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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Strewth
  2. louby - I might have to come over the bridge to sort out your online shopping! I have different each week too, but once your 'favourites' are set up you can whisk through just chosing from them and then adding anything else that you fancy 🙂 One of my 'leavers' mums is convinced that he will be coming back to us - now that would be interesting, but not impossible, as we have a good number of newbies booked in
  3. An hour - get out of here louby - haven't you got 'favourites' set up - my online grocery shop takes all of five minutes! 😄 I have spent my day typing up 'transition docs' - have emailed to parents and they are all pleased with them so I can now pass the onto Primary School, have also been contacting 'new parents' looks like we will be nice and busy for September (yay!) so let's hope that we are back to some sort of normality by then (I won't hold my breath on that one) Anyone thinking of going shopping on Monday? It will be so interesting to see if our towns are busy - nothing could tempt me to go I'm afraid.
  4. Friday again! The most exciting thing about Fridays now is that I get my Sainsburys delivery - how sad is that 😃 Happy weekend y'all
  5. You lot are WONDERFUL - you have made me feel so much better - thank you x
  6. sunnyday


    Thanks all for sharing your thoughts🙂 I am particularly concerned about our 'new starters' but will find a way (hopefully) to make this work. I am planning a big 'sort out' at my setting in the next week or two - we have loads of 'stuff' that would be happy to just get rid of.... I wonder if we will get back to our usual opening hours - who knows
  7. I popped up to my setting today - this is only the second time that I have driven my car in just over 11 weeks - I felt absolutely full of adrenaline and not in a good way - not sure if it was driving or being 'out' but I will really have to watch this ☹️
  8. Lovely ideas louby thanks for sharing
  9. Love the idea of 'busy bags' what have you put in them?
  10. Only two fm - you're slipping!
  11. Where did they stay on their 'mini holiday' if all hotels, campsites etc are shut?
  12. I'm so sorry zigzag what a horrible position to be in
  13. zigzag - did you watch tonight's daily briefing - apparently the R value in the South West has risen to 1 - such bad news, I was sorry to hear this, but thought of you and wondered if you could use this to put your Committee back in their box where they belong
  14. 🙂 That's such good news young Froglet - go for it with pudding you have earnt it - have a lovely and I hope, restful weekend🙂
  15. sunnyday


    I know that we can only guess - but humour me please - what do you think September will look like?
  16. 'Waste craft technology' - get you - no idea that you were so posh 😀
  17. Well I hope she (Chairperson) is not going to think that you should open for just for them!
  18. Feel a bit uneasy for my 'like' for your post zigzag, as obviously, I don't 'like' that a child has had an accident...….but I do 'like' the idea that you have had a reprieve! The siblings - are they your chairperson's children?
  19. sunnyday


    Clever use of language isn't it 'bubbles'/'protective bubbles' - I'm really hoping that we won't need 'bubbles' in September, am I being overly optimistic?
  20. Oh zigzag I am so sorry to read this - your Committee are being completely unreasonable 😡
  21. Thank you for your support my little black and white furry friend it is much appreciated
  22. I have made my decision! We won't reopen for just three children - so that's it I'm done now until September - I really hope that we are back to some sort of normality by then
  23. Thank you so much zigzag such a good point about 'risks' I had sort of put that to the back of my mind and I shouldn't it is such an important consideration
  24. Thanks so much fm for such a well thought out reply. It was made clear to mine that it was for 'socialisation' only, these three don't need that at all each of them come from three children families. Cost wise it would just be rent, I am paying my staff 100% wage anyway. Oh and only one is a 'leaver'
  25. Yes, same here I have a real dilemma now and would appreciate some words of wisdom please - I only have three wanting to return - I'm so torn - had previously decided that five would be my lower limit - but now I feel mean - they are three little girls who get on like a house on fire - what would you do?
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