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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. ive added an extra tot of rum to yours....it's now floating in the ether to you😂
  2. or you can come to mine for some Rum cake !
  3. Don't reply!! phone ofsted direct on Monday or email them . We have had many scams over the years i would be super careful. It is very easy to get all of our details from the internet.!!!!
  4. coming from a family of dyslexics we have par carks, basghetti (spaghetti ) lemons (melons) and some interesting versions of more complex words...my MIL swears she does not have dyslexia but is for ever using malapropisms 😂
  5. HAHA🤪 so having been closed for half a term except a couple of EHCP children we reopen properly on monday.....all but 2 children returning! So about 30 !!!
  6. 🐟 carp park ! where fish go to bait?
  7. here we go louby loo here we go louby light here we go Louby loo all on her Birthday night ! woohoo happy Birthday.! xx
  8. I have thought about this in the past too...you can of course delete the comment but sometimes that's a bit time consuming🙄
  9. This is a great account of older children and reading but maybe if these children hadn't been forced to read the most appalling and boring reading schemes as youngsters they wouldn't have been turned off reading in the first place! (i am not suggesting this teacher did this ...i am just moaning about the system!) My boys at Pre-School are the first on the sofa 'reading'. I often have a dozen of them giggling at what they have found enjoying their time together. I rarely have boys who won't engage in story telling or storytimes. If they are so engaged at this age something must be going wrong when they get to early years in school? As a parent of a child with dyslexia i have witnessed a child who loved stories to screaming when the school reading books came out of the school bag. Maybe we need to change the system at an earlier stage to stop this hatred and reluctance emerging.
  10. EYA sent a load of stuff about this yesterday....seems it appears to be a mistake that we were included !😬
  11. Or if you want to go really bonkers a pet assembly ! 😅 scavenger hunts seem to work quite well or as cait says a story then learning ideas associated with that to cover the things they need to do. (the great pet sale is a particularly useful one ) Maybe think about what you need to teach them and what they need to learn and then the ideas might come from there?
  12. careful..you might be opening a can of worms ....you know what the lot on here are like about knitted items ! (balaclava's!)
  13. Amazing...could do with some of these when walking Finley! (cold here today) perhaps when retired you could start a froglet sock shop!
  14. pictures please we all need some motivation to get on with our own projects ...Sunnyday needs to practice her FOMO ! I agree about the supporting each other...some people seem to be giving us virtual cuddles and the other virtual stabs!😂 more cuddles but the grumpy ones seem to shout louder!
  15. I would agree we are EYA members but never really sure why now!
  16. well that makes me feel like i am useless !!! perhaps i can put up with stupid parents, seems minor in comparison !
  17. AMAZING ...woohoooooooooo!
  18. Mornings update...we have doubled our numbers !😂 It's low because we closed due to vulnerable staff (to which one of my parents asked if we had employed some new ones then!! she was being serious!) I suspect you are right about the union thing..not enough of us, maybe because you have to pay and we already work in a low paid industry?
  19. Im glad for you that they are not coming in. But i agree this isn't really helpful in terms of numbers and reporting, sadly i feel many parents will not force their children to have a test for fear that the children may not like it !😔
  20. well after our start with 2 we are now down to one for next week. I have invited the three from the next group in and they are not keen yet....so i have one little one with two staff for 2 and a half days next week!😱🤪 ....thinking long walks and cookery !!!! I'm finding everything strange ...i seem to be really busy but i don't know what with! and lots of angst all around me On another note has anyone found themselves thinking about joining a union ? I'm not a union sort of gal. but i really don't feel well represented at the moment
  21. Just wanted to add that i assume you are in a school from the way you have written this.I would suggest you talk to your SMT about it as it is obviously worrying you. I don't have any issues with children saying they love me, i usually respond with some like "and you are very lovely" or "well that's a lovely thing to say" . They don't need you to tell them that you love them back, they just need to know they are appreciated and their feelings are respected.
  22. I wonder if they have been on twitter....lots of threads going on about contacting people in person or by face time rather than by email. Making people feel valued and recreating connections.
  23. write a risk assessment. If you prove it's not safe for your team don't allow it. If you are a private business it is you who will be liable for any issues with your staff and children. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few ! !
  24. I would concur! ask them to get them tested or stay away for 10 days!
  25. What is worrying you about this? Does she exhibit any other worries or is this simply a young child expressing love for someone who is really important in her life at the moment? Children of this age have little emotional literacy...they use words like love and hate !
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