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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Zoom? we are currenlty doing meetings on Zoom (only get 50 minutes ..so need to keep it short!) did a meeting on google teams yesterday which seemed ok too
  2. We hire ours to parents...all money made goes in to replacements. £15 for the year..then when children grow they dont have to buy new ones we just give the next size up
  3. Glad to hear Mr S is doing ok. I too am incredibly tired and a bit irritated (no reason just tired!) been really busy. We need another member of staff. I have put it off but can't for much longer. I am considering taking on an apprentice...anyone joined the new scheme for this? any tips? My biter has stopped biting...my puker has stopped puking ....My young chap with asd appears to be settliing as he's been rather full on today!!! with the result that the rest of the group jumped on the fact we were busy and i have had to deal with numerous behaviour issues. Feeling rather diheartened. I'll be ok once the gin hits!🙄
  4. we use all in ones and after some initial training the children do them themselves (including my send children) i like the ones that kzip from the crotch up. I find the ones that zip from the feet annoying and the children can't do the open zip easily. You could go for seperates but i tend to find these more difficult again open zips.
  5. first time in a while ive been called clever!! you've made my day 😂
  6. DO we have to register every year now? i was defo on the list last year but not recognised when i went on today?
  7. no problem...i have just remembered the first year we changed we gave parents a memory stick(cheap in bulk from Amazon) as an interim measure as we felt they might need something concrete but as i had 2 left at the end of the day i guess they weren't bothered!🙄
  8. Thanks Jules i will go and read those. My staff rarely access the browser. They dont really need to except at the end of term. I think this is the issue for us really i have a false child so i may just use that for reminders etc.
  9. YAY!🥰
  10. Fab thanks ...yes im not really sure why my spell check doesn't work on here! I'm guessing we can't use reflections on the app?
  11. Morning ! 🌞 Got up early as my husband working...so he made me breakfast !xx
  12. Hi Emma and welcome. We now just send the PDF download to the parents at the end of their time with us (and send it to school with permission) . We do give the children a small present at the end of pre-school so we do have something to give but most parents seem to live their life online now so are very happy to have a virtual copy. This year we also did some photos with staff at the end of term as often these are taken on the last day as a memory and this wasn't possible. They turned out really well because the children were very relaxed. We also did a group photo with everyone on the climbing equipment which was adorable!! (one of my staff was upside down on the bars!!!!)
  13. brilliant... i already have a false child on there so i'll give it a go! i guess if nothing else COVID has made me think creatively!😅 don't suppose you know how to set up my computer to spell check tapestry at the same time....????
  14. I'm sure ive read this somewhere but can't find it! We have had to forgo our staff meetings at the moment and i would like to do a round robin type message to the staff each week. Is there a way i can do this on tapestry ? (obviously not for parents to access!)
  15. hope he recovers quickly and bounces back ! ❤️
  16. we are doing parents meetings outside in the garden socially distanced but the children are out there playing (i have one who insists on sitting on any newcomers laps!) . We are beginning to allow a very few professionals in our hall space if there is no alternative (SalT today for an EHCP for instance)
  17. We have a parent who can access this BUT if you google it there are lots of companies offering testing.
  18. we have organised a private test facility for staff (£160!!) So that staff can get a quick result....otherwise we would be closed for 2 weeks and lose business🥴
  19. I am asking for test results if negative or as you say if they have stayed away then should be clear. Test results are taking ages🙄
  20. LOVE IT! 😂
  21. As long as children are washing their hands on entry (effectively) that will be fine. There isn't any need to use hand gels unless there is no suitable water supply. I do understand that people are using them and i can understand why but they are very high in alcohol (to work) and this is absorbed through the skin. One or two applications in a day might be ok but at the moment some of these children are getting lots more. My hands are suffering !
  22. Ive had one of mine get a home testing kit done over the weekend.
  23. well TGIF ! been a busy one. I have a really diverse range of children in! they are definitely going to challenge us. we still have another group to settle next week and then we can get down to it. My biter is proving challenging he also spits ...NICE I was beginning to wonder if he had some SEN but it appears to just be behavioural so far. Mum asked for 30 hours my response is going to be no not until you have got some of these behaviours under control!...sounds extreme but she needs to step up. My little chap with asd has got chicken pox so a delay until entry. my chucker upper is still chucking and then running off to play happily(arrggghhhh) and then i have a group of 3 very quiet and rather gorgeous ones who need a little resilience, they are a bit phased by some of my more extrovert ones. defo feel the same as sunnyday regarding if we can get them school ready for next september! this year group had a reasonable amount of time with us next years lot....well the jury is out.
  24. education is exempt !
  25. (shhhh just wait till she who must not be named sees it!) 🤣 Mwwwahhhhh ha haaaa😎
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