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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good tip - thanks Mousie I have completed three from https://kscmp.org.uk/training I am feeling quite virtuous!
  2. Is anyone else suffering with a severe case of 'lockdown brain' - I headed an email to staff this morning 'Tuesday 20th May' - it's Wednesday isn't it, is it? Earlier this year we bought a 'Dementia clock' for my MIL (she doesn't have Dementia) but struggled to know which day of the week it was - off to Amazon, I need one of those
  3. That sounds like a great plan fm
  4. Hi Deb I am so sorry that your Committee have put you in this position Easy for me to say I know, but I would fight them over this - how can hiring temporary staff be in children's best interests, so not only will they have to return to an unfamiliar set up but the people that care for them will be different too - this will impact on their emotional well-being Grrrr- this is what I most dislike about Committee run settings - never worked in one, but I would find it extremely hard to be led by people without basic knowledge of childcare and development Sending you every good wish Deb
  5. I deleted the email - think I thought that might make it go away
  6. Oh good grief email to say that I can expect a call from LA - they want to see how they can help with my plans for June 1st return - that's going to go well
  7. https://kscmp.org.uk/training This is 'Kent Safeguarding' - but I'm quite sure they don't mind who accesses their online training
  8. Oh zigzag - I'm so sorry that your Committee have put you in this position Sending you a huge virtual hug xxx
  9. Yay - I have found the training info - it is in a thread started by blondie May 3rd
  10. Just say "I don't think that is accurate" - leave it with her to find the evidence
  11. Oh and further to this - I have had a conversation with our primary HT and she is not planning on opening to Reception or Yr1 1st June - she as said she will take back Yr6 and work fro there
  12. Well I won't be in the Government's good books then as I am not re-opening 1st June In your circumstances I wouldn't want to open for just three children - can't it be 'put on hold' I can't see either how it would be beneficial to children especially as two of the three are siblings
  13. Good wording there Mousie
  14. This 'not responding' blows my mind - what is up with these people
  15. Yes that's right - there was thread started on here with loads of great links - doh - I should have copied at the time
  16. I wonder if anyone can help - right back at the start of this situation - some very helpful person posted some links for free online training and now I have lost them - any ideas anyone?
  17. Oh I was so carried away with my skills there I forgot to say that this is the latest that I have
  18. Standby - I am going to attempt a link - don't hold your breath Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak - updated on 15th May Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care This document provides information about nappy changing, PPE, SEN and social distancing – published 14th May Oh my life - it worked!
  19. Three children? Have all parents responded now?
  20. 73 - wow good on her! louby - I am relieved that your landlords have made the decision there Contact with parents has all been down to me - but honestly, I don't mind and at least that way I can ensure consistent contact and accurate info sharing Shhhh - I might have had a garden visit with eldest son and youngest grandson - the really good news is he hasn't forgotten who I am - he is 2.5 and obviously very much on the move so I had to 'dodge' him a few times - but wonderful, wonderful, wonderful he has brightened my day no end!
  21. I really need to up my time management skills - it is almost 3pm and I have not achieved very much at all today - as above I had a long conversation with our primary school HT I have emailed my staff team - have updated re replies from parents, have asked what online training they have achieved (not holding my breath here), sounded them out about some sort of return just for 'leavers' early July (?) quite honestly I don't want them sitting back thinking 'right that's it we are off until September now' that is not the case at all, if I can find some suitable, safe way to return before end of summer I fully intend to do so..... Have printed off some 'stuff' that I need.... Other than a few bits of routine housework that is about the sum total of my efforts for the day I need to sort some links for online training - that might spur them on a bit I need to contact current parents again - share some ideas with them I need to contact the prospective new children for September parents
  22. Have spoken to HT this morning - she says that she is 'stunned' by the amount of Reception children with parents who have answered 'yes' to returning - they obviously 'speak with forked-tongue' on their WhatsApp group
  23. My sincere thanks val
  24. Oh my actual goodness again - that's all anyone needs
  25. Oh my actual goodness what is wrong with some people
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