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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I have to update you here enuffsenuf - I had nothing but kindness and support from my parents As for the Pimms - whatever gets you through I say
  2. You are not being in the slightest bit unreasonable
  3. I have always used your DIL's method - feet first - I wonder how many nappies I have changed
  4. Oh wow!
  5. I'm still thinking that this won't happen at all - we will see
  6. Yes, I think you are probably right I do know that the school don't want them back at all - this from the HT
  7. Good letter So....are you going back with just the six 'leavers' now? Have you sought clarification from your Insurers? How can parents just not answer - it beggars belief really
  8. According to my eldest son - the reception class mums have a WhatsApp group - so far only two children will be back out of their class of 31 - this could all change of course
  9. I told Mr S about this - he said "it's not 1st April is it"
  10. Time for me to get out into my garden and stop turning this all over and over in my mind I'm getting on my own nerves now, never mind anyone elses
  11. Stop! Michael Gove has just told us it will all be fine - it's just about managing risk (Andrew Marr) Well that's okay then!
  12. Too many questions and not enough answers Why so many restrictions if this is deemed to be 'safe'
  13. This is it - I don't want to be part of any nationwide babysitting service and I don't want to subject 'my' children to such a restricted pre-school experience I don't have answers and I feel that I am being terribly negative (or am I being realistic?) As ever, I wish that our sector could band together and stand up for what we believe is right......never going to happen is it
  14. Sounds sensible to me fm - I don't know I am not a scientist or a virologist - clear guidance is needed here
  15. Yep - that's the ones
  16. With sand - if a child is 'shedding virus' surely it will stay in the sand??? It seems to me that we would only be able to offer 'easy to clean' (plastic) items
  17. Denmark's death toll = 600 UK's death toll = 34,000+ Spot the difference
  18. Exactly
  19. I knew about that fm - but I don't know where from Have just watched the briefing in it's entirety - oh my actual goodness - the complete fabrication - the pressuring of parents - I could go on and on
  20. Yes he is very 'Frank' isn't he The 'paper' thing - I can tell you that one of Mr S docs rang this week - long conversation about all sorts of issues - his advice re post was to leave 3 days before opening Oh my word I meant to quote Mousie - no idea what I did there
  21. 'Clever' use of language "protective bubbles" sounds so nice - unfortunately we know what the reality of that idea would be
  22. Well I wasn't really serious when I said 'words of wisdom' whenever I chat on the phone to family, my sister, brother or friends who don't have small children they are absolutely aghast at the idea of sending the youngest back first (mind you it could be that they are just humouring me)
  23. Just come in from the garden and I see it's Gavin Williamson on the briefing - pleased that I recorded it, will watch from the beginning and listen intently to his words of wisdom
  24. Exactly - I am an owner/manager which means that the buck stops with me I not sure who you are insured with - Morton Michel for me, bizzylizzy posted on one of these threads that she had been in contact and the answer was 'no'
  25. Young Froglet - I think combining your love of crochet with your love of baking is a great idea! Please post pics of the results
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