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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. As they are dentists perhaps it's a plastic bag of teeth 🦷
  2. Goodness Cait that is some serious kit
  3. Hello Kearns and welcome to the forum I will follow with interest We are re-opening in September, usual session times Resources will be limited to those that can be easily cleaned (or quarantined for 72 hours) unless there is any new guidance issued (probably will be the night before we re-open 🤣) I am worried about how we will welcome our new children into our setting, 'fraid I don't have any answers to that one yet!
  4. No not here mundia, although I do know how anxious some of my 'leavers' parents are, it is hard when there has been none of the usual transition procedures, I just keep making all of the right, comforting, reassuring 'noises' - I do have every faith that our local Primary will put every effort into making their start at school as positive as possible
  5. Pleased to hear its not just me then
  6. 🤣🤣 could we put that B word in the same category as the C word please
  7. That is reassuring, thank you young Froglet
  8. Oh - I had missed this - what a brilliant scheme
  9. I don't have any coffee grounds (I'm very common and use instant!) Yes to egg shells and egg boxes
  10. Oh back to say that all of our old compost goes back in as well - i.e. the compost that we have grown tomatoes, potatoes in + compost from pots that are being emptied for the winter
  11. You can put in all fruit/veg scraps - uncooked! Paper and card - this is 'brown' aspect Grass cuttings - but not too many I never, ever compost weeds but some people do..... Never, ever add anything that has been cooked All of our 'old' plants go in at the end of summer The worms will find their own way in as will earwigs, wood lice, slugs etc A 'worm composter' is a completely different thing - that would take some faffing about
  12. Truth is Panders - as per usual they don't actually care about what nurseries/pre-schools can accommodate As I said these are the plans that should have been in the making back in March
  13. This is it - too late - plans should have formulated back in March when we went into lockdown I am so aware that September is going to be here before we know it
  14. I think that it's a really good idea and with some creative thinking I could manage to keep my 'leavers', however, this is not happening at our local Primary school. I do have some real concerns for the children who will have been out of school for six months by the time September rolls round My youngest granddaughter was in Reception and when she goes back (after six months) she will be in Y1, she will cope, she will have to, but it would be great if she could have a few weeks back in her familiar classroom with her usual teacher This was a point of discussion on 'mumsnet' a few days ago, it was not at all popular with the mums who have children waiting to start reception I do think that women/mums have been hardest hit by this situation, I wonder how many will have lost jobs I don't think that the proposed 'staggered starts' are going to be popular either, but then I have no idea what else the schools can do really
  15. In other news - I have had to ring our bank today - what a palaver it is to actually get to speak to someone..... Over the last couple of days we have been inundated with calls supposedly from our bank - it is of course a phishing scam 😡 As if this situation we all find ourselves in wasn't bad enough, it honestly makes me so cross and I really worry about elderly people who might fall for this - I must have a word with my lovely mother-in-law about this, although Mr. S did point out that she can't hear anyone on the phone anyway so she's probably okay, I don't think we can risk that though
  16. I am really enjoying all the bin talk! In our area, when the changes from 'all in dustbins' to recycling and household waste wheelie bins was about to be introduced, our Parish Council arranged for someone from our Borough Council to come and tell us all about it - this meeting was hilarious - I couldn't decide if people were being purposely obtuse or if they were a little 'hard of understanding' 😮 at the end of said meeting I helped this poor lady carry her 'equipment' out to her car and apologised to her about the apparent lack of understanding from my fellow villagers, she said "don't worry about it, it has been the same in every village that I have visited" - how bizarre As I said somewhere upthread we are keen composters (too keen probably!) - the results are great, we haven't bought any new compost this year, haven't needed to and of course we couldn't have done so because of shielding for Mr. S (dare say we could have got some delivered) I have on several occasions researched 'worm composting' - but then I think 'this is a step too far' and I know that I would soon tire of faffing around with that😁
  17. What Panders said! If you don't pay up they remove the bin! We are great composters though - it is a bit of an obsession here 🤣
  18. Hi - well I have to confess that I have not come across VRQ, so I have had a quick google, it seems that both qualifications are recognised both nationally and internationally. Could she make her own decision about which course content suits her best? Not sure that has been much help to you
  19. Oh dear enuffsenuf I am genuinely sorry that you feel like that and I hope that you will reconsider your decision? When I read this post yesterday evening my reaction was, do I reply or do I just let this lie now. The fact that you quoted my post has made me feel that I have somehow 'run you off' the forum. I have looked back at my posts to see if I regret anything that I posted and indeed I do - the crack about being Outstanding was completely uncalled for, however, aside from that, no regrets, I have tried to be calm and considerate in my responses, if I have missed the mark then I apologise You are clearly an enthusiastic and dedicated practitioner and I look forward to reading more posts from you, if you don't wish to take part anymore then all I can do is send my very best wishes to you
  20. 🤣 In the words of John McEnroe - you cannot be serious! Of course I will not just go back on Monday - I have known for weeks that we won't now re-open until September - this parents choice and I have huge respect for their decision making I don't have a gung-ho attitude - not my style at all - always play everything by the book - prepare for a stealth boast now - maybe that's why my provision is judged as Outstanding! Further to that, I am not sitting about feeling 'unwanted'- I was just sharing that I had a fairly miserable week I'm sure that you were trying to help, but really this didn't help at all 🤦‍♀️
  21. I have more starting than leaving - which is great news, we had so few this past year, so brilliant to be busy again
  22. Here we are then - it's Friday! Funny old week here, have been feeling quite down, I think this is because I really wanted to be back at work this week but my parents were too concerned about the potential risks so that didn't happen.... Then I turned over my calendar to July and it's bare, how sad, I like to be busy, busy, busy Anyway, I have given myself a good talking to and recovered some 'cheerfulness' 😃 Hope everyone has a good weekend and I will meet you all here again next Friday!🤣
  23. Hi Maria This came from a 'fire officer' - hmm - not sure how you could contact anyone.......sorry that's no help at all
  24. Just looking at it now - trouble is, how much can we plan in line with this - will it change again before September - who knows! Sorry Stargrower have just remembered that you are not term time only
  25. Let's hope that the bubbles are well and truly burst by September 😃
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