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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. no more of the homely muted variety. ! clever aren't they! They are very light when they come off the base
  2. sorry to be boring with a work related question but since the EYA have just told me i have to pay for a new set of updated policies, and bearing in mind they dont' seem to be that good does anyone have any recommendations? ?? (also along the rug front have bought ruggable rugs this year for pre-school....they go in the washing machine!)
  3. did you know Ikea now operates a buy back service to reduce landfill waste?? ...our whole pre-school is furnished with Ikea products !!!
  4. Loving the socks.💚 Have been Perry 'd here for a while...someone recommended on instagram...am now hooked. Havent seen the hungry caterpillar though 😍😍
  5. anything that is classed as invasive needs to be signed off by the insurance company before little ones start. We have paediatric specialist nurses who come in and train us and sign us off as having been trained. All paperwork etc then needs to be sent to the insurance company. Most specialist needs can be dealt with well in the setting and the willingness of the nursery fills me with hope. At the start of their sessions staff tend to be over cautious but it really doesn't take too long before every thing settles down. We havent had any children with feeding tubes (though i have experienced with my daughters friend) we have dealt with a little one with severe cleft, (through hard and soft palate), stoma care, diabetes, and pan-hypo-thyroism (needing specialist care) amongst other things....All of these children have done really well in the setting and become a really important member of the group. The other children see any difficulties as just part of them, once explained they ask a few questions and then just accept the situation....❤️ I would just make sure that a defined health care plan is in place to ensure everyone knows what to do if there is a problem.
  6. Sunnyday is this your last day???????
  7. It was Very hot but mixed inside and outside lots of water and lollies! Plus an extended water fight!! It was really quite lovely not having to deal with the parents!🙀 Sending get well vibes to everyone XX
  8. oh blimey...look at you lot i leave you for a couple of days and you are all falling apart 😱 Hope everyone is feeling better....sending lots of covid free kisses 😷Last day for the children tomorrow....bouncy castles going to be a bit hot !!!
  9. this is going to be one of those threads i look back on in a year and think what the flip were you talking about FM!
  10. maybe i should focus on what i believe is School readiness???? feels a bit wrong to just prepare them for school...JG appears to be taking a wider view of life ready not school ready!😱 the only constants we have in the group are high EAL/high send/low eypp so i guess my curriculum is going to have to be based on that(if indeed i need one!!)
  11. Firstly can i thank you for engaging in this conversation.....sometimes you just need to get stuff sorted in your head ! EYF statutory framework is statutory....thats fine DM is not....so will you use it? It feel like there should be a further written document of my making.... I do think this may be part of my problem....we don't split age groups, i know what i teach but i never set an end point...why would you? surely the end point is as far as the child is able to go??? (need to stop overthinking this!!!!!!@!@!@!@)
  12. so looking at this it does say 'should' consider using DM'S would you then suggest hat dm's are your curriculum? or do we need a level above this? JG's info would certainly suggest that his curriculum model is based on what they want the children to achieve by the end of their time with him.... and his is documented to share with parents . This would need to be revisited each year to ensure it was fit for the children coming in....but if your intake is constantly changing is that a possibility?????
  13. is the antithesis of this though that if you have a child with SEND that they may be in this category for their whole time with you? would this also suggest they are not making progress? (TBH i have only just started even looking at this so this may be a stupid question!!)
  14. we are developing our system. At the moment we have these books out more regularly and revisit them as often as we can. Normally we just read it the first couple of times and then we start to 'mess around' with it! so we might wait for the children to finish the line....or whilst retelling it make deliberate mistakes (oh they SO love correcting me!) we might use spoons or puppets to retell it without a text, use story stones for children to get involved, act it out, change the endings, start to weave in other stories, put it in the environment with props to support independent 'reading' . The hungry caterpillar is a favourite for creating our own version (which we have written down at times) so changing what he eats ,,,,to what happens next and what he changes in to ! prediction of endings and imagination needed to stray from what they know! We have 2 story times a day and 1-1 stories too. we use small groups 2 a week to support those who are struggling or need extension ....sometimes inside, sometimes outside. So it isn't the same story in the same place with the same words. !! works really well for EAL and SEND students who need to learn vocab and also for those who can extend their ideas too. I thought it might be boring.....but really not if you mix it up a bit!
  15. BTW core books are mentioned in this document
  16. I might add Handa's surprise to the list but it's again a bit stereotypical... i struggle to find good quality stories from other cultures. I really like the new Once upon a world versions of some classic tales with illustrations of children from other cultures....i might add Rapunzel to my list ...but only this version
  17. feel this wasn't on my list because i read it so much to my 2! BTW the DFE have just produced a document for schools called the foundations for literacy.....i am incensed! at no point does it mention anything before school...do they not realise that literacy starts at birth not at age 5 and the hand writing section does not mention any GM skills prior to handwriting and apparently this should be done at desks..... TBH is teachers don't know the information in this document already they shouldn't be teachers.....rant over!
  18. i love the tiger who came to tea...but i worry it's a bit outdated now...Mum at home dad at work...dad drinks beer mum seen as the homemaker....
  19. ive been doing our list this week too but really can't decide final set books 3 little pigs and the 3 bears going on a bear hunt hungry caterpillar Oi frog (i think) dear zoo not decided on others and this might change! maybe gingerbread man or enormous turnip??? rhymes head shoulders knees and toes if your happy and you know it 5 currant buns wheels on the bus twinkle twinkle baa baa black sheep ...keep redefining this!!😂
  20. would this not be your pedagogy rather than the curriculum?
  21. BTW if anyone wants a little money off for all the hard work we do there is a website called discountsforteachers.co.uk ....lots of money off ...special offer for today is on paperchase!!! go on treat yourself to some stationary !😂
  22. So if we are following guidance from Julian Grenier the curriculum needs to be ambitious and carefully planned and sequenced....is this possible if we don't write it down so that all practitioners can follow it? (just playing devils advocate here!)
  23. Some interesting points. The framework does mention small group and direct teaching alongside masses of free play too which is sort of how we are set up already so that bit works!. I think the majority of schools will use DM. We have already thought about a wish curriculum but i am finding all these different 'strands' tricky to manage. I always try to keep things simple , otherwise they just don't work well when you are toilet training/wiping noses and balancing a child on your knee. at the moment i just can't see the pathway to linking it all together!
  24. willl you also run your own curriculum...or just stick to DM?
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