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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh - I don't know anything about LOTR Is it 'Hobbity Hollow''
  2. have had to abandon my 'walk' - in our little field - spraying going on in the next field...….I could 'taste' it so quickly came back down to the house Honestly 'dodgy' sweetcorn and now spray - I'm beginning to feel more than a bit paranoid
  3. Oh I know - I stopped the planting out as soon as I saw the forecast! A bit worried about our runner beans - but if needs be we can cover with fleece As ever, we are battling with wildlife here - our strawberries (in polytunnel) ripening nicely - then lots of holes were appearing - turned out to be blackbirds letting themselves in and enjoying a fruity feast! have had to give my lupins a 'soapy spray' as they were covered in some sort of aphids.... Anyway - apologies - this is a games thread - right where were we - what are we still looking for young froglet?
  4. Absolutely
  5. Oh yes prorogation - not sure if spelling is correct Off to look up 'Gracile' now
  6. FWIW - I don't really believe that delaying children's start is the right way to go with this - all children will be 'in the same boat' and I know that Primary schools will be making all necessary adjustments to cope with this I am seriously beginning to wonder now if we will be 'safe' to return in September
  7. Just musing really - always good to increase vocabulary Furlough - never heard of it before Exponential - hmm - maybe just me but that word wasn't on my radar R value - new concept to me Anymore?
  8. No 1 is a complete mystery to me great idea for a game young froglet - good to exercise my one remaining brain cell
  9. 6. Is driving me completely mad - I know that I know it
  10. 5. From Wind in the Willows?
  11. !0. Neverneverland (Peter Pan)?
  12. &. Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)?
  13. Just to wrap this up 1. Passenger - best known for 'I let her go' but my favourite song of his is 'All the Little Lights' 5. Ron Sexsmith - I didn't really expect anyone to get him - however, if you want a 'treat' google 'Secret Heart'
  14. Oh - you are such a rebel Seriously good idea though
  15. My (very) elderly mother in law had some too
  16. Yep - faulty seams in the cans which could introduce bacteria....
  17. Oh my actual goodness - I have received a 'product recall' email from Sainsburys - it is for 'Green Giant Sweetcorn' - gee thanks - we did have a tin, I added it to a tuna pasta sald and we have eaten it oh well, that was several days ago and we are still here to tell the tale
  18. Soooo - just 1.and 5. - I did say they were hard Clues: 1. male, young, singer/songwriter the 'P' is his stage name, he sang about 'little lights' 2. male - I only know him for one song - this song ended the first series of 'The A Word'
  19. Yay! You're on a roll now louby!
  20. Oh - sorry young Froglet - no not Richard Stilgoe
  21. Well......you need to as it's not Eric clue - this E.C. sang about an army and he also sang about roses
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