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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Just found this https://www.ndna.org.uk/NDNA/Shop/Item_Detail.aspx?iProductCode=PUB-EYFS2021&Category=PUB If its helpful to anyone
  2. i am also struggling to say soobitize not sub !😄
  3. Been a bit busy with a little update on last year's cake for the same little chap
  4. there are plenty of points in both i disagree with but find myself getting irritated with B25, i just don't like the way its phrased ...i feel its really patronising. Having watched and had some training from Julian i feel i better understand the DM's and where he is going with them but am keen to explore the possibilities of our own curriculum too. Julians attitude of nothing is ruled out but everything is ruled in (re IT etc), take your time to sort things out and spend more time concentrating on issues/difficulties makes sense. but i'm struggling with how i'm going to work it all out!!!
  5. Random question....why is it that when early years is mainly managed and staffed by women that there are so many men leading us? I have just watched several videos about new DM's and curriculum for September and all of them were led by men....Why?????? are women not seen as being good enough? intelligent enough? or do we just allow ourselves to be badly paid employees??????? I wouldn't mind if any of them had actually answered the actual question they were posed!!! sorry...ranting!
  6. mousie Yes i did read your other thread.. i have decided i need to do eyfs framework and DM first. (i started to read birth to 5 and got a bit cross so ive parked that for the moment!!) Once i have done all of that then i can look at tapestry as i'm struggling to see how it all fits together . Not good with change and trying to work out how it works for us, like yourselves its tricky. My cohort is all very varied from high to low income, all sorts of different religions, cultures languages etc and a high proportion of SEND too. I like the variety but it does raise issues!! I worry about the perceived emphasis on 'problems' too/ Sue thank you for all of that.i had found it on twitter earlier too! I just need to pace myself i guess! talking about it with the team today helped. There are always things that i will like/not like !!!
  7. So i am looking forward (for the first time in a year) to planning September and our curriculum. How is everyone feeling about the changes? what are you planning to do differently? how are you feeling about it? (personally i think after the year we have had change seems to be overwhelming me) How do people feel about the emphasis on problems and issues, areas of concerns etc, oral hygiene and working with health visitors?!?!?!
  8. how lovely all the benefits and none of the bills !! has she got a name yet?
  9. ooh ....is it yours?????????? or have i missed something!
  10. we love our didicars (although our children are older) can be used with feet down to start then they use their arms to wiggle the steering wheel to make them work. They even reverse!
  11. Busy week here as usual. Rent reviews🤪Trustees meeting😊Lots of good stuff with the children😊and a few behaviour issues😬 we finish at the end of this week and are hoping to get some of the building painted ....although the quote has just come through and it's rather more than i expected!!!! We have 4 keyworker children to return after Easter and 5 new starters....don't actually now how we are going to do that but i guess we will cope. Found out this week that we have 10% of our counties children with EHCP's for ASD ! wondered why we felt so busy😅 I hate the period after Easter the attitude from the parents and children, when they get their school places tends to change and for a few weeks they get so disrespectful . I've already had to start the "you are not going to school for ages" conversations...why do people feel that they have to tell children of this age things SO early ! anyway moan over the suns out ive got dogs to walk and things to plant ...so for today all is good! xxxx
  12. Thanks Panders. It does appear to be a bit random. Yes i'm all fine now, thanks...bit tired but not sure if thats not just everything else!🤪 We were randomly asked to go and see some chickens/bantoms/golden pheasants which are owned by one of our neighbours. We are due to visit next week, simple things but looking forward to it. I really feel these children have missed out on life experiences we will be outside and with all social distance measures in place. So excited. One of the children today was talking about going to the seaside ..he said he hadn't done that since he was a baby and they never went anywhere now 😪
  13. Oxford AZ
  14. well ive had my jab and have spent the weekend feeling pretty shocking !! my advice for anyone getting it is to do it on a friday....reckon if i'd done it on the week that might have been an issue!🙄
  15. sorry Panders have had a bit of a busy week haven't been on here much so missed this. Glad you had a great time. Shame i missed the cake🙄
  16. Ignore that!!!! only works on your phone not your laptop!
  17. can anyone help....when you have booked a jab online do they ask for any information other than DOB and your nhs number and do they send a confirmation?? I seem to be going round in circles because i cant book the second jab and its driving me a bit potty !
  18. This is the link to the info if anyone needs it for the testing kits. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RUHh7zDVVXi2fbS23vC_bKrne1Wq3vmE/view It does say these kits are for the staff no mention of any for parents and not to be used on children under 11
  19. yes Finley is a sprocker ! Have i been hiding?? 😄 i have been made chair of the allotment society...so have given that a bit of time this week. Yes i came out yesterday...took the dogs for a walk got overwhelmed by the quantity of people and came home! Got over myself and went to Homebase to buy some paint, felt more normal after that!!!! i have only been in a supermarket twice in the last year, now have to go and deal with a full group this morning 🙄
  20. Finley sprocker wants to come and play ❤️
  21. There are lots of grants available but you need to do the research in your area. Ask your council they will probably have some funding arms they can point you too. The co-op had a community fund There will be a list of trusts in your area (google) There will be voluntary groups like Lions and Rotary who can help with actual labour (volunteers) You could try learning through landscapes as a connection too. How much do you need to raise? and what sort of things? Do you have any parents who work for banks/airlines/ large companies?? they may help too. We raised £1000 from a raffle at xmas and have just put in a bid for over £1000 for waterproofs my motto is if you don't ask you don't get!!
  22. I think understanding that anyone, what ever their age can be anxious is important. Children cannot and will not always be happy. The "i can see you are worried" phrase works well. Appreciate that you understand his stress. maybe ask if you can help? is there anything i can do to make you less sad? etc. Can you offer a hug? These children have been watching some really inappropriate messages on the TV about death and loss. Parents think they are not listening but they are and they are too young to understand fully. It may be time to have the talk between his friends about the virus and what has happened, but this is a call you need to make as I don't know if this will help or make things worse with this little one. I had a young lad many years ago who's mum was expecting triplets....everyone went on about it for months but didn't explain it to him. He very definitely had depression. He would burst in to tears for no reason as soon as the babies were born and he knew what was happening he 'recovered' Such a tricky time for all......
  23. we have lots of children who have issues with food . Have you tried finding a quieter area for him to eat? sometimes children are put off by the noise or the bad eating habits of others. He may need adult support or a visual timetable to explain he eats and then he plays? Have you called it lunch when its dinner or vice versa? Sounds like he may have some sensory processing needs perhaps?
  24. make sure someone takes minutes get everyone to introduce themselves (and what they want to be called) Call the Parents by their names (not mummy and daddy) I always ask the parents to tell us about their child first.(positives and difficulties) Then i go around the circle in an appropriate order (depending on what needs to be discussed) Have a list of things you need to cover (or write an agenda) so this might be what is working now/what are we doing next? has everyone got therapy/meetings sessions organised ? how do you all keep in touch/what needs to be done first/next etc. don't be afraid to ask tricky questions (i have had a few difficult sessions with housing officers!!!) remember to keep the parents at the centre of what you are doing and that you are talking about their most precious child ...then you won't go wrong! xx (i have to say this is how i do it.....but i'm not normal! 😄)
  25. well we've been back for 4 days and we are closed ! Child tested positive on wednesday they had been in for the previous 2 days.....so now all 5 staff and 22 children are in isolation for 10 days ! 🙄
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