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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Of course, as is my way, I don't have a useful link but.....the BMA has now written to Government - they are of the belief that this idea of returning to school/nursery 1st June is not good - let's hope this carries some weight. I haven't been contributing to this and similar threads much because my decision is made. We are not returning, I have written to all of my parents outlining the guidelines and the restrictions that we would have to put in place. I sent out this letter with such trepidation (I Thought they would all hate me!), I have been completely 'blown away' by the support that they have shown me. I am very aware that I am at the age where I can say 'sod it' if I lose funding and/or my setting and that tis is not the case for others, so all in all, I felt that I should just keep quiet (those that 'know' me will understand that it's very hard for me to not throw my opinions into the mix!) I hope with all my heart that this Government come to their senses and none of this happens - I am suspicious that there is an element of 'kite flying' going on here i.e. lets put this forward and gauge reaction.....
  2. Ah there you are young Froglet - you do realise that if you don't post on the 'Friday' thread I begin to worry about you Eat the cake, it is risky to leave it, it might 'go off'
  3. Absolutely - I can't see my granddaughter (ok maybe I did today) yet I can go back to work and spend hours with my best friends granddaughter who attends my pre-school - oh and of course my friend can't see her - it's madness really
  4. Nooooo - oh my actual goodness
  5. I would be cross too - how irresponsible
  6. We have had two little rule breaks around here today... My poor BIL has Parkinsons, he fell in his garden this afternoon, my sister has RA and cannot get him up on her own, so my eldest son had to go to the rescue....risky but she didn't want to call an ambulance
  7. That is so kind of you louby - as I have said before 'I can't sew for toffee' - however, I will be stuck in lockdown with Mr S until 30th June (I dare say this will be extended) so no need for me to have a mask - Mr S does have some 'dust' masks if I ever needed anything - but thank you for your kind offer
  8. Hi Can you believe it's now eight weeks since we closed? <whispers very quietly> - I may have seen my youngest granddaughter today - Shhhh - kept at the appropriate distance and I said "oh I wish we could have a have a big cuddle" - she said, very seriously "we are not allowed to nana because of coronavirus", I said "oh I know I would like to smack that virus", she said "you wouldn't be able to, it's so tiny that you can't even see it" - I think I am pleased that she has some understanding, but I'm sad that this happening in the little world - she is only 4, will be 5 next month But anyway it was wonderful to see her and to get to talk her Have a good weekend all
  9. That is really bad form - have they been paid/furloughed for the past 8 weeks? Oh I'm having a bit of a seethe on your behalf
  10. Such a cynic mousie
  11. I have had just one reply so far - it was a lovely, kind and thoughtful message - I seem to have something in my eye
  12. I'm so sorry Mousie I really wish that I could help - I didn't go down the furlough route, it just wasn't worth it for me
  13. Well.....I have just sent my letter to parents, as I said somewhere upthread I am not going to re-open 1st June, I have said that I will continue to look at the situation and hope to return if and when we can do so safely and without all of the extra restrictions (They are all going to hate me aren't they) I could do with some of that Pimms louby
  14. Hi bizzylizzy - good to chat with a fellow 'Kenter' - I too am extremely disappointed with lack of support that we are being given I agree this is all so stressful Do check out the thread that anju has sign posted above
  15. Yeah I believe you louby Tat said I really hope that you can put it out of your mind for a while now
  16. Fantastic news - thank you for sharing
  17. Interesting to read your thinking louby
  18. This is exactly how I have been feeling - yesterday, I had a 'headache from hell' nothing would shift it I haven't consulted my parents yet, I didn't know where I was going with this and didn't want to make promises that I couldn't keep I now have to get my thoughts together and compose something for parents, but need to wait to hear back from my staff first I can't bear the thought of the pre-school experience that we would be providing with such restrictive guidelines to follow, I don't want the most oft used phrase to be "no, stop, you can't do that" - it would be so, so miserable for all concerned fm - I completely agree, I don't think that it will happen either - but I need to be 'up front' with my parents and I need to gain some peace of mind for myself
  19. I woke up this morning thinking 'why the hell am I even considering reopening 1st June'...... I know it's not safe to do so If it's safe then why have we been given such restrictive guidelines What sort of experience would it be for our lovely children And so much more - have I finally 'lost the plot' - probably!
  20. Those were the days
  21. I wonder if the 'definitely yes' will have a change of heart if they turn out to be in the minority, are they working parents?
  22. Yes, what blondie said iI don't think they will be knocking at the door for a long time yet - are you due then Deb?
  23. I really don't know how to react to that I haven't contacted my parents yet, as above I need a definitive answer from my deputy This all too stressful
  24. It's my deputy anju - I need her to work as I am unable to (husband shielding) - if she won't work then we can't open, not to come over all 'drama llama' here but I think that will be the 'end' of my setting so wages won't come into it...
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