just have to find whats right for our settings don't we? i find myself constantly tweeking stuff....mine may not work ! 😂 quite liked the idea that we would do it by keyworker group though as that strengthens that bond which seems a big things in the framework,
  17. ok ...i like this KIS! i agree my staff only use the app. Taking on board your idea (Stealing it!) i'm not sure about having all the areas as i don't want it to turn in to any sort of tick list ...so i'm thinking just keygroup concerns box and what support will be put in place for them. Reviewed each half term maybe?? concerns -no concerns sheet.docx
  18. well i'm going to be no help here!! really haven't got my head round the tapestry part of my changes yet at all. I seem to be struggling a bit!! Have spent my morning reading all the statutory stuff to see if i can go back to basics and build from there! not really helping though😱
  19. it says in the video you can take them off the printing list...is this not correct??
  20. says she ...the woman who will be putting her feet up !😬😂😅
  21. ahh have just realised concerns are not visible to parents therefore guess it doesn't matter what they are called!!!
  22. you enjoy that well deserved retirement ...and think of me!!!! setting up tuesday, staff in wednesday children, after school club and new parents evening thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I love those! well done. Do they need stiffening in them or are they just material? (i have loads of bits that need using up!)
  24. I also do not like the word concerns....feel i have some competitive parents who will have an issue with this....why not just areas for development? or even things to work on??
  25. we just do a short written statement and preferably a discussion with the parents. The EYA produce one if you wanted a formula. We just have a discussion with the parents covering anything they want to (plus the 3 areas from us) then we have a chat about any concerns....usually all the HV stuff (toileting/eating/sleeping etc) and record.....follow ups are then done by my senco if needed
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