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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. yes sorry very unhelpful really but try the website i suggested ...links to videos etc😉
  2. now don't tempt me.......
  3. yes i think i may also be in that category..managed not to buy a beat baby because they had run out yet still 10 years later i found myself checking them out the other day 😂
  4. although thinking a bit about this for our current cohort...I might try a big elastic? none of them pull or push
  5. I wonder how much stuff we have all bought because of trainings !??? We have a parachute...not sure the lycra would do anything it doesn't? i have used them in trainings before. There was a company that specialized in them try jabadao.org
  6. Plagiarism seems to work for me...if someone else has a good ides then pinch it ! instagram a great way forward with this! Delegate if you can. If you can arrange a day out of the setting during term time do it.....i got loads done doing this last week. Don't sweat the small stuff
  7. so 3 loos would suggest about 30 children, even though the hall is big
  8. 14k a year isn't bad....depends on the size of the hall and the funding rate!
  9. so having had this conversation very recently! You need to check the lease of the village hall. Will it allow long term rental? Is she asking to do any work to the premises(toilets for instance are a headache!) Will security be suitable? Parking and access? If she isn't going to store has she considered how she will manage this...though TBH thats not your problem. She needs to do all the legwork and present you with a business plan that ensures she can pay the rent . You will be much more involved in sorting out how much you want to charge, especially if you will lose other bookings. Utilities and cleaning included? if not then who will be responsible for what and who will pay if there is a problem insurance will also need to be considered.
  10. have you absurdled yet ...or even nurdled?????😁
  11. RANT ALERT! why is it that prospective parents feel they can be really rude on the phone sometimes?? do they not know we might be looking after their children for the next 2 years! (actually i have now put a note on her file and may find a way of ignoring her application!)
  12. we use the # system...then you can search by hashtag....would that work for you? (i like simple!)
  13. Hello..! i'm after a bit of advice. If any of you run a pre-school on a school site but are completely independent (i feel this is possible...isn't it??) please could you DM me? 😜❤️ Thank you xxx
  14. It is part or our recruitment package . Staff get free spaces. no we don't have our own (in fact any one we know) as a key child
  15. Sorry folks haven't been on for a few days. Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year (hope your sis is ok Sunnyday) Just writing my covid plan ...not back to work till Friday due to maintenance feeling very grateful for that!! had my booster yesterday and feeling decidedly off! 🤢
  16. Sorry been a bit quiet...Xmas day just 3 of us. Youngest and her fiancée were supposed to be here boxing day but his family all tested positive after spending the day with them so everything cancelled as seeing MIL and SIL for 27/28th. Quiet day today then off to my brothers tomorrow..so a bit of cooking to be done as I have said ill bring pud...now just have to decide what to do ! 🤣
  17. anyone feel the person who made this somewhat overdelivered! Surrounded by very sweet little houses then Boom! 😂
  18. im laughing at the project bit...not the fact you are feeling fluey!😁
  19. Oh froglet 😪 what rotten luck. Glad your lot are looking after you....we will also try to be here for you❤️ Have you got some projects for the holidays to keep you occupied??
  20. Im so sorry i seem to have killed this thread.....! I am posting again to bump it. ! and if anyone wants to answer i am very happy to be ignored, we all need a devils advocate sometimes!😉
  21. cant believe you didn't pick up on the tena joke !! 😅
  22. ❤️ i'm keeping everything crossed too...but that may be my age 😱
  23. Please can i get to friday without covid! 2 parents now positive and another pinged today !!!!!!!
  24. John lewis?
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