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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Tough year! I too would be putting as much away as possible i think ....try to rotate stuff more often (like that thing when your own kids go on holiday and when they come back they play really well for a couple of days. ) Is this being led by a particular one or 2? divide and conquer may be?? Playroom syndrome???
  2. didn't know this one......went and looked it up now have an ear worm!
  3. Well done..some of us are leaders others just follow!! Guess I would start with what the schools want to know !!! Suspect a very short one page summary 🤔 i')) send you mine if you want?
  4. Love these versions....guess what we are singing today then !!
  5. so the list so far is Head shoulders knees and toes (i would say this is a nursery song and so counts!!) Incy wincey Frere Jacque Wheels on the bus Peter Hammers Goldilocks surprised that more people haven't jumped on this thread.....am i the only one who sings their way through the day😄 so it has been proven that children who know 8 songs at the age of 3 are likely to be much better readers later in school... as conversational skills and language are such an important part of the new EYFS i'm just looking at my ideal 8 think i would need if you are happy and you know it......sandy girl.......five currant buns.......twinkle twinkle ..... baa baa black sheep and tommy thumb........could go on!
  6. Thanks Gezebel thats really useful feedback.My displays are definitely not a strong point at the moment....feel i may have lost the impetus over lockdown !! Loving the workers in progress idea...may nick that !! thanks again. x fm
  7. so what would your top tips be Gezebel?
  8. I have realised that i cannot remember the last time i sang this but since i have SO many other languages in the setting that may be why!! does anyone sing any songs in children's home languages other than English or French?
  9. i'm loving that list panders!
  10. So if you were going to teach 8 nursery rhymes (hopefully to cover several subject areas) What would they be?
  11. Our LA does not give us any documentation to fill out. The statutory framework expects transition information to happen but doesn't give any details as to what that looks like. we are starting to use a passport type document instead for ours now which is more child centred (for those who don't use tapestry of course)
  12. i would agree a decent crumb coat will be fine and if it's not smooth enough do 2 crumb coats!
  13. We are out out on saturday !!🤣
  14. now have my log on!
  15. you ok froggie???
  16. SO just for clarity ...the early years alliance has created a portal for members. Most of us should have had log in details sent but they don't appear to have been sent to all. As many of us on here are members of the EYA we have access to updates on publications but without the portal login we can't get on to the system. Like Debbrad i had also been trying to get on to get updates. I'm afraid i have had to email them....but still to no avail
  17. AAHHHH Happy Birthday from me too ! xxx
  18. my favourites are oobleck ...cornflour and water (i think about 4-1 ratio??) cloud dough 7 flour to 1 baby oil and my playdough 4 cups flour 1 salt 4 tablespoons oil 1 tablespoon cream of tartar and then add 3-4 cups of BOILING water and mix then knead. (add scents/colours to dry ingredients if needed)
  19. Thanks Richard this was sort of the answer i was expecting..could joyful spirit not therefore use that system to record incidents with a parent?
  20. if you record incidents on the accident files are these added to learning journals?
  21. ok i can see why this might be done like this. have you thought about whether you will do a buttercream dome or will you do a cake dome (i think that much buttercream might be a bit much?? normally i would use fondant but if you are going for a buttercream dome then i can see the watery fondant system would be lighter and therefore work.
  22. leave that with me for a bit !! i'll go and have a think. never done the fondant watered down thing!!! interesting . As to putting the sponge in the fridge i would always recommend doing a crumb coat of butter icing then putting in a fridge to set. Sometimes you even need to do 2 coats of this if the result needs to be really smooth. Never use 'fresh' cake ....best baked the day before!
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