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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Frogfins fantastic fripperies?
  2. That's what I call a result louby 😃
  3. Hi enuffsenuf Good to see you posting on the Friday thread I think with the 'beach scenes' we will have to agree to disagree and that's just fine we can't and won't always see things from the same perspective, that's normal and completely okay in my book.... One of my favourite sayings is: 'It takes many different flowers to make a beautiful garden'
  4. Such good news Cait - hopefully onwards and upwards now x
  5. Yay dog balaclavas are the way forward - now where is young Froglet when you need her! (Oh and sticky balls should be avoided at all costs!)
  6. zigzag - that is a plan so cunning that you could pin a tail on it and call it a fox 🤣
  7. Goodness - wrong their in my post <hangs head in shame> 🤦‍♀️
  8. Ah young Froglet pleased that you have posted - you do realise that if you don't pop up on our Friday thread that I worry about you!
  9. 'The cows' are now a topic of conversation on our village Facebook page - now I can (sort of) understand one or two people not recognising what is going on but my word their are loads of frankly ridiculous speculative posts <walks away muttering flippin' townies this is country life>
  10. Oh no Cait - thinking of you and your mum x
  11. It is unbearable poor cows, such a mournful sound, they will continue with this for ages too, when they do stop then I will be thinking that they are just in despair, farming can be so cruel - but then I drink milk and eat meat
  12. Have you had a look on Amazon? Just had a quick look they have quite a few on there
  13. This is going to sound snippy and I don't really intend it to be - why don't you just ensure that he/she is not in any group photos?
  14. I am going to have to close my windows - all I can hear is cows calling for their calves - they must have been separated today, such a sad sound
  15. I have kept your dad in my thoughts just as I said I would, hopefully it will be onwards and upwards for him now x
  16. Oh - should just say that I have absolutely no intention of retiring yet - I hope that I have a good couple of years left before I take that leap! 😁
  17. So, yes 'tis Friday again and like louby I want my life back! My 'big' news this week - I have had the invitation to apply for my state pension (yes, I am a really old girl!) - as a WASPI woman I have felt so cheated. So application in and hopefully I should get my first pension payment in October - whoop! whoop! How scary were those beach scenes yesterday - I honestly think the world has gone mad😮 I do understand that I am extremely lucky to have my lovely garden, but come on now folks this horrible virus has not 'gone' and we all need to remember that and act accordingly (ooh that was all a bit ranty!) have a good weekend all😃
  18. That is all quite sobering louby, particularly that the children were so very poorly.......
  19. Oh Cait - how awful - I am sending every good wish to them x
  20. oops just realised this is quite an old post - probably all sorted by now 🤣
  21. Hi Maria My understanding is that you can have 'fire doors' open if you are there in the room but they should be labelled appropriately and closed when you are not in situ
  22. Honestly, some people have no idea 😡
  23. Rude, just rude 🤣
  24. So here we are again, another Friday, I think this marks 13 weeks since I last worked - I feel sad about that, but I gave my parents an opportunity for children to return 30th June and they made their own decisions (only three wanted to return). Hope all is going well for my Friday friends who have managed to re-open🙂 It is our middle granddaughter's birthday today - I am just waiting for my Sainbos delivery to arrive and then I will pop up for a garden visit Have cut my own hair this morning 😮just with thinning scissors so nothing to drastic, think it looks okayish, don't think my hairdresser will be very pleased with me but needs must and all that 😁 Hope the weekend is kind to all x
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