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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Im sure someone more helpful than me will answer this but ...if you go to control panel and look up email log you can work out what parents are accessing...any use?
  2. NO problem ...TBF thought it was my lack of techyness that was the issue !😁
  3. Hi panders...what programme?
  4. Oh biting is horrid isn't it? so nearly always it is about communication....he will be trying to tell you something, you just need to work out what it is. But for the next couple of weeks i would suggest a member of staff shadows him constantly.(difficult but necessary of you don't want complaints!) Teach him how to play/use good eye contact/praise when he's done something right/try to ignore bad behaviour. don't react too much if he bites...sort out the bitten child first be very clear with good facial expressions how you are feeling. Teach the other children to say no or stop if needed loudly (and practice!) this will give the staff a headsup! and give them a way to play without fear. Try to avoid the timid ones playing with him until this is settled. Don't use sentences like hands are for playing not for biting ..he won't understand it!!!! If he has had any mouth issues/trauma there may be a deeper problem...he may need feedback stimulus from the biting and so may need a chew toy. Speak to your Ed Psychologist for more info. Please try to avoid staff being negative with him...he needs positive affirmations and these need to be done in front of the other children so that they understand he can be well behaved and play well, otherwise they will start to avoid him...which will cause hurt and frustration and potentially more biting to get them to react to him. Try doing an ABC chart to work out if there are any triggers. Keep him occupied with LOTS of open ended sensory activities.
  5. yes we do something similar with name magnets ...they take them off and put them in the basket. We often talk about have they 'Paid' for their snack! good bit of learning about money too!
  6. All of our children serve themselves (and get themselves dressed for outside!!) we run a free serve , help your self system for the am and pm session. I wouldn't want anyone hanging around waiting when they could be up and active...especially if they are only doing 9 hours a week. Could you maybe do a section at a time...groups? key worker group snacks if you don't want everyone to have free flow/
  7. Im sure you will gets lots of responses to this ...all saying something slightly different! Why are you questioning your current system? is it not working for you? What do you feel is wrong with it? I have done snack time in a variety of ways but currently we have a serve yourself snack, but our children are two and a half plus. What age are you talking?
  8. We have a short parent meeting in the setting as soon as the parent is available. We then write up as a 2 year old report on tapestry and get parents to sign. If a staff member has done a 2 year old check near to the end of term we don't do another report.
  9. Thanks cait. They are a religious family and have already told the little one that Daddy has returned to God...I always feel.uneasy with this sort of response as it isn't really firm enough for a 4 year old...but so tricky when adults are dealing with their own emotions. I was fine dealing with Mum today but dealing with his friends later proved a bit more difficult. I hate Men getting upset. 😔 We will just have to go with the flow...I am concerned that there are some worries over how this happened now....😪😪😳😳
  10. Good luck tomorrow Zig zagxxxxx
  11. I have unfortunately just had confirmation that the body found on the M4 on friday was indeed the missing parent.....This job is sometimes really Sh** isn't it.😥
  12. Unfortunately it is looking increasingly likely that a body found locally may be that of our missing father 😪
  13. well ive had an interesting couple of weeks! the electricity cable snapped outside our building so had to close for the day...then they put us on generator....then the generator broke down....had to close for the day....now on new generator! should be fixed this weekend but who knows. One of our fathers has gone missing....really bad 😔 He's been missing for a week now. Police involved. lovely family...but he's a bit naughty! Raised the question of a pay review....causing issues! Deputy off with major chest infection and as we are already 2 members of staff down have had to call in some emergency help. All fun and games!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for the responses. Since our local foodstores are paying 10.50 an hour round here we need to be competitive. our lowest rate currently is 9.50 per hour for a level 3 assistant (i don't employ anyone with less!) i have suggested we need to increase all pay roles by a £1 an hour. We are putting up paid fees but our rent has also gone up. Utilities are rising in November, but if i don't do something radical we will have no staff! people travel to get to us they can't afford the petrol and 2 of them have other jobs to pay the bills. My finance trustees is currently looking at a pay scale so we will see....lets hope she doesn't ask me for the information above though or we may all be getting sacked! Wages should equal about 70% of income and ours are currently at 60 due to lack of pay reviews over the last few years....time to get on it! Zig zag i admire you...no way i could live for that manager salary!😔 Indeed have average salary scales but tricky as it doesn't spilt between 38 and 47/48 weeks
  15. OK i need to do an urgent pay review for the staff. Lots struggling due to rise in costs. Please could anyone share rates of pay for Assistant Deputy Manager After school club supervisor After school club assistant Many thanks in advance!
  16. well done Sunny....no one fell off the poles then?
  17. good luck ....those poles are quite tiny (oh sorry didn't have my glasses on they are your kitting pins!)
  18. ah that reminds me of the 2 d approach...... do....must be done now delay.....must be done soon defer....pass to someone else or put on the pile! destroy.....rubbish....tear up and put in the bin immediately
  19. yes i found some little plastic carrots a couple of years ago, plastic eggs work well or the corner of a plastic bag tied to make it look like a carrot!! ..we have also done cups with a playdough cutter tied on.
  20. We have recently switched to birthday books....so the birthday child brings in the story for the day. They sometimes donate the book to us or they take it home (either is fine) . We tend to do playdough for easter. We have tried to cut down on sugar in lots of ways...cookery activities are thought about carefully. etc didn't stop us having pancakes today...though just with sugar and lemon, i wouldn't do chocolate spread etc now. To be fair this has been led somewhat by parents who have changed their preferences at home too
  21. what they come out to you???? !🤪 haven't seen one in years!
  22. Have read the latest stuff...you can ask for people to test and keep their kids off if they have it...as to will they do that that may be another matter!
  23. nah!
  24. Well was just about to update my covid plan to go free for all i think! don't really see that we can do anything else. Don't come in if you are ill. We won't have tests available so don't really know what else we will do. can't afford to give staff time off sick so if we don't test we won't know we have it! 😱😬🤪
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