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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. my beef with parents at the moment is sessions...we offer 5 mornings 5 afternoon or five full days...most pay nothing for this. We cannot afford to have empty sessions. Why then does everyone feel they can argue with this and get me to change the rules for them!????
  2. We get parents to print all their forms ...most are fine with this but we keep spares. All print out the funding forms with their initial pack and we get them to do the basics....then when they are funded we go out and attack them and get them to sign ! they never leave our hands😂
  3. OOh my sort of challenge!!!! i am currently adding penguins and a small plastic pirate to most things !
  4. The children should preferably be in sight and in hearing at all times but if not must be in sight or hearing for eyfs settings. Schools however do seem to be able to get away with the fact there are additional people on site. Do they have a risk assessment in place?
  5. I am loving the eyebrows 😍
  6. I'm sad because that's so much talent gone....im sorry you've decided to go but I do understand 😔 xxxx
  7. 2015 ! 😱😱😱 Next cycle is 6 years between inspections! Apparently! Yes it was all good cant say much more at the moment! Happy to answer questions though if anyone needs info! Xx
  8. Weve had a busy week ! Ofsted have been ! 🤪😜😝 it was a very long day...she arrived at 8 and left about 5 ! We are all exhausted and pleased we have a long weekend !
  9. twinkle twinkle chocolate bar my dad's got a rusty car start the engine , pull the choke (little history to explain this one!) off we go in a cloud of smoke. twinkle twinkle chocolate bar my dad's got a rusty car. Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar My mum's got a shiny car. push the button, foot goes down watch her zoom around the town Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar my Mum's got a shiny car! (the second verse if made up of course! call me Shakespeare! !!!)
  10. Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar! The big ship sailed on the alley alley oh I saw a ship a sailing ...(bit complex probably!!)
  11. Thanks...she's definitely got her phonics! digraphs and some tri. Can use letter names and sounds...but doesn't seem to decode (verbally) when she reads. So she will look at a word hesitate for a moment and then tell you what she thinks it is. (which was why i wondered if she had a photographic memory) but she has also started to spell words phonetically so i now just think she is actually reading, as she will make phonically plausible attempts rather than be 100% correct.
  12. you need to be on bake off ! ❤️
  13. I admire anyone who does packaway. 😊
  14. Ahh thank you.. my deputy is a wizard with environments. I just seem to get the cleaning!! 😅
  15. Just re set ours this morning...sensory and Reading area
  16. so did you pay full pay for 38 weeks and holiday pay for 5 weeks or for the pro rata'd number of weeks?
  17. Can I just add..we do comply with all their rules !!! In case you thought it was a free for all!
  18. Ours dont have the staff to audit us!!
  19. Ok ...I have a young girl who is reading. However I can't work out if it is photographic memory or not. I've tried a variety of methods but still can't work it out...any ideas? Pterodactyl was interesting the other day! 🤣
  20. Ours don't seem to care 😍
  21. Yes we do a version of rolled up pay. You have to be careful that you don't end up paying below minimum wage if you do it....BUT it means everyone gets paid about the same every month...unlike pro rata where you may not get paid at all.in holidays
  22. Hi all Just a warning that we have had an interesting potential scam this week. A lady paid an amount of money in to our bank account and then rang to apologise and ask for it back. We contacted our bank as it was apparently from child tax care. We flagged up that we felt it was suspicious ...they agreed. It is now in the hands of the bank but we have had 3 phone conversations and 4 emails regarding us paying it back... The bank are fairly certain it is a fraud.
  23. No need to test for staff. Parents are responsible for their own children. No tests available for pre-schools nurseries unless advised. You may be able to get a few from the Pharmacy but otherwise......!
  24. so changing ratios will create better childcare??? hummmmmm There are plenty of other ways the government could help childcarers. I do also believe that those who are charging huge fees need to be looked at. Many of the childcare chains are property companies not childcare first! (HIDES!)
  25. apologies...meant history! not email log
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