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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. finleysmaid


    we make a large batch quantity as we have quite a few children per session and the afterschool club use it too. 4x cups flour (plain and cheap!) 4 x tablespoons oil 1 x cup salt (sainsburys salt in tubs is cheaper than in a plastic bag !!) 1 x Tablespoon cream of tartar (i buy in bilk from amazon) food colouring or brusho (i like brusho gives great colours ) the children really like it on a cold day when i give it to them warm! if you want to cool it down quick spread it out! will last for a few days if you have added the CofT 3 X cups of BOILING water (reboil the kettle if you need to !!) mix like mad (but carefully) and then turn out and knead for 5 minutes(have asbestos hands) you can half the quantity or make a big batch and split for the week If you buy cheap flour the gluten content can change so you might need to add a little more water
  2. finleysmaid


    I think im still awaiting further guidelines ! we make playdough every day and then throw it so i think that will be fine. The sand pit is huge and outside so should be realtively safe , we have used water throughout with addition of detergent of some sort and washing utensils afterwards, so that should be ok. Think i may rotate the large blocks so week one mornings and week two afternoons should help to reduce any risk of infection (these too are outside) we will not have the levels of resources that are normally out and have developed a little cleaning rotational scheme for the toys ...we have also managed to fit in a washing machine which will help enormously!
  3. Cant see there will be many MPs left!😅
  4. Oh that's really sweet of you. The chap I made it for has incredibly bad depression....it made him smile that's all I could ask for 💝
  5. Thanks BTW its for a neighbour...the dog is his VERY big great dane!
  6. Yes I have a roller that makes a wood effect but it was so hot yesterday I ended up doing it freehand
  7. cake all done!
  8. very subtle little green Tusk (sort of grey warm white!) its the bloomin gloss thats nearly killing me !! the fumes😝 trying to paint the stairwell was a bit of a feat . Our stairs go in a c shaped spiral with the result that the top right corner is a nightmare...resorted to a brush on a stick!!!
  9. sorry ive been quiet on here this week...have painted most of the house and now working on a cake creation for the weekend. Does painting the house count as an "our own makes"????😃
  10. just in case you haven't seen this https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures It does say quite clearly that from the 20th July that small consistent bubbles are no longer required and normal group sizes can be resumed. although it also asks us to limit mixing groups (not sure how that works!!) in terms of planning i think the "system of control" process seems to be the way to go and new parents would be required to follow a set of guidelines (sanitise SD wear mask?) prospective parents would need to leave enough information for tack and trace.(gdpr???)
  11. conversations on twitter last night try here
  12. Taking temperatures is not recommended as a form of checking for covid. I'm not really sure why people seem to have started doing this but the HPA and the gov say it is not effective. You would only have to ride a bike or run in for your temperature to go up and you would need to wait for about 1 and a half hours for it to go down again.....sorry Ben this has been a discussion had often in the hospitality sector and I think my husbands got me on the bandwagon now !!!!😜🤪😜
  13. i would think this has to be your own rules...and i would agree it does seem quite high, even the idea of going through an airport would make me nervous. I think if i was having them in my home is would also say 7 days and if no symptoms then return. Maybe check with your LEA?
  14. The ADHD symptoms are the main issue (he's only had a couple of bouts of seizures and is currently not on medication) He is at a private school and i suspect that they have a defined view of how a child should operate in their setting. Mum is struggling to find support and get them to adapt his environment to suit him (movement brakes etc) i suspect she is thinking a diagnosis may help to get them to help!! thanks for the link I'll go and have a look x
  15. RSA (EYA) did in the past cover you if your premiums were in the upper catagories. They have now stated that they will not be covering pandemics in future ...well at least thats the way ive read it!!!!
  16. I think if what you are asking is "what company will protect me against a pandemic ?" the answer will sadly be none. Especially now, even the ones who would insure you have cut this from their policies to my knowledge. Sorry ! ( i would love to be proven wrong though😉)
  17. well thats it! all our goodbyes done and shut up the pre-school for the summer. We have taken the opportuntiy to have a good clear out and a refresh and have also invested a bit in the garden for the beginning of next year. It's been an emotional term end...perhaps even more so than normal. We had a great meeting and have had a bit of a rethink with regards to planning and reporting next year to reduce the workload and make it more user friendly! It was lovley to have the whole team together again I'm ready for a break but need to make sure i finish the paperwork first or it just won't get done!
  18. Does anyone have any advice/knowledge of supporting 9/10 year olds with epilepsy in school? one of our ex pupils has suddenly started to have suizures. All the way through school he has struggled a bit and was a child who just couldn't sit still, he lasks concentration and focus (but is very bright!) he had been given a diagnosis of ADHD but looking at the scans it is clear that the left side of his brain is constantly turned on! any advice would be gratefully received! xx
  19. but you can do two obs with different assessments. and the system will calculate the mean. I think we need to be careful though that this doesn't become a tick box list...this is looking at the holistic child. Are they in 22-36 months or are they in 30-50 ? just because they can do one thing in one age band doesn't mean that's where they should be placed .
  20. The joy of tapestry is that you can adapt it for your setting. What things are important to you? what do you need/want to do with it.? do you have systems that work well already that you don't want to change? When we started we just did observations ...then assesssments and now we do all sorts ! (weve just started doing accident forms on there and adding documents too) Take it slowly, we kept it to ourselves until we were ready to allow parent access.
  21. Was about to post the same!!
  22. that is supposed to say ABLE ..sorry typed quickly!
  23. so we have had a breakthrough today. I have a little lad who was born 10 weeks early and has ASD and possible cerebral palsy. His mother wanted to delay his entry to school but because he was born 24 hours before the cut of date of the first april he was refused. We have just been told he is bale to stay with us for another year and enter reception next year! very pleased to be able to support this family for another year😊
  24. finleysmaid

    Celebrating Year 6

    I wonder how much of this is us wanting to follow traditions though and keep the 'sameness' going. Are the children going to suffer because there isn't a show or an art project? These things are lovely and of course make our children's lives more interesting but do we really need them...do the children need them? Many children leave schools throughout the year or at the end of a year with little or no transition and don't appear to suffer for it as long as the receiving school adapts for them a little! It's hard to leave what's familiar of course but i sometimes think the enormous build up for months before is counterproductive. Maybe this time we have had could be used to reflect on what is really helpful for the children and we could redesign our programmes next year to put the children at the heart of the process not just because it's what we have always done? Interesting article Jack....it's certainly made me think ....and obviously ramble !
  25. went away thinking about this last night...the issue of course is that you would only have one potentially infected child in your setting so still only one source of covid. The issue for us becomes more difficult when we are mixing children within the setting , so for us we have am/pm/full day and then after school club (with children from the school) you are right about the guidance of course...still more to come!?!?
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