I think that it's a really good idea and with some creative thinking I could manage to keep my 'leavers', however, this is not happening at our local Primary school.
I do have some real concerns for the children who will have been out of school for six months by the time September rolls round
My youngest granddaughter was in Reception and when she goes back (after six months) she will be in Y1, she will cope, she will have to, but it would be great if she could have a few weeks back in her familiar classroom with her usual teacher
This was a point of discussion on 'mumsnet' a few days ago, it was not at all popular with the mums who have children waiting to start reception
I do think that women/mums have been hardest hit by this situation, I wonder how many will have lost jobs
I don't think that the proposed 'staggered starts' are going to be popular either, but then I have no idea what else the schools can do really