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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Ok so typically we have a child who has a runny nose...what would you do today if this was you?????!!!!!
  2. we have decided not to do anything with lunches this term (we usually plate up etc etc) they will provide them in a hard plastic washable lunch box.....i've had 2 moaning at me today about the new rules . Neither returned last term and im wondering if this is the issue....that they think everything should be back to normal!!?? sorry guys we still have a pandemic!
  3. No a BA does not automatically allow you to have a 1:13 ratio. It depends on the uni and what is included in their qualification. We queried this and were told only those that include EYTS or equivalent
  4. well unless the TA and the teacher are in the same family this isn't allowed is it? surely that would be mixing too many families in an indoor environment?
  5. Still needs to be read , digested, written in to action plans and potentially put on your website...as well as possibly telling youir landlord...bit late when most of us are opening in the next 24 /48 hours i thought.....sorry rant over ...not based at you only the governement!
  6. Woohoo new guidelines out ...or maybe this is an old one rewritten as a new one to redo an.old one that we all ignored cos the new one came out before the old one did😩😫😩😫
  7. we are lucky now to have a really good heating system but we did operate like this for a little while. You are going to need to use the heating (as there are minimum heat requirements for your staff) but i would suggest ventilating the room as much as possible and playing outside for as long a period as you can. Along with additional hygiene this is all you can do. Maybe write it up in your risk assessment to so that if you did have any problems it shows you have thought about it.
  8. I'm not back till friday...have left it all to the last minute due to incompetent government edicts decided this was the best option.....now panicking!😂 For those working today...i am thinking of you and sending socially distanced hugs! ((()))
  9. finleysmaid


    i keep toing and froing about this Ours is big and outdoors. Im not keen on using chemicals so i am thinking rotation is the best option too ...not sure about how yet!!
  10. must admit to sitting in the cinema and tutting ! couple of bit on the island but lots of details in the book that were missing in the film. The bit where the children are evacuated just makes me cry as that would have been my BIL's dad and uncle 😪
  11. It appears that the most recent guidance suggests things must be easily clean able. We have been using water play with some sort of detergent product and washing toys regularly. Sand we haven't been using but from september I am going to use again as it is outside (again toys cleaned) soft toys I have removed and soft furnishings are being cleaned regularly . Play dough we make every day and throw out. Baking with restrictions (no sharing of anything!l hope that helps!
  12. I'm SO Hot ....and not in a good way 😅 Its 37 degrees here ....blooming heck the dogs are struggling...but apparently it's fine to have your childminding children out in a paddling pool with no shade 🥵
  13. interesting question...maybe we need to make this clear on the initial sign up? something like when signing up for tapestry we agree to allow the transfer of this data to the childs ongoing school ? rather than just lots of different scenarios (the what to do with it when it gets there must be their responsibility???)
  14. We are very free flow and learn through play. we don't do themes (i'm pre-school BTW) as we have children from 2 and a half to 5 lots of EAL and SEND so trying to theme something is just not appropriate for us, although if an interest comes up we may follow it. Planning is done for the individual so we assess. plan, do review (repeat!) ...where are they now where do we want them to be, how can we help them to get there, have they moved on? what next? etc etc everything is done through their play .... so if i know little A needs to learn how to take turns that would be on the planning for all the staff to see, they would pick up on this when playing with A and develop this throughout their time . We redo these next steps every 2 weeks (flexible!) the environment is set up to encourage some of the next steps or to add curiosity/experience/language skill depending on what is needed. (each member of staff has an area week to keep things fresh) thats about it!! simples! 😂 you have time now to fiddle with your planning as you won't be inspected for a while so you can give anything you want a go but maybe have a chat with the staff and see what they like and don't like. We normally go with a lets do this until x and then review if its working keep it if not move on. Don't get too hung up on planning and ofsted know can't tell you how to teach they can just assess how well its working. Tapestry is fab but remember to pick and choose what you want from it....you don't need to have it all we use it as our recording method and for supporting parents
  15. Can i make a suggestion? go back to the statutory framework and re-read what it says. Then start with a clean piece of paper and work out what you actually NEED. (try to forget what you are doing at the moment) you may find that you are just doing way too much! lots of practitioners on here no longer do any planning! We did this when we moved and again we have had a reset this year due to covid! humm maybe some good things have come out of this !🤣
  16. how does everyone think their bubbles will work?
  17. Will you resort to isolating resources and rotating more often than cleaning?
  18. Urmmmm i have just heard on BBC breakfast that schools will have a small amount of home testing kits available for covid to be given out if necessary.......why do we not have any? ??? some of the nurseries locally have more children than schools. Why is it that we are still suffering from descrimination in the education sector? (no information from police/social services/domestic violence/health visitors etc etc etc) really pushing my buttons. Why if we need children to have a flu jab do they not come to preschools and nurseries to do it .....they could organise parent times to pop in and support their children and get 30/40/50 children done in quick succession (or more in some of the big nurseries) with 90 odd% of children accessing nurseries and pre-schools why do health not recognise this???? sorry rant over! seems to me that we had made big strides in being recognised as the universal service we are to be at the bottom of the respect pile again.😡
  19. It's so great to see schools considering transitions so carefully. Our borough is one of the few that still runs a 3 tier system and so children transfer year 4/5 and then 8/9 your article makes me wonder how on earth my children coped ! i don't think that there was much thought process at all when they started their respective year groups and the year 9 transition is a bit of a nightmare. I suspect it will not be long before our borough falls in to line with the rest of the country. As to summer learning loss it will be fascinating to see how this cohort does. I know many of our families have done well during lockdown. They have played more/talked more/eaten better/ learnt together and developed new skills. (i have never had so many in a group who have learnt how to ride a bike!) and these new skills although not 'school' based will help them with their writing through the development of core strength or their knowledge of nature will help them with their science...etc. but i fear that schools will not see this learning for what it is as it's not been done on a piece of paper. Perhaps this will make us all rethink our strategies and develop systems more intune with the children and less for ticking boxes. thanks for your thoughts Alice.
  20. finleysmaid


    i love the imagination tree and interestingly this is the gluten free dough i use...although most of the time i use it for snow! https://theimaginationtree.com/recipe-for-white-play-dough/
  21. Im not doing much work today ...lots of people in the house doing things! my tip for doing jobs which works quite well is to set yourself a task to do in an hour ....set your timer and get on with it. just an hour no more. Then reward yourself by doing some play (cooking/crochet etc) You need to allow your creative side out or you won't do your job as well as you do. Let yourself play ! xxx
  22. how do you manage this? we always have a few with eczema
  23. is anyone getting worried about using antibac products or alcohol gels on their little ones? until this pandemic they were a no-no because they are either not good for young skin or because they have high amounts of alcohol in them that can be absorbed through the skin...do we all think that under the new 'normals' that it is ok to use??
  24. finleysmaid


    pens and pencils will be split in to 2 groups one for morning and one for afternoon and rotated ...this is mainly what we did when we reopened. children won't stick to just using their own (lots of mine wouldn't necessarily understand that concept!)
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