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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Well for some reason I am utterly exhausted and really struggling physically. Am hoping it’s just the remnants of the cold that still havent managed to shake completely but am really fed up of feeling like this. Been a good week at school, our girls this year are fab and it’s the boys that are harder work! Which is unusual. It’s all a work in progress! Have a good weekend all.
  2. I cannot believe it’s October already! All ok down here. “Gate wars” has calmed down! All four of us staff have been struck down with this awful cough and cold this week. It’s very unpleasant and has made us all feel terrible and we are quite a hardy bunch usually. Think we are through the worst now. It was so bad that I felt sure we all had Covid! My husband was working in Devon this week and struggled to get fuel on Monday but I think things are calming down here now, my Mum got some quite easily yesterday. Thank goodness this didn’t happen in the height of the summer season with all the tourists in Cornwall as we would not have stood a chance at getting fuel then! Have a lovely weekend all.
  3. When did common sense and a sense of personal responsibility disappear? Sometimes I just want to find a corner and sit and rock in it!
  4. Oh gosh, a simple message from me reminding parents to shut the gate as it was left open at lunchtime has kicked off gate wars! When a parent suggested a shut the gate sign might help, I ever so politely asked do parents really need a sign to remind them to shut the gate that leads onto a busy road to keep their children safe!! Well clearly they do, might start offering to wipe the parents bottoms for them on the way out as well!
  5. I need some polite but ever so slightly tongue in cheek slogans reminding parents to shut the gate!! Ideas please…..
  6. That was good timing then! I was trying to explain to a parent who was being rather demanding about a afternoon space for their two year old the other day about the magic three turning point. I’m not sure she believed me that that can make all the difference! I hope the coming week is better for you and you stay safe xx
  7. Oh Louby my heart goes out to you. I hope everyone is recovering and has not been too poorly. Hope you have a restful weekend. Stay safe. Xx
  8. Well I’m on the other side and am very envious of your gentle pace of life!
  9. Exclusive image of Gavin Williamson leaving the Department for Education earlier this afternoon …
  10. Ahh Louby Lou, so sorry you are having a difficult time. I’ve decided running a pre-school is like being on a rollercoaster, lots of ups but also many downs as well. My intention on returning to school was to stop letting it take over my life. I’ve decided one afternoon will be put over to admin and Tapestry and that’s that! (🥴not sure how long that will last) It just seems a never ending TDL. I hope you feel better about things soon. Xx
  11. Every teenagers dream I should imagine. (Actually thinking I wouldn’t mind ten days of that either)
  12. Unfortunately not. It’s just too far away.
  13. Sadly the ones in the office who are setting up the new company, despite them happy to work their notice and train others up the boss has told them to go straight away. Seems he may be cutting off his nose to spite his face. The carers that are going with them have also been told to go straight away. It’s so sad, they are such a fabulous company and the carers are truly wonderful people, we have been so lucky to have them. My husband has been told that if the bathroom is not 100% finished by next weekend then he will not be going back to work on the Monday😬. I’m sure it will be, him and his brother are doing a great job.
  14. Well I am exhausted, I just don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve only worked one whole day and 3 half days but am physically and mentally done in. All children have returned so happily, literally running in the door each morning which is fab. Three new children, two settled without any upset and it’s like they have always been with us. The third is a little boy who I will be asking for some advice about from you wise people in the next couple of days. (My mind is too frazzled to put my concerns into words now) My house is covered in a thin layer of plaster dust EVERYWHERE, you can’t get in the shed very easily to get to the freezer because of tools and wood and my greenhouse is full of new bathroom items. Having to use the outside toilet each time (and get dived boned by Daddy long legs) and then going to my sons to use his shower each day. It’s totally out of routine and out of my control which I find incredibly hard! If I don’t have a useable bathroom by next Friday, I am leaving home! Worried about my dear old Dad, as he has the best carers that come in four times a day and he has formed such close relationships with them all, but sadly someone from the company is leaving to start their own company and a lot of the staff are going with them. Dad is beside himself and so unsettled that he will not only miss them but have to get used to new people. It’s very upsetting, as these amazing people have made how his life is now, so much more bearable. Felt very sad today as there is literally nothing I can do to make it better or ok for him.
  15. So how are you finding retirement so far Sunnyday?
  16. We had a fab first day, they literally ran in as soon as the door opened and started playing. Two newbies settled happily without much support as well. Long May it continue! We have had rubbish weather lately and today was beautiful!
  17. Got quite a bit achieved yesterday, finished up at school and have got on top of the paperwork. Just need to come to a decision about what and how we are going to use Tapestry moving forward. Have read so much and so many different viewpoints that my head is spinning. Currently waiting for a skip to be delivered as my husband and his brother are taking the next couple of weeks off work and completely renovating our bathroom. So excited, it’s the same awful bathroom that my mother in law had before we bought the house from her and that was 23 years ago! So it’s been a very long time coming. Not looking forward to having to use the outside toilet for the next couple of weeks and popping to my sons house to use his shower, but it will be with it.
  18. Looks great to me!
  19. We have sunshine in Cornwall! It’s a real novelty this year!
  20. Advent figures finished. Quite pleased with them, I am no artist or painter! Onto the nativity set next.
  21. Eau de spaniel in my house as well! Someone decided to stray from the path and run through the recently muck spreaded field this morning!
  22. Our nearest is 2.5 hours away!😢 Only ever been to IKEA once in my life, good job I don’t live nearer as I loved it!
  23. Sorry about that! Don’t look at the sticker house then! I am so tempted by a vinyl to go on top of our low level storage but am resisting the temptation until we get the fundraising going again!
  24. Have you seen the website the sticker house. They do loads of stickers for home corner furniture.
  25. Not sure if this is any use to anyone or not, but will pop it here. 2021.08.13 Schools Flowchart v13.pdf
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