I really need to up my time management skills - it is almost 3pm and I have not achieved very much at all today - as above I had a long conversation with our primary school HT
I have emailed my staff team - have updated re replies from parents, have asked what online training they have achieved (not holding my breath here), sounded them out about some sort of return just for 'leavers' early July (?) quite honestly I don't want them sitting back thinking 'right that's it we are off until September now' that is not the case at all, if I can find some suitable, safe way to return before end of summer I fully intend to do so.....
Have printed off some 'stuff' that I need....
Other than a few bits of routine housework that is about the sum total of my efforts for the day
I need to sort some links for online training - that might spur them on a bit
I need to contact current parents again - share some ideas with them
I need to contact the prospective new children for September parents