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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. How sad Cait - how long will it take for repairs to be carried out? My parents are being painful re the decision to return or not 30th June, I've only had two with a firm 'yes' have had five firm 'no' and the rest need longer to think about it, I will have to put a limit on the extra thinking time - I really can't be doing with this for much longer....
  2. Crikey fm I think your shielded staff member has misunderstood - no going back to work, the change is to meet just one person outside
  3. I would like to send my very best wishes and a whole heap of positive vibes to all of my forum friends re-opening this week (I fall into Mousie's 'sod that' category)
  4. Oh my actual goodness - our Primary school have made a video and shared with parents/children to show how school will look from Monday - it is enough to make you weep - that is absolutely no criticism of the school they are just following 'guidelines' - I wonder how many of the 'yes' parents will now change to 'no'
  5. Have you replied yet? My answer would be something along the lines of "I am very carefully following the Government guidelines and testing of staff before return to work is not mentioned at all" At the same time I would be muttering under my breath - just make your mind up, come back, don't come back, but stop making my life even harder than it is right now 😡
  6. Thank you I will x
  7. We were all so worried about getting that right - little did we know what we would be worrying about two years on 😷
  8. Thank you louby My offer is for all children, we are such a small group that this is potentially doable - still have everything crossed that parents will decline the offer, I would much rather wait until September, but with yesterday's announcements that just doesn't seem fair anymore
  9. Good morning all and happy Friday - ten weeks since closure..... Have sent my parents a letter this morning re possible re-opening 30th June - I think that now Boris has outlined his plans to ease lockdown my previous stance of 'no, we will not open' is now untenable - will wait to see what replies I get, really hoping that they don't want to do it.... On a personal front we have had some wonderful news this week - Mr S has had a telephone consultation with one of his docs at The Royal Brompton, they have offered him the chance to have another endobronchial valve fitted, he is like a dog with two tails! 🙂 He had his first valve fitted two years ago and the result was just amazing, but his condition is progressive so things have not been so good of late....obviously no date as yet but his consultant said "I will be very disappointed if it is not before the end of this year"
  10. I completely agree louby - lots of 'good news' to try to deflect from the DC debacle Sir Patrick Vallence and Chris Witty urging caution and Boris - well what can I say I am finding all very scary
  11. Goodness - I misread that as fab private income - I thought oh that's great that you have such a good private income...... I don't think (although I don't know) that you missed anything Mousie
  12. Proof if any were needed Mousie that he does not know what he is talking about Now - back to test and trace (or whatever it is called) - I think the info from today's briefing would indicate that all contacts would need to self-isolate - or am I mistaken?
  13. We really don't know if we are Cumming or going - see what I did there
  14. Now - don't rely on my info here but I think if I developed symptoms I would be expected to contact 'someone' hmm nhs I suppose and then supply details of those that I had been in close contact with
  15. Actually - this one is not called 'track and trace' it is 'trace and test' or is it 'test and trace' - who knows!
  16. No Ben this is not the 'app' one - at least I don't think so...….
  17. I can't think who you mean Ben In my humble opinion they have given this system the wrong name 'track' hmm that immediately ruffles my feathers (I don't want to be tracked ever or by anyone)
  18. When he makes his big announcement later today...... Will he say "Thanks to the superb actions of the public we have now passed the peak and successfully flattened the curve therefore we are now ready to proceed to step two of our roadmap, re-opening schools and nurseries from 1st June" Or will he say "We have considered the situation carefully, sought advice from our top team of Medical and Scientific advisors and, sadly, this is not the right time to progress to step two on our roadmap, I now ask that schools and nurseries put their plans for re-opening on hold" I know which option my money is on
  19. I think you have made the right decision - don't feel guilty, we are in the middle of a global pandemic, in normal circumstances you would have welcomed him with open arms but, sadly, there is nothing normal about the situation we find ourselves in
  20. I agree with fm - time to get tough - I would offer her the option of unpaid leave
  21. My 'gut reaction' was no - I couldn't consider throwing a new child into the mix - how would you do this when parents will not be able to enter your setting? It would be a huge 'ask' to expect a new child to enter provision without the usual comfort of his parent being able to accompany him. Hopefully others will be along shortly who maybe able to provide some positive thoughts for you
  22. I think 'who knows or cares' might become my new mantra Mousie
  23. Hmmm - could we even resource the flour for daily play-dough making? I think I would just go with the 'no play-dough' at all
  24. louby - this is a genius idea and one that I think you could market
  25. There was also a beautiful sandpit in full use in the nursery that was filmed for BBC news last week I would still be worried about insurance - could be me being too negative - who knows - I acknowledge that nine weeks of lockdown has skewed my thinking
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