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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good grief you are soooo young (do your mum and dad know that you are out?) 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Flippin' heck Sue - you are much older than I thought 🤣 I can identify with all of your points + we had so much delivered to the house (parent's house) a baker came with wooden trays that pulled out of his van laden with bread and lovely cakes, there was a fish van and a potato man too In the sweetie line I offer sherbet dip-dabs, jamboree bags and spangles The grocer shop in the village had rows of tins containing loose biscuits - so you could go along with a bag and chose a mix of biccies and wonder of wonders there was one such tin containing broken biscuits at a cut down price Everyone had their shoes mended - lovely 'blakies' great for some impromptu tap dancing! Satsumas, Quality Street, nuts, dates were only seen at Christmas Presents were only given on birthdays and Christmas Toast made with a long toasting fork over the open fire Ice on the inside of windows in the winter Radio Caroline, Radio Luxembourg... 🤣 Bet you wish you had never asked 🤣
  3. Crikey louby - it is so localised isn't it - we had the aforementioned overnight storms and then we had loads of rain yesterday afternoon/evening...
  4. Oh my life - can you imagine! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. We have middle granddaughter's birthday today (such a worry that she shares her birthday with Boris Johnson☹️ ) we are having an evening family celebration for her - I am very much looking forward to that - plans are for outside - but could be moved inside if necessary - although son will be pizza making in the outdoor pizza oven...hmm I don't mind holding an umbrella over him! 🤣
  6. What a shame and such bad luck when you think of the weather we have been enjoying recently
  7. The 'spotty two' have been round for a garden visit (horrible to have to go back to that) granddaughter's spots no too bad, but poor grandson has a whole new lot, they are so 'angry' looking - goodness knows - following the chickenpox/not chicken pox she had it when she was tiny, but he hasn't had it 🤷‍♀️ Such a shame - they wanted to carry granddads presents - but were told (rightly so) "no, you can't touch anything that is for granddad". As I said before, at least they are not feeling unwell and the spots are not itchy - think this will be a forever mystery...
  8. Oh, I do hope so for you 🤞
  9. Hopefully you will get some today - had a look and you are under an Yellow warning for storms - actually most of the country is...
  10. My garden has had a lovely 'drink' - storms all night long - whoop!
  11. I have now seen 'spotty granddaughter' - safe distance outside (!) - she said, very proudly "2 doctors and a nurse have looked at me and they don't know what it is" 😂
  12. Oooh - where are you going young Froglet?
  13. That's so interesting - were the children unwell in themselves?
  14. Thanks for that - I will pass it on Just had a look and a read - it doesn't really fit because, thank goodness, they don't have any signs of illness, no fever, no sore throats... It's a bit of a mystery really
  15. Just popping back to say - all went well with respiratory nurse - she was lovely and didn't try to send him to hospital - phew! She does have a few ideas up her sleeve but needs to go back to her team for discussion and to access his records - so a case of wait and see...
  16. Nope - first diagnosis was prickly heat - then another doc + a nurse practitioner have had a look and decided chicken pox/not chickenpox - goodness knows - apparently there is another child in reception with same...just grateful that (so far) they are not unwell or itchy...
  17. Morning - 'tis Friday! Still very warm here - think we might get some rain on Sunday - would be good for the garden and for my water butts... We have a respiratory nurse making a home visit today for Mr S - he is struggling - I think that is down to the heat - but will see what she has to say - as long as she doesn't want him to go into hospital it will be fine 🤞 we haven't asked for a visit, he should have attended an appointment with her but wasn't well enough so she announced that she would come here... Our weekend plans have been scuppered - were meant to be going to elder son's house for Father's Day but our two youngest grandchildren are both covered in some sort of unidentified rash/spots - Doctors x 2 best guess is that it may be connected to the chickenpox virus but not actually chickenpox 🤷‍♀️ whatever it is we can't risk Mr S being exposed to it - the children are not feeling itchy or unwell in any way so that's a blessing Have a lovely weekend all x
  18. I will hope for some rain for you zigzag - sorry to hear that you are having similar warnings from your water company...loads of homes in West Kent have been without water for days now - poor things, I feel their pain - I think that all of my fellow villagers are expecting our taps to run dry again any day now ☹️
  19. Mr S has a cousin who he likes to fishing with - said cousin called round with his wife this afternoon - she said "oh, what are you knitting" - showed her and she said "let me write down the details, I've got loads of wool, I will make you some squares" - that's what I call a result!
  20. Oh Cait how fantastic (what a shame you couldn't be there) - I am off to check out the website!
  21. My brother rang at lunchtime "have you got any water up there", I replied "yes, but I don't how long for"... just had an email from South East Water asking that we are only to use water for essentials...'ere we go again ☹️
  22. Never mind dogs and grandchildren - I need to set this up for myself! 🤣
  23. Brilliant tip - except that he is such a 'wuss' he is frightened of the fan When Mr S uses his nebuliser he barks at him 🤦‍♀️🤣 I did sneak out to water the plants in the polytunnel - looked back at the house and he was sitting at the french doors watching me - but Mr S said he wasn't fretting so that's okay...he associates the field (where polytunnel is) with running around like a loony - really much too hot for that 🤣 It's lovely here now - french doors are open and there is a nice cool breeze.
  24. Sending him kind and healing thoughts Cait Wow - it is amazingly hot here - why do I feel the need to wash everything in sight when we have great drying weather? Sadly, some selfish ******* has lit a bonfire - I'm so cross - poor Mr S struggles to breathe in heat without bonfire smoke in the air - grrrrrrr - and, of course, I would rather my washing was smoke free... Both dogs are fast asleep - it's all too much for them - can't imagine how hot it must be for a golden retriever in his beautiful fur coat...I really need to go and water in the polytunnel but he will want to follow me so need to leave that for now and keep my fingers crossed that everything is okay...I could just shut him indoors but then he would fret...might try 'sneaking out' but highly doubt he will not notice! 🤣
  25. 🤣 Well usually remember to just mutter it quietly to myself 🤣
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